Slingshots in the Smokies 2017.May30th-Jun 4th.

  • That is fair and the right thing to do. Respect is deserved and given by me. Not registered SS for $25 a day is fair also. If you put up a donation box at the registration table, I'll toss in a $20 to help compensate and I'm pretty sure others will too. Thank you for standing up in this concern, and look forward to meeting you and all the others. Well played!

    I agree and also thank @ivor for all his hard work. Put a donation can out there as I too would gladly give. This is the right thing to do Ivor and in a few years you may have to rent the entire Smokie Mountains (or maybe Dollywood) !

    I think a body removal race between @Painter and @rabtech would be worth paying for!!!

    It takes me 45 minutes with hand tools alone. As soft as the fasteners are, I don't trust impacts! I yield to @rabtech s expertise always!

  • Time for my two cents...
    I just got back on the Forum from a very busy and enjoyable weekend with family and friends. The first thing I came across was this thread. To make an informed response, I decided to read the entire thread. By the last entry/post, I was very pleased to see everything worked itself out.

    Before anyone passes judgement on what I am about to say...please remember, opinions are like assholes. We all have one, and they all stink...some a little more than other's!!!

    First, let me event of this size costs money. Plain and simple. Without getting into specifics, let's just say..we all pay the price for events in one way or another. Logistics and events during the event costs money! All of this can only be based on money you have "on-hand". Which brings me to my second point...PRE-REGISTRATION. That is the basis to event planning. Think about can't expect to put on an event of this size, and not incur some sort of expense. As a planner, participation interest is a good indicator, but, can sometimes prove unreliable. Paid pre-registration is a guarantee, of sorts.

    Jumping forward a bit, let's say the money collected doesn't cover the events planned for the particular event. Since this event is planned for the benefit of the Slingshot community, would you not think it prudent to reach out to those individuals FIRST to discuss the shortfall? That way, everyone has the opportunity to offer their input as a group and agree on the changes. Perceptions of improprieties are also removed.

    On the other hand, let's say there is an excess of funds. That same GROUP discussion could be conducted to figure out what to do with those funds.

    The point I am trying to make, WE, as "event-goers" have a responsibility to the "event planner"...and vice-versa. If we want all the bells, buttons, and whistles for our events, we need to communicate that by PRE-Regestering. Like I said, it gives the planner a clear road map of how to proceed.

    This is where, I suspect, I will get my pee-pee smacked.
    Now, for those who (for valid reasons of their own) choose to wait until the last minute, or are unable to make a decision until the last minute...these funds should be considered excess funds for, either the next event, or put into action to benefit our host city in some form. this is just a thought of course.

    Everyone has seen advertisement like "Advance tickets - $10. $15 - At the door. It's a subliminal effort to get you to commit to whatever is being offered. It is also a way the organizers get a clear picture prior to the event.

    As a closing note...
    All of us are responsible for our own event enjoyment. As an event planner, a concerted effort should be made to include the individuals of the event if there should happen to be any changes. Just a thought.

    Glad we got all of this behind us, so that everyone can enjoy their time in Maggie. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

    V-SHOT OUT!!!!

  • Thanks IVOR on your decision to waive the $10/$5 fee.

    However, on another note, for future SSITS event activities, I still believe there is room for expansion to include more and other diversified activities during the day and evening. I highly recommend that you query the forum/s and get some feedback on what could be added and or dropped. Let us help you on determining activities.

    Thanks @ivor for all you do in support of this event. (Time for a group hug)


    I mean... COME ON! There's nothing like all of us coming together (THE WRECKING CREW IS REAL TIGHT FAMILY Y'ALL!!) :love: Not to mention, having @Dave@DDMWorks and @Jeff Welter climb underneath your hood, to personally work on your motor (heck, I may even have to get a lower back tattoo that says "FASTER FASTER" when they finish)! @Painter (who doesn't know it yet), is going to be painting my entire body with his magic brush! Augie will be laying some stripes across my tail... and @sideseatdriver, well... she's serving up sexy ass delicious cookies!

    YEAH ~> F-IN GOOD I TELL YA!!!! :00008040:

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you...

  • Yes, we will. I will be there also.

  • @ivor

    That may have been a hard pill to swallow but was a better alternative to the bad taste it would have left with everyone else. You work hard to make these events happen and you have some tough choices to make. From what I have seen and experienced myself, YOU PUT ON A DAMN GOOD SHOW!

    And maybe it's time we put it out there...

    What as a group could we do for you or this event?

    Slingshot Flyer! Well, of course it's red... :REDSS:

  • We do need to work together to maintain SSITS in all it's glory. There is no doubt in my mind that the work to put these events together has at least tripled, which in turn equals greater operational expenditures. Maybe @ivor approach wasn't as smooth as it could have been but heck he is a Brit, what do you expect!!!(yes I do know where he is from, inside joke)
    I vote man thong Sling wash area!...

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    I mean... COME ON! There's nothing like all of us coming together (THE WRECKING CREW IS REAL TIGHT FAMILY Y'ALL!!) :love: Not to mention, having @Dave@DDMWorks and @Jeff Welter climb underneath your hood, to personally work on your motor (heck, I may even have to get a lower back tattoo that says "FASTER FASTER" when they finish)! @Painter (who doesn't know it yet), is going to be painting my entire body with his magic brush! Augie will be laying some stripes across my tail... and @sideseatdriver, well... she's serving up sexy ass delicious cookies!

    YEAH ~> F-IN GOOD I TELL YA!!!! :00008040:

    Should I bring by body paint?

  • You know, I had no idea that there was any strife or even any grumpiness. I had to read back through. You should invite some new vendors. Clothing vendors, car wash and detail guys, more food vendors, public access to a slingshot related car show with kids tickets still just five bucks!!! Sunday Sunday Sunday! In the fairgrounds you should have plenty of room to add in any number of money making schemes. I certainly wouldn't be upset if there were cool vendors there even if they just had complimenting products that aren't specifically slingshot.

  • You know, I had no idea that there was any strife or even any grumpiness. I had to read back through. You should invite some new vendors. Clothing vendors, car wash and detail guys, more food vendors, public access to a slingshot related car show with kids tickets still just five bucks!!! Sunday Sunday Sunday! In the fairgrounds you should have plenty of room to add in any number of money making schemes. I certainly wouldn't be upset if there were cool vendors there even if they just had complimenting products that aren't specifically slingshot.

    @Cameron Roberts I have you Sling Thing for the detailing station!

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