Corona Virus

  • "Seriously why exactly do you think mail in ballots are more open fraud"

    Because Cadet Bone Spurs said so, and that's good enough for BD.

    Whats with you and the "Cadet Bone Spurs" in every post?

    seriously you cant even set aside your hate to have a polite conversation with us here?

    Name calling all the time makes you look worse not better - - - just saying

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I agree with most of what you said except the stats part.

    Statistics never change at the beginning and never change at the end but are fluid in the middle..(the end is defined when no more data is collected) that is the nature of math. I like stats because they give you a glimpse of what is going on currently, and if you want you can compare them to past but unlike Fauci I do not like the predictive models.. It is just like watching the weather forecast and they say our normal temp for today is... In reality that is the average temp for the day based on probably a hundred years of statistical data.

    I truly agree with I would never want to unknowingly give this to anyone else...

    I agree with you about your statement on stats, and I think my point is that people state a stat, as if it's the end. Not to pick on anyone, but I think a stat was thrown out above about .5% death rate of people who come down with it, maybe it was .05, I'm too lazy to look, but that's not the end stat.

    Yes, we have a low death rate overall, and that's a good testament to our excellent health care and science, but just because it's a low percentage, doesn't give anyone the right to ignore measures to help prevent the spread. We know this is spread from person to person, and we know that a mask can help prevent that (note, I said help prevent, it doesn't 100% prevent it). Even if it's a very small bit of help, even 1% help, I'm going to do it.

    Too many stats are comparing this to previous years Flu or other sicknesses, and those previous years stats are the full years worth, hence my comment about what it will look like come December.

  • A headache & Loss of smell are common. Many times people get headaches but a loss of smell isn't that common. I wonder if there is a degree of the loss of smell? Is it really noticeable? Any input from anyone the has or had the virous?

    every single person that I know that has had it for real has said that they lost their sense of smell and taste, to the point that one of them burned her lips/mouth when she was making chilli and kept adding hot peppers to spice it up and couldn't figure out why it wasn't tasting right until she had burned herself.

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.

  • you have no idea how bad the democrats want Trump out....

    democrats this and democrats that....... to me you sound as democrat as tree hugger hippie from commifornia with all your conspiracy theories.

    And yes I am calling you a democrat because you bitch, moan and talk non sense just as much as every democrat I know, so you know if you quack like a duck, walk like a duck then you must be a GD duck. :00007983:

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.

  • democrats this and democrats that....... to me you sound as democrat as tree hugger hippie from commifornia with all your conspiracy theories.

    And yes I am calling you a democrat because you bitch, moan and talk non sense just as much as every democrat I know, so you know if you quack like a duck, walk like a duck then you must be a GD duck. :00007983:

    You must really dislike ducks.

  • democrats this and democrats that....... to me you sound as democrat as tree hugger hippie from commifornia with all your conspiracy theories.

    And yes I am calling you a democrat because you bitch, moan and talk non sense just as much as every democrat I know, so you know if you quack like a duck, walk like a duck then you must be a GD duck. :00007983:

    I love how you said this to this guy, but not every democrat thinks or acts like this. It"s like comparing an orange to an apple:thumbsup:^^

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • I love how you said this to this guy, but not every democrat thinks or acts like this. It"s like comparing an orange to an apple:thumbsup:^^

    There is good and bad on both sides , my problem is with those like like to pretend to be one thing then behave like another....

    For example(/readies shield) man who convert to women (and can pass for women) and go to a bar and pretend to be normal women to pickup straight men..... again I have nothing against anyone do whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt others, just don't pretend to be something you are not.

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.

  • Where the mind goes...

    Somebody has already been there.

    And as bad as things may seem at times...

    Hoping that the highlight of the day is not finding a peanut in somebody else's shit.

    Slingshot Flyer! Well, of course it's red... :REDSS:

  • democrats this and democrats that....... to me you sound as democrat as tree hugger hippie from commifornia with all your conspiracy theories.

    And yes I am calling you a democrat because you bitch, moan and talk non sense just as much as every democrat I know, so you know if you quack like a duck, walk like a duck then you must be a GD duck. :00007983:

    it’s all democrats that have committed treason..

  • There has been a lot of discussion here over masks. OK - lets just say we all agree we should wear a mask in public for argument purposes. Ran across this....…t-likely-stop-coronavirus

    So if you honestly want to protect yourself and others how the hell are you supposed to be able to tell what masks are effective and which you are just pissin in the wind? At this point I think we can all agree that we have just been pissed on with crap information since day 1.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • There has been a lot of discussion here over masks. OK - lets just say we all agree we should wear a mask in public for argument purposes. Ran across this....…t-likely-stop-coronavirus

    So if you honestly want to protect yourself and others how the hell are you supposed to be able to tell what masks are effective and which you are just pissin in the wind? At this point I think we can all agree that we have just been pissed on with crap information since day 1.

    the way I see it any mask is going to reduce the distance the droplets of moisture that we cough and sneeze travel - I am not talking about the virus itself which is very small, I am talking about the water droplets that the virus can ride on for long distances. Now I am sure that some masks do better than others at reducing the distance, but it would seem than even a thin single layer cloth mask is going to better than no mask. Sure it may not stop nearly as much, but it has to stop or slow down some - - - also if you are in a market with a bunch of other people the cumulative amount stopped by everyone wearing even a crappy mask could be very large

    Of course better masks would be preferred, but crappy is better than nothing - JMO

    I think people make a mistake when they think the mask has to stop the actual virus, that may be the goal for medical professionals working with patients, but for the rest of us out in public I think its more about stopping the spit and moisture we all exhale and cough and sneeze or at the very least reducing the distance it can travel

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • There has been a lot of discussion here over masks. OK - lets just say we all agree we should wear a mask in public for argument purposes. Ran across this....…t-likely-stop-coronavirus

    So if you honestly want to protect yourself and others how the hell are you supposed to be able to tell what masks are effective and which you are just pissin in the wind? At this point I think we can all agree that we have just been pissed on with crap information since day 1.

    The virus is not "airborne" so there is really no need to have an N95 mask unless you are a medical professional or someone who needs to be in close contact with people.

    The reason for mask is to prevent people spit/droplets from contaminating surfaces that would be touched by others, although a piece of cloth/cheap mask will not help you if you stand in close proximity to an infected person but it prevents infected people from unknowingly spreading the virus.

    The really troublesome thing about this virus is the fact some people show no symptoms, I know of 2 people who had covid and presented no symptoms and the reason that they found out they had it is that their wives also had it and had symptoms(one of them passing away).

    In one family the kids didn't present symptoms either so had it not been for the wife who tested positive and forced the whole family to get tested they could have gone undetected and continue to spread the virus without knowing.

    The other family had no kids so it was just the wife and husband, husband never presented so much as the sniffles yet the wife ended up passing away( 35 y/o no known pre existing conditions).

    Like i said before I have no idea what this thing is and why it attacks some while ignoring others but if something as simple as a piece of cloth while in public can help slow down the funerals then lets do it..

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.