• Driving home from work this evening in the middle lane of a 3 lane city street, I noticed a beefy, bald man in a large pick-up truck eyeing me and the SS. With his window rolled down, I figured he wanted to chat me up at the red light. I wasn't in a chatty mood so in usual fashion, I turned the radio up a few extra notches which usually discourages anyone who can't read the back of the SS from asking me, "what is it?". Keeping my eyes forward, waiting for the light to change, I could hear that this guy wasn't trying to get my attention, but rather rambling off something that I couldn't discern.

    When the light turned green, we both accelerated at a normal pace with traffic in front of us. This guy was very adamant about continuing his tirade, speeding up and slowing down in order to stay next to me, get my attention and make sure I heard what he had to say. I sped up and moved into the left lane hoping the car in the middle lane that was in front of me would create a barrier. He proceeded to speed up and moved into the middle lane in front of that car, slowing down in order for me to catch up. Finally, while driving at 40mph, I looked in his direction, turned the radio down and gave him a "What's up?" head nod. What I heard was something along the lines of "I know you guys...yada yada yada". From his tone and rambling, I had the feeling he wasn’t interested in the number of horsepower so I turned the radio back on, sped up and moved back into the middle lane in front of him as we approached another red light. Stopped at the red light with him behind me, I could hear him continuing to rant.

    When the light turned green, we had another 600 feet before we hit yet another red light. With a car approaching in the right lane, I had hoped to merge into the right lane just in front of that car and prevent this guy from getting behind me so I could make a right turn and disappear. As I moved over, the guy cut the other car off, gets in behind me and yes, continued his tirade.

    I made the right turn and he turned right behind me. I moved into the far left lane and maneuvered around some cars, again trying to create some space as he was in the middle lane. When that wasn’t working, I realized I had a small window of opportunity to flip a bitch as there was a break in oncoming traffic and a concrete median was starting in the suicide lane. At the opportunity, I slammed the brakes, gave him a “goodbye salute”, spun the wheel, letting the rear tire slide during the 180 (don’t think I had traction) and hit the gas to get the 1/4 mile back to the intersection and through the green light before it changed. As I gained control of the SS after the turn and looked in my rear-view, I could see him trying to maintain control of his fishtail as he nearly missed the medium as he did a 180.

    As I approached the intersection, of course, another red light. I jumped into the right turn lane and hoped traffic from the left would get the green light and make it impossible for him to turn after me. No such luck. He made the right turn and was behind me. Finally, at this point, there was about ¾ mile of road with hardly any traffic. I hit 90 mph (40mph posted) and after about ¼ of me creating a lot of space, he gave up as I lost him in my rear-view. I hit the next red light a mile down the road, made a right turn and quick left behind some buildings in which there was absolutely zero cars, zero activity and not a single living thing in sight. As I progressed behind the buildings to make my way back onto the street, I noticed a motorcycle in my rear-view. Thinking that no one had a legal reason to be behind the buildings at this time, I reached for my weapon which was stupidly locked in my glove box.

    As I turned the corner from behind the buildings to make my way back onto the street, the motorcycle pulled up next to me. My adrenaline pumping and weapon now by my side, the guy on the bike asked me if I was O.K. Come to find out, he had witnessed the entire thing play out and had followed me to make sure I was good and asked what happened. We both acknowledged that we were surprised by the guys behavior because he had a very large Harley Davidson sticker on the back window of his pickup truck so neither of us good understand his actions or intentions. I almost wish I would have turned the radio down so I could hear what he said. I thanked the guy on the bike for having my back and made it the 25 mins home, just enough time to let my adrenaline levels return to normal.

    We all know the SS draws attention, but apparently, it can draw the wrong attention.

  • Doesn't matter what your ride is... there is always someone out there with hair trigger. Your trike was probably polluting his hardcore motorcycle pool. Which is kinda funny, yuppies and Harley's.

    Slingshot Flyer! Well, of course it's red... :REDSS:

  • This road rage incident sounds pretty familiar. Something similar has happened to me twice since I've gotten the slings.

    Once driving to Austin, two guys in two seperate trucks (I think they were together) came out of nowhere and started f'ing with me on i35. One guy was just shooting the bird out at me, yelling fuck you, etc. Each would get on the side of me, slowing up and going faster then getting back on the sides of me. It was extremely wierd. Finally they got off the freeway with one final salute.

    Second time this happened, I was out for a sunday drive, I see out my rear view mirror one of those jacked up trucks barrolling towards me. He gets on my left and starts revving his engine like he wants to race. I ignore him. He get's in front of me and slams on his brakes then speeds off. (mind you, this was going 65-70 on a freeway). I see him about a quarter mile ahead and notice he slowed by traffic on the right side. I get into the left lane to pass the traffic and think nothing of it. Minutes later this asshole comes barrelling towards us again and get's on my right side now and rolls down his windows telling me to get over so he can kick my ass.

    You may say..... well you did something to provoke this. Hand to god, I am the most passive guy in the world and try not to piss people off, especially on the road. It seems to me that some people just hate this thing. A buddy who was riding with me at the time thinks it's jealousy or hardcore bikers that want to fuck with people. Luckily I am in Texas so it's open carry. I think I'll remove the gun from the glove box and holster it on my side. I've been debating doing this since soccer moms get scared.

    Be safe out there everyone. It's a fucked up world.

  • Yep, PA is the same. I usually keep my H&K in the glove box but I may buy a open carry holster.

    The sling is so open and exposed, I'd feel safer if it was easily accessible.

    PA is open carry as well but odd..... You can open carry in PA with no license but can't carry loaded it in the car without a concealed carry permit. Then again, the permit is 10 minutes at your local sheriff's office and $20. Good for 5 years. No class or anything else needed so there really isn't an excuse not to have one.

  • Man that is some crazy shit but I can relate. The route South from my house is a very heavily traveled road all summer long with bikes and cars of all types shapes and sizes. For example, last Sunday my daughter and I followed a group of 25 or so custom cars South and while we were Northbound heading home passed by a group of no less than 100 sport bikes having an outing. It was a pretty cool sight to see that many sport bikes in one long train because normally it is non-stop Harley's and cruisers in groups. My point is there are all types running this roughly 50 mile stretch of road and it never fails that someone has a hard-on for the sling every time we drive it.

    From my perspective its far too early in the game for this vehicle to have haters that hate but for some reason they do exist. I hardly have any guess as to why other than there are hardcore two wheeler's that must hate that its classified as an MC. To be fair though it's far from the majority as we get far more waves and thumbs up than middle fingers and thumbs down. It's a head shaker really.

  • the other day was driving through town in slow two-line traffic. Rolling past a truck on my left I feel something warm hit my arm... look down and see what appears to be spit... WTF... the passenger deliberately did it... really pissed me off but in today's world it was better to just keep riding.

    Proud supporter of S.O.G.

    (Slingshot Owners Group)


    Owner/operator: MeanSling LLC :thumbsup:

  • the other day was driving through town in slow two-line traffic. Rolling past a truck on my left I feel something warm hit my arm... look down and see what appears to be spit... WTF... the passenger deliberately did it... really pissed me off but in today's world it was better to just keep riding.

    You should have gotten the license plate and report him, it is a shame our time. They are jealous IMO.

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • Glad I checked this thread out. Where I live when in my SUV people tend to do a one finger off the wheel wave (not the middle one) as we pass by, just being social. I usually go with two fingers, a peace sign, just my style and no problem ever.
    Now, when in the SS people most often don't respond, which I read as probably checking out the ride and not being unsociable. I have the following observation to make about other bike riders, who traditionally side wave fellow riders. When I do my usual peace sign I get as follows:
    Harleys-10% side wave, 90% either give the stink eye or pretend not to notice. My friends who have Harleys love this thing.
    Sport bikes-about 50% wave.
    BMW riders-75% wave.
    Gold Wing and other cruisers-about the same.
    Tanom, Can Am, and other trikes, including HD-99% smiles and thumbs up.
    About a year ago I had one kid who didn't look old enough to drive whip a U-turn and get on my tail. I was young and stupid once so I just pulled over and let him go by. Most people who start to tailgate me back away when I look in my side mirror with my OK, I know you're stupid glare. Had one guy who must have had a very bad sunburn on his neck keep his jacked up wannabe monster truck way too close. After about a half mile of this I figured he came from a multiple genealogical background (sister is also his aunt, mother, etc.). I pointed at my helmet, then back at him then held up a hand pistol like we did as kids-he backed off rapidly.
    Until they come up with a cure for mean and/or stupid I will have my CC. Be interested to hear observations from other owners and bikers.

  • Driving home from work this evening in the middle lane of a 3 lane city street, I noticed a beefy, bald man in a large pick-up truck eyeing me and the SS...We all know the SS draws attention, but apparently, it can draw the wrong attention.

    Couple thoughts:

    1. That's why my pistol stays on my person at all times. If I take it off my belt it go somewhere where I can put a hand on it in a damn hurry.

    2. I had a guy on a motorcycle at a red light the other day scowl at me and shake his head. Older gentleman riding a beat-up Harley. At the time I thought it was funny, but given your story I see now that I need to recalibrate my threat meter. Thank you for the lesson.

    All in all, I'd say you handled it as best you could given the circumstances you were placed in. No armchair quarterbacking here. Glad all ended well. Drive safe.

  • Thanks everyone! I'm just glad my 12-yo daughter wasn't in the SS when this happened.

    I've also been curious about this. I've never owned a motorcycle but I understand there's a "brotherhood" and see the respect riders pay to each other. When I got the SS, I didn't want to inject myself and assume that I was automatically part of the club, so never waved at other bikes. Occasionally, I will get one that waves as we cross paths and I'll wave back.

    There must be a group of people out there who look at SS owners in a different light, as though we are treading on their sacred ground?

  • That is crazy... I am not sure what is going on... maybe jealousy or just not there cup of tea. 5 weeks ago or so as I am driving down I-234 here in VA, a person on a Harley looks over at me and looks at the SS and Shakes his head (negatively) at me and gives me the thumbs down. I just figured what I have is not for him. He is riding what he desires and I am riding what I love. Later that day my thoughts went on in my head - Saying t myself, "I like my SS and because I don't ride what you approve of...your loss", and knowing I can no longer ride a traditional bike do to a military knee injury. I almost wish I could have given him a piece of my mind. But oh well to each its own.

    Lets all keep riding and riding safe!


  • Won best of show at a car show last weekend. Didn't want to enter but my niece and nnephew were some of the ones setting up the show. I was entered in the bike group of course. I didn't win best bike which I was glad I don't really consider it a bike. There were a lot of sharp cars and bikes. My 7 year old wanted a trophy so bad. When they were announcing winners I took him to the other side of the lot just in case we won. I really didn't want to make a production out of it. Well after all the awards I thought I was safe. And then it happens best of show. In the motorcycle class number 2. But you better believe it he heard it and goes flying across the parking lot yelling that's us dad we won we won. You could hear a pin drop when I walked across to get it. There were quite a lot of head shaking pissed off people. He grabbed it and was so happy. I got so many questions while I was there throughout the day on why its considered a bike and it should be a car. I've been to a couple car shows with it. I usually get a little of every reaction from people. I went to a all bike show once and it became clear real fast I was not wanted. I parked walked around for like 5 minuted and left. The tension in the air was bad. Not one person Came over to check out the SS. I've had one person pull up next to me and yell some mean stuff all I could do was wave and smile and said I guess you won't be wanting a ride then. Different strokes for different folks.

  • Won best of show at a car show last weekend. Didn't want to enter but my niece and nnephew were some of the ones setting up the show. I was entered in the bike group of course. I didn't win best bike which I was glad I don't really consider it a bike. There were a lot of sharp cars and bikes. My 7 year old wanted a trophy so bad. When they were announcing winners I took him to the other side of the lot just in case we won. I really didn't want to make a production out of it. Well after all the awards I thought I was safe. And then it happens best of show. In the motorcycle class number 2. But you better believe it he heard it and goes flying across the parking lot yelling that's us dad we won we won. You could hear a pin drop when I walked across to get it. There were quite a lot of head shaking pissed off people. He grabbed it and was so happy. I got so many questions while I was there throughout the day on why its considered a bike and it should be a car. I've been to a couple car shows with it. I usually get a little of every reaction from people. I went to a all bike show once and it became clear real fast I was not wanted. I parked walked around for like 5 minuted and left. The tension in the air was bad. Not one person Came over to check out the SS. I've had one person pull up next to me and yell some mean stuff all I could do was wave and smile and said I guess you won't be wanting a ride then. Different strokes for different folks.

    Sorry to hear that...it is crazy the amount of jealousy or immaturity I guess that people have against one another! That's okay...because we are in our own show class :thumbup:


  • Oh well. The friendships I have made with fellow owners are priceless, and I would get up in the middle of the night to help them. Thing is, I would pull over to help any biker. Proud to be one of the overwhelming majority of SS owners who take the high road.
    (Make sure when the high road is wet you slow down)

  • Sorry to hear that...it is crazy the amount of jealousy or immaturity I guess that people have against one another! That's okay...because we are in our own show class :thumbup:

    Polaris built the thing. The States license it. We just fork over our kids college education to own it. Bike week was happening here in AZ a few weeks back and the SlingShot was represented at most events around Phoenix (either by Polaris or dealerships). I'm becoming increasingly interested in what conversations or feedback they are getting from the hardcore bike crowd.

  • Man your a passive fella, I would of stopped @ one of those lights and confronted guy. That's my nature , (done it before) Yeah probably stupid cause you never know who "ELSE" has a gun. But I find when you confront someone, lock em up if tailing you or pull next to them and say something or tell them to pull over they all the sudden aren't that tough. Being a guy with a HD sticker on his truck ya have to wonder what his issue was? he was probably some Fag who rides a sissy sportster with Fringe on his bars just jealous :00008359: .

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • Its crazy how some people think you want their opinion on your vehicle and what you should drive or ride. Its best to try and get away at first chance by turning, even though I can carry, I don't want to be involved in a road rage shooting incident.
    I hope some of you would proofread your posts and try not to drop the F-BOMB in your posts, I can use the word too, I try not to make it my vocabulary.