Well it was a perfect long weekend until.....

  • Mark I hate that you are having to deal with that mess. I'm glad you and your family are ok.

    I recieved my package that you sent yesterday and was so impressed with the quality of the products. I can guarantee you that I will order much much more for the forum and I will do everything I can to show off your abilities and your products. I am thinking that most people have no idea of what you actually can create.

    Just hang in there and I will get with you on pricing for several items and you can give me a few suggestions for items to sell here on the forum. Email me you contact info and the best time to call and I will give you a ring next week.

    Once again,,,,, just hang in there and let the insurance work out the mess. And don't let it get to you. It will all work out. And trust me , I will get you some orders soon.

  • I'm truly am sorry to hear this happen to you Mark! ;(

    I'm breathing a sigh of relief knowing that life's most precious assets were spared and unharmed ~> For that, we are all so very grateful! Material possessions can be replaced, family can't ~> and with fire, it really could have been much worse!

    *Pictured below was our 3AM wake up call from a neighbor only a few houses over (family of 5)... A couple more minutes in that house, we would've been attending their funerals. Scary stuff!

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you...

  • that there - pure talent. Really, really good looking accessories

  • As other have said, very sorry for your loss and glad that it was only material possessions. Fire sucks. I was on the local volunteer fire dept for 10 years, and it is just so difficult seeing people's lives upended when something like this happens. Between that, and the accidents (automobile) that happened, I just couldn't stay on any longer. Most of the people I knew personally, it's a small community. I cared enough to want to help those in need.... but it's a double edged sword. I also cared too much to the point that after 10 years, I had to leave. Too much stress, and I had seen enough death to last me a lifetime.

  • Mark,
    So sorry to hear..... Imagine it is as much the "why me" feeling as anything else. Insurance will never cover what the vehicles meant to you, but thank God, no one was injured. Just one more "test" for you and yours---- as per usual- you came thru with flying colors! Hang in there, with all our prayers and best wishes!

  • Mark, so sorry for the fire. Understand the love for cars but like you said the really important things are safe and sound. If anything I would say the opposite. It was the luckiest weekend for this reason. The good Lord was watching over you and your family.

    Figured enough time has passed to ask the question..... What do they think caused your truck to catch fire? Sort of odd an hour and a half after you parked it?

    Proud supporter of S.O.G.

    (Slingshot Owners Group)


    Owner/operator: MeanSling LLC :thumbsup:

  • My barn burned little over a year ago - can't add much to what everybody has already said - just glad you are safe. Don't let the insurance company push you around - they certainly did try that crap with me. If help is needed I will be glad to help.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Mark, so sorry for the fire. Understand the love for cars but like you said the really important things are safe and sound. If anything I would say the opposite. It was the luckiest weekend for this reason. The good Lord was watching over you and your family.

    Figured enough time has passed to ask the question..... What do they think caused your truck to catch fire? Sort of odd an hour and a half after you parked it?

    it was one of 3 things either a wiring short. Or arson. Or the spent fireworks were in the bed. We finished fireworks at 11 and the bed has covers so it's more or less air tight we thought anyways. Fire didn't start until 3am so really were not sure. We did just evict someone in town for not paying rent. Who's really pissed off. He's into crack and meth and is overall not a very good person. Police are investigating. Neither the police or fire dept was thinking it was the fireworks. Me I'm not so sure that was my first thought the fireworks. We do spray them all down with water after to avoid that happening. Bottom line unless they find evidence connecting him to it we may never really know. There wasn't much left of the truck for them to investigate.