Madstad Hood Hinges?

  • Installed my set awhile back. Problem I have is hood not latching by the windshield. Not quite sure why not. If I peak in it looks like the pins on the hood is in the latch but even when I push the left side doesn't want to lock. That would be driver side.

  • Installed my set awhile back. Problem I have is hood not latching by the windshield. Not quite sure why not. If I peak in it looks like the pins on the hood is in the latch but even when I push the left side doesn't want to lock. That would be driver side.

    U may need the adjustable hinge supports. I had the Alpha ones..

  • Plus, if the hood needs to open more or you need better excess,for whatever reason, wouldn't it be easier to just remove the hood. I can get my general maintenance done OK with stock. What am I missing?

    Probably missing the extra 50 pounds that some of us have and LOVE the extra room to work in there

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • Even after all the hassle that they have given me(and it has been a lot), I still recommend this mod as a must have and quite literally should be your first mod.

    I have installed,removed and reinstalled mine like six times now trying to figure out what is it that makes them not fit properly and i just can't figure it out.

    I have my hood adjusted so it almost looks as good as new when closed but now closing is the issue now, the darn thing won't latch on its own, i have tried gently setting it down, slamming it and no matter what i do it won't latch on its own.

    Now after i set the hood down i have to go to each individual latch and force it into locked position, makes me feel like one of these days i am going to force my hood into bending the wrong way and it will crack.

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.

  • When did you get yours? There was an issue with the original set of hinges. Contact @Noel Hughes if you think your hinges are suspect!

    YLM. Your Life Matters

  • I have talked with @slingshotjimmy and he said that my kit is one of the newer ones that comes with the part replaced, I think slingshots might be a little wacky and their assembly quality varies a lot which introduces variance/issues when installing certain parts.

    Either way even with all the issues to get them properly installed, i still recommend these hinges as a must have mod.

    They made all my headlight/halo wiring work so easy, i could literally sit on the tires and have access to the whole engine bay for wire routing without having to constantly go around the vehicle or straining my back by bending over the engine bay, so if you have to work on it by yourself the Mad Stad hinges make that quite an easy task .

    Is not that I am mean, I just don't sugarcoat what I say.