Do we really need sporting events

  • my FICO was 826 about 2 months back, but then we got my wife her Volvo - it is now 808 per Experian

    we use credit cards for almost every purchase - I don't even carry cash and I even put the down on the Volvo with my Apple credit card - - - we also pay every card in full every month - no interest, really bothers my wife if we ever pay interest, but we do get the cash rewards - love rewards :)

    Only cards with no fees, only cards that give points we can use, & always pay before any interest is due - - - use the right cards the right way and they will make money for us instead of the credit card companies :thumbsup:

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • All I got out of that is ...I WANT>>>IWANT >>>IWANT....JEEZE ....LOL:saint:


  • I do the same. Charge everything I can and pay balance when bill comes due. I also like getting the cash back. So why don't I have a 900+ credit score? I think it's all bs developed by someone to make $$$.

    I think it has more to do with other factors- like what percentage of your available credit you actually use, on time pmt history and other things. my wife and I are both in the low 800's but it took a long time to get there so I think just the fact that we have maintained our credit for as long as we have in itself has raised our scores - - - we both have a very long history of never missing a payment or being late - - seriously, not one late payment ever in the 22 years we have been together and even longer before that separately - - - they say that things drop off your credit report after I think its 7 years, but I believe even if an individual thing that was bad drops off they still keep track of how long you are good

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I don't put much faith in FICO scores. I've never been late on any payments in my entire life and I usually pay everything in cash including my monthly credit card bills. And my FICO score isn't 800.

    exactly the entire FISA score thing is nothing but another way to get money from poor people to keep them poor. Rich keep getting richer ....on the backs of not so rich...

  • the article about the banks shuffling the loans around looking for the biggest bonus was just about that....not the 29% interest....that’s in loan shark territory...

    it was about how they are screwing the small businesses getting screwed in favor of a bonus...not on the businesses need....that should be criminal.

  • Let’s face the facts - money is a tool - some make it to survive - others use it to make more money. As they say - if you don’t like the players change the game. If any red cent is made by anyone within the bounds of the law - good for them. I spent many years helping corporations buy up smaller companies, file bankruptcy to avoid debt, forming shell corporations, and move money around offshore - bending the law but never breaking it. I find it interesting that the wealthy have become pariahs instead of symbols of the successful American dream. I liken my thought process to Bill Gates. If you can come up with a better operating system than he did - more power to you - your billionaire status would be well deserved. In the other hand it does not make him evil because he became the richest man in the world several times over from his idea.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • exactly the entire FISA score thing is nothing but another way to get money from poor people to keep them poor. Rich keep getting richer ....on the backs of not so rich...

    you do realize that by world standards - YOU are the Rich - - heck by Democrat party standards you are the Rich - -poor people dont retire ever, let alone before social security retirement age

    Yep - - the "poor" don't have Slingshots or other recreational "toys" those are only for the Rich - - - just ask AOC 8o

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Let’s face the facts - money is a tool - some make it to survive - others use it to make more money. As they say - if you don’t like the players change the game. If any red cent is made by anyone within the bounds of the law - good for them. I spent many years helping corporations buy up smaller companies, file bankruptcy to avoid debt, forming shell corporations, and move money around offshore - bending the law but never breaking it. I find it interesting that the wealthy have become pariahs instead of symbols of the successful American dream. I liken my thought process to Bill Gates. If you can come up with a better operating system than he did - more power to you - your billionaire status would be well deserved. In the other hand it does not make him evil because he became the richest man in the world several times over from his idea.

    see, I think this a the difference in mind sets between some people - some people see a rich successful person and use it as inspiration to try to better their own life - others see that same rich successful person and use it as an excuse to justify why they havent done well - - it goes back to the false narrative that the money supply is fixed and that when others make more it takes away from those who havent.

    Basically blaming the rich is a way to lie and coverup ones own failure - "its their fault" I could have had a better life, but they took all of the pie before I got my slice . Funny how those evil corporations haven't stopped all of the new wealthy people that continuously come along year after year after year by innovating new things and ideas

    Personally I love the Rich, for all of my working life I have aspired to be more like them and improve my financial position in life - and I have always viewed any law that hurts or taxes them as a potential roadblock to my own chances at success - Seriously if a person actually aspires to be successful why would you support laws that punish people for their success?

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Let’s face the facts - money is a tool - some make it to survive - others use it to make more money. As they say - if you don’t like the players change the game. If any red cent is made by anyone within the bounds of the law - good for them. I spent many years helping corporations buy up smaller companies, file bankruptcy to avoid debt, forming shell corporations, and move money around offshore - bending the law but never breaking it. I find it interesting that the wealthy have become pariahs instead of symbols of the successful American dream. I liken my thought process to Bill Gates. If you can come up with a better operating system than he did - more power to you - your billionaire status would be well deserved. In the other hand it does not make him evil because he became the richest man in the world several times over from his idea.

    Thousands of blue collar workers lives were ruined by that....Lost pensions, lost jobs, lost families, lost houses. It was man or woman should Ever work 10-20- 30 years and have nothing to show for it because someone figured out a way to take it from them to put in their pockets. corporate robbery...

  • Thousands of blue collar workers lives were ruined by that....Lost pensions, lost jobs, lost families, lost houses. It was man or woman should Ever work 10-20- 30 years and have nothing to show for it because someone figured out a way to take it from them to put in their pockets. corporate robbery...

    Sorry Sir - I toiled with it many a year and actually was one of my reasons for early retirement - what is legal may not be moral and what is moral may not be legal ! Take time to let that resonate. Just because there are winners and losers in the business world does mean because someone lost it rises to the level of criminality. Morally it might should be a crime.....but under current law it is not!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Thousands of blue collar workers lives were ruined by that....Lost pensions, lost jobs, lost families, lost houses. It was man or woman should Ever work 10-20- 30 years and have nothing to show for it because someone figured out a way to take it from them to put in their pockets. corporate robbery...

    I disagree - only a fool would count on someone else providing them with retirement, only a fool would trust the government to provide social security and only a fool would trust their employer - - yes these things are nice when you get them, but if you have 1/2 of a brain you should assume they wont be there and trust only yourself to save for your own retirement

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I disagree - only a fool would count on someone else providing them with retirement, only a fool would trust the government to provide social security and only a fool would trust their employer - - yes these things are nice when you get them, but if you have 1/2 of a brain you should assume they wont be there and trust only yourself to save for your own retirement

    Let me fix your statement into a TL;DR..... Only a fool or a parasite would think that it is someone else's job to provide them with anything.......

    To Bigdog
    If you want it work for it, if you can't have it then you have no one but yourself to blame, god created every man equal so if Bob can be the CEO of XYZ company so can you, you just have to put the equal amount of effort and make the right choices when they opportunity presents, if you choose not to put that effort and remain forever at whatever level you are at then you can only blame yourself for your lack of drive/ambition.

    It is truly annoying every time someone starts complaining about CEOs doing this or not doing that or corporate greed in general ...... like if they were in their shoes they wouldn't do the same or worse and when you psychoanalyze these type of people(complainers/fingerpointers) and what they do at their current level they then to be the worst of the worst human beings.

    Grass is always greener on the other side, it's a lot easier to complain about doing something than to do it yourself.

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.

    Edited once, last by Neosolidus ().

  • I disagree - only a fool would count on someone else providing them with retirement, only a fool would trust the government to provide social security and only a fool would trust their employer - - yes these things are nice when you get them, but if you have 1/2 of a brain you should assume they wont be there and trust only yourself to save for your own retirement

    before corporate greed took hold...there was no reason to think companies wouldn’t honor their pension security was a great idea.....until the democrats raided the fund to pay for the Vietnam war...without raising taxes...

    I don’t know how it was for other industries but I contributed $2 a hour to my it’s not just company money...

    The pension was a company promise legally signed by both parties in the contract...

  • before corporate greed took hold...there was no reason to think companies wouldn’t honor their pension security was a great idea.....until the democrats raided the fund to pay for the Vietnam war...without raising taxes...

    I don’t know how it was for other industries but I contributed $2 a hour to my it’s not just company money...

    The pension was a company promise legally signed by both parties in the contract...

    corporations / employers gave you everything in this world that you own - - without those greedy bastards you would have nothing - - -

    Seriously you sound like AOC

    like some damn socialist

    Ohhhhhhh - $2 an hour, a whole $4,160 a year - - - WOW!!!! - I'm impressed - - - NOT

    you are a dang socialist - - you gave $4,160 a year max and now they are supporting you and giving you WAY more than you ever put in and you call them greedy - - - typical union socialist mentality where you think you are owed something for nothing - -

    Blocked - just cant take it any more, I would rather listen to AOC and her than to hear one more ungrateful word you ever have to say

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies