Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Damn......seeing this just gave me the urge to go take a good healthy hillary, and then wipe my clinton multiple times

    Those who will give up essential liberty to secure a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

    2016 Slingshot SL Vin# 8855 (born in September 2015) w/ Alpha Stage 2 Turbo @ 7.5psi

  • Just heard on radio, Bernie is meeting (your presidant) I'm sorry can't even say his name he SUCKS SO BAD! anyhow, wants to have him join there side & the bitch to power up against Trump. To me looks/ sounds like a desperate move. I hope he says shuv it your your ass! Join the witch you have been battling, sounds to me like a "I give up" if he does it.

    It amazes me how many Trump supporters there are. That group Annominous is apparently for Trump. There making sure there's no BS going on , watching things like a hawk apparently to make sure its all fair & no crooked crap going on.. Let's face it, AMERICA IS CROOKED EVERY WHICH WAY! Needs to be watched


    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • The left is going to pull out ALL the stops to keep Trump from being elected. I think this is going to be the most volatile election in modern history. The left including radical Hispanics, Black Lives Matter VS Trump supporters I am afraid is a recipe for violence. Since these militant groups thought process is flawed and cannot win through powers of persuasion - they will attack innocent people. So sad how far our country has spiraled downward.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • With so much bitching and moaning about the current front runners, I am really shocked more people haven't looked at Gary Johnson as a serious contender. He has my vote like he did in 2012...why:

    Abolish the IRS and implement consumer based taxes (Fair tax)
    Is less inclined to go to war
    Wants to audit the fed so we stop building debt on wasteful spending
    Doesn't want the government to be a part of your bedroom...marry whoever you want
    Fiscally conservative - balanced the budget in New Mexico even when a bi-partisan government around him
    Socially liberal - You want to smoke pot, do drugs, anything like that? Sure...go ahead...treat it as a health issue instead of a crime

    I think the reality is most people are really Libertarian, but the main stream media has told you that you can only be one or the other so you get locked in to your beliefs that you are either Democrat or Republican based on those influences.

    Actively looking for another sling...It is time...

  • The left is going to pull out ALL the stops to keep Trump from being elected. I think this is going to be the most volatile election in modern history. The left including radical Hispanics, Black Lives Matter VS Trump supporters I am afraid is a recipe for violence. Since these militant groups thought process is flawed and cannot win through powers of persuasion - they will attack innocent people. So sad how far our country has spiraled downward.

    hey @Bill Martin what if all of this is a mastermind plan to invoke martial law and keep current asshat in power?????

  • The left is going to pull out ALL the stops to keep Trump from being elected. I think this is going to be the most volatile election in modern history. The left including radical Hispanics, Black Lives Matter VS Trump supporters I am afraid is a recipe for violence. Since these militant groups thought process is flawed and cannot win through powers of persuasion - they will attack innocent people. So sad how far our country has spiraled downward.

    hey @Bill Martin what if all of this is a mastermind plan to invoke martial law and keep current asshat in power????

    never been a fan of conspiracy theories but I am at the point where nothing would shock me. I used to think it was total BS when people theorized that Trump got in to ensure a Hillary victory. Still don't wanna believe that but I KNOW Trump is smarter than some of the stupid things that he has said to give the Wicked Witch ammunition.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I KNOW Trump is smarter than some of the stupid things that he has said


    I believe those "stupid things" have been carefully choreographed. I don't feel anything he says, tweets, writes, hasn't been carefully vetted by his staff. He is the king of making it sound off the cuff and his people are brilliant at keeping him on the public's mind .....

    An interesting article from a reporter who thought Trump had no chance, but has now taken a complete U-turn a......…president-commentary.html


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • I believe the fix is in! Today Obama endorsed Hillary despite an ongoing FBI criminal investigation by the FBI. I do credit him with intelligence and he would never expose himself to the embarrassment of having endorsed someone who was later indicted for federal criminal behavior. He will never let it happen.