Reminder to write Crystal! Being deployed sucks!

  • @Smoochie, holy crap!!! Thanks for the update on @Slej. So sorry this has happened but thankful that he should fully recover. That's scary stuff. Sad that I won't be able to meet you two now. Prayers for a speedy recovery...

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • Holy Crow!!! So sorry to hear about the glad that he is improving. It sure looks like he'll have some awesome bragging rights over body scars!!! Seriously though......we'll be keeping him in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy, FULL recovery!!!!!

    Those who will give up essential liberty to secure a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

    2016 Slingshot SL Vin# 8855 (born in September 2015) w/ Alpha Stage 2 Turbo @ 7.5psi

  • @Slej was in an accident and has been in the ICU. He is now home.

    @Smoochie and @Slej
    So sorry to hear about the accident. The good thing is that you are still around to tell the story. Here's to hoping for a speedy and successful recovery. My wife and I live not too far from you two. Please reach out if you need anything! My wife has been with Sentara for the past 30 years. She has connections at all of the area hospitals. If @Slej is at any of those, just let us know. I'm at NMCP. If you guys are over here, just let me know.

  • Hello

    We have not been following along on this thread. We (Cathy and Marty) plan to ride over with Macaws and bride. We look forward to meeting everyone. Sounds like some of the folks we met in Clarksville will be attending. Cathy offered to bake some nice french bread. Have to pack light on a Sling


    Barbie and I look forward to see you guys again. :):D

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • Holy shit. @Smoochie, I'm sorry your family is having to deal with all of this on top of everything else lately. He and I had a good discussion when he stopped in last weekend, and I know there's a lot on your plate. Please, if there is anything we can do to help, let us know. My cell is 757 621 7725. Meals, transportation, visits, work around the house - whatever.

    If you guys can make it out to the party, we would of course still love to have you. There will be comfortable accommodations both inside and outside to relax, and plenty of food and comradeship. Totally understand if you don't make it. Hang in there, and don't be afraid to reach out.

  • Thank you all for the kind words and prayers. We really appreciate them!!

    We have so been looking forward to this get together. He is having headaches and his pain is not manageable yet. That's why the not sure.

    The fella that was riding behind him said he would give him a 10 for his dismount but had to take points off for the landing. He was airborn about 15 feet and did a full somersault in the air then landed right on his head.

    Who knows, he may feel wonderful Saturday AM and we'll see you all. I promise to keep you all posted. I do need a text where to drop off our donation!!!

  • @Slej is Navy Tough and will come out of this better looking than before this little 'mishap'! (And he was a handsome gent to begin with!)

    @Smoochie your Sling is safe and secure and I've got the battery on a tender, plenty of room to store and there will be a frosty beverage waiting on him when he escapes the nurses!

    Wishes going for a complete and speedy recovery.

  • Holy crap @Smoochie ! Give @Slej a hug for me (and a swift kick in the butt when he tries something he's not supposed to do). I'm sorry to hear how badly he was hurt, but very happy to hear it wasn't worse. @KayTwo should be texting our address - if he doesnt, please let me know.

    And if you need anything, please do t hesitate to ask.

  • @Smoochie Sailors are tough. Some not as tough as you. Prayers go out to you, my Brother. You look good compared what it could have been. You're here to fulfill a mission that you may not even know yet. We did not lose you for a reason. Now it's up to you to find out what it is. And when you do, you'll have a team backing you up.

  • I like poetry, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick.

  • Do not know you much @Smoochie and @Slej, but like others have stated, prayers and thoughts for a speedy recovery . . .

    And the important thing is he's still here! 15 feet in the air? ? ? Landing on head? ? ? I'd be gone. . . You've got a tough one there. . .

    And interesting to see it was on a two wheeler . This is why the Sling is my first "motorcycle" . . .

  • Thank you for all the well wished and prayers. They are working, and I am feeling a lot better!

    US Navy 1990-2015
    "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
    better than the animating contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We
    seek not your council nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds
    you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

    --Samuel Adams

  • This is the first time I've opened this thread. I'm too late for the party as it's tomorrow and I have plans this weekend that I won't be able to change. I really hope to meet as many from here as I can one day. As for @'Crystal', thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service! As for @Slej, I hate this happened. I'm thankful that you will recover, and have lived to tell the tale. Not sure what caused the accident, but this is why I've backed off from riding two wheels as much. Drove the Sling over 12k this season, only about 1300 miles on the Harley. Never thought I would say this, but we are kicking around selling the Harleys next spring. Below are pics of my Harley from August 2013 that was totaled when the van decided to U-turn from the side of the road just as I was going by. Hit him at 40-45, no helmet, got about 15 feet in the air and landed hard. My foot was on the brake, and you can see how bad the damage to the brake was in the second pic. My foot still gives me some issues to this day.

  • Sorry to hear this... @Slej stay strong and get healed up. Rest/Relax and I know you will be back in the SS soon. The bike looks bad, but it can be replaced. Your a tough guy and I know your going to 100% strong soon.