Lets see those dogs!!! And cats or whatever pets you have

  • That's terrible news. Love the Huskies, so loyal and playful. I didnt get min fixed, i preferred their playful nature and attitude.

    The malamute had cancer of the spine and they didn't think she would survive surgery with mobility of her back legs. She was 112lbs so that would have been a horrible life for her. - God I miss her she was so good with kids

    My Husky was rescue and very unpredictable bit 3 people and they made me put him down. We tired everything we could to try and place him. Spent a fortune trying to work with him even the trainers gave up. Heart braking he was either severely abused or poorly bread I have no idea. He is the part reason my wife and I are so involved with the SPCA.

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • Another tragic end. Sad day, I agree that those 2 breeds are very protective of their "family"... Their heritage and where they come from will tell it all. My dogs name is Thor, Registered name "The Almighty Thor", As a new pup I have made it a point to have as much social interaction as possible such as daily trips to the dog park/pond/woods (all connected) and let him interact with people as they find those breeds adorable and "fluffy" lol. Albeit, i do find his behaviour in his adult years to be more dominate and testy... I believe that is due to me never having him fixed and the testosterone be flowing lol. All in all... It's my breed of choice.

  • Well, our fuzzy little princess Ellie....(really the wife's princess).....had to have surgery on the 5th for a Luxating Pettella (spelling???)
    She got too rambunctious and injured her left back leg.
    It was pretty traumatic for the little girl, since she has never been away from home since we got her at 8 weeks old 5 years ago. Needless to say, the wife was a basket case through it all as well. The surgery went well, but I had no idea how involved the surgery actually was!!!! There were wires, a pin, some bone cutting....good Lord!!! Ellie's leg isn't much bigger than a chicken wing!!!
    Here's a shot of the little girl when we brought her home from the surgery, and spending a scary (for her) night at the vets. You can see her little chicken wing in all its bare nakedness!!!

    She was pissed at momma for leaving her at the vets and boy did she make the wife suffer all day!!! She would turn her back every time the wife tried to make up with her.....then the wife would start crying because she did this to her dog.....Oh it was ugly for a while!!! I tried to escape to the garage a few times...but sadly....I was summoned back into the house every darn time.
    Happy to say that it's been a little over a week, and our fuzzy princess is doing quite well!! She's almost back to her old self and even strikes her "Road Kill" pose when I say "Ellie!! Road Kill!!":

    She goes to the vet on Monday to get the stitches removed...then we should be good to go. Of course she'll be pissed at the wife again for the rest of Monday, but there is light at the end of the tunnel!!! Then she can get back to being "Jaws Of Death" again! :00008040:

    Those who will give up essential liberty to secure a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

    2016 Slingshot SL Vin# 8855 (born in September 2015) w/ Alpha Stage 2 Turbo @ 7.5psi

  • I'm glad the hear she is doing better "I mean the Dog" :):thumbsup:

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • @roadog1aj..A-Bomb , glad to hear the pooch is doing better, yeah surgery on the little guys can be rough...
    And I hope the Mrs. wasn't to upset she didn't stop feeding ya yeast!! :D:whistling:

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/