Finally had my left knee replaced. I believe it's a keeper!

  • I know that it's packed with all kinds of numbing meds right now. However I wasn't able to get the nerve block like the do to alot of people now. It would have lasted about 18 to 24 hours. This regular numbing medicine wil probably last for a few more hours. I'm guessing right before my rehab appointment this morning. Lol.

    I can move my leg and even walk to the bathroom without any help right now. I have a walker but it gets in my way. Don't worry about me doing any laps around the house without the walker. But just inside the house I am going to try to do this on my own. Also I have Allison follow me with my office chair so I drop down into it when needed.

  • That's great man! Glad you finally got that done. My shoulder surgery sucked but I have recently been cleared to start lifting weights again, albeit very light weight, and I can pick my son up again without having to brace my elbow into my hip and still be in crippling pain. The recovery road sucks, especially when those numbing drugs wear off, but at the end it's definitely worth it. Unfortunately, part of the human condition is to not address a lot of things until we are well past the mark we should have and it begins to impede our lives or completely stop us from doing things. Hope you have a quick and relatively painless recovery and hope to see you in Maggie. Say hi to Allison for me as well.

    ZZPerformance EST 2000 - Go Fast Not Broke

  • seeing how well you are doing gives me hope. I had my right knee x-rayed today and my pain doctor is going to try injecting a jell into the knee first to see if we can avoid knee replacement. Hope you have a fast recovery.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • I hyper extended my right knee on the dance floor years ago. It ended my dancing and I still have a problem with it. I hope it is not long Bobby for you to get back to 100%

    See, that's why I don't dance. It's dangerous especially to anyone who would be within an arm and leg reach ^^

  • I know that it's packed with all kinds of numbing meds right now. However I wasn't able to get the nerve block like the do to alot of people now. It would have lasted about 18 to 24 hours. This regular numbing medicine wil probably last for a few more hours. I'm guessing right before my rehab appointment this morning. Lol.

    I can move my leg and even walk to the bathroom without any help right now. I have a walker but it gets in my way. Don't worry about me doing any laps around the house without the walker. But just inside the house I am going to try to do this on my own. Also I have Allison follow me with my office chair so I drop down into it when needed.

    I know you have been looking forward to having this fixed for awhile. Glad to hear that it seems that everything went well with the surgery, looking forward to seeing you back in the Slingshot and burning up some tires!

  • Finally removed the bandage cover and got depressed. This is going to take a while to heal. :-(

    It'll heal a lot faster than you think. My hands and shoulder looked pretty bad once I got the initial dressings off but it goes pretty fast. The rehab is what takes a little time. I got both hands done back in August and they still get tired and achy pretty quick. The plus side is I can feel all my fingers again. Hang in there and you'll be shreddin tires again soon.

    ZZPerformance EST 2000 - Go Fast Not Broke

  • My fingers got so bad I was dropping small screws when working on computers at the job I had. That was 32 years ago and they are getting that way again. Doc told me that sometime the operation does last. I only had one hand done at a time as I didn't have any good enough friends to help me when it was time to go to the bathroom.

    If the music is to loud you are to old.

  • Hey there everyone, wanted to give you a little update from today. I have been talking to Allison today and she has been giving me some updates on what is going on with Rab. She said I could pass along this information to everyone here on the forum, especially since so many of you are like family on here. Rab was doing pretty good after the original surgery for the knee replacement, but he started to have some pain last week. Earlier this week they went to the doctor and were told that the pain is normal after the knee replacement, but Rab kept saying that something just didn't seem right. Yesterday afternoon, he stood up and the wound opened up and showed serious signs of infection, so they sent him to the emergency room and started him on anti-biotics. This afternoon they took him into the operating room and replaced part of the implant, cleaned it all out and cut out some dead tissue. They also inserted a drain tube that will have to stay in for a few weeks. They may have to go back in, but the doctor is pretty sure he got it all and with good behavior, hopefully our fearless leader might be able to go home Sunday. I plan on talking with Allison again tomorrow and if I get any other updates, I will pass them along. Please keep him in your prayers, good wishes, etc.