• @jaycanter and @Tony-b are just fantastic guys and I am so glad they are a part of this Community. No, I did not get much input on this one and Jay said if I wanted to change color schemes, he would change the seats, engine bay and all the other goodies that were already color coordinated! Not gonna happen I kept the "Red" in the mix trying to add something to this already awesome Slingshot!

    RevDynamics was mentioned and I too will mention this fellow Hoosier. I love their machine but really the only thing I gleaned was the White lower dam striping. The rest came from a drawing I made when I first wanted to paint my own Sling..... only it was going to be Blue/White. I guess Hoosiers think a bit alike! When I totally quit painting I would not hesitate to take my ride to RevDynamics for their magic!

    Thank you all once again for your generous and kind comments. I am so glad I can be a small part of such a great Community of enthusiasts!

  • Hey Jim, glad I didn't offend with the RevDynamics comment. I didn't intend to! I love this Sling and loved the one they did too...

    Obviously, being on this forum, I'm quite obsessed with Slings, so I'm always interested and searching to see more. When I first saw this #37, I was initially reminded of that one, but appreciate the differences in scheme.

    I love how you can truly do it all! Flash and wow, to eye-catching with simple lines/colors. I still hope I can be one of the limited edition Painter numbered Slings... :saint:

    Problem is I now need like 6 Slings to have all my visions/wants satisfied. :D

  • @jaycanter and @Tony-b are just fantastic guys and I am so glad they are a part of this Community. No, I did not get much input on this one and Jay said if I wanted to change color schemes, he would change the seats, engine bay and all the other goodies that were already color coordinated! Not gonna happen I kept the "Red" in the mix trying to add something to this already awesome Slingshot!

    RevDynamics was mentioned and I too will mention this fellow Hoosier. I love their machine but really the only thing I gleaned was the White lower dam striping. The rest came from a drawing I made when I first wanted to paint my own Sling..... only it was going to be Blue/White. I guess Hoosiers think a bit alike! When I totally quit painting I would not hesitate to take my ride to RevDynamics for their magic!

    Thank you all once again for your generous and kind comments. I am so glad I can be a small part of such a great Community of enthusiasts!

    You my friend are one of a kind! I mean that with the highest regards Sir!

  • I'm a smartass and I talk nonstop and I type even more when I'm struggling to find the right words ......

    Today the postman left a box on our doorstep. An 8lb 7.2oz box. The name on the return address portion of the box simply says Painter. A box that brought excitement, stole our breath, filled us with joy, even got a little tear in the eye, and a gift that we cannot say thank you enough for.

    For those of you who don't know Karianne and I we live just outside of Madison Wisconsin. Karianne bought a super fast red Slingshot :REDSS: last spring to replace a Harley trike that we couldn't ride comfortably after my back surgery 2 years ago. We weren't 100% certain what we had gotten ourselves into but I got my motorcycle license and we have had so much fun that we haven't tried to look back and figure it out.

    Right away we knew we had a winner since our Slingshot was almost the exactly same color as our local college team, the University of Wisconsin - Madison ... aka the Wisconsin Badgers. You pick the sport and our Badgers bring a badass game - football, hockey, volleyball, softball, etc. We thought we would play off the color and eventually have custom work done so we could have our Badger Slingshot!

    One of the first things we did after our first week was look for a forum to get more info and ask questions. We started over at TDS but found it not to be our style with so many negative comments and moderators that were less than helpful and even members that were less than helpful. In June we found our way to what Rab built and found just the place we were looking for. Friends and mentors that we have never met or spoken to but have spent hours online sharing. Family members who we didn't grow up with nor have we ever lived together but people we trust for advice, assistance, and so much more.

    We have been blown away by all the builds, updates, and modifications by the all "masters" on the forum - from the electrical upgrades to LED, to the sound system creations, to the suspension and handling fit for the racetrack, to the performance turbo and supercharger improvements, to the incredible talent of those who powder coat, airbrush, and repaint part or all of their Slingshot.

    But what has really has us come back here day after day is the incredible giving and selfless spirit we have found. Any member in need. Any time day or night. If a member has a problem - there isn't just one or two guys/gals who are there to lend a hand it is darn near the entire forum. Members who offer a suggestion, donate money for a cause on the other side of the country, or even to give of their own incredible talent to a little chubby guy and gal outside of Madison Wisconsin.

    Let me give you the perfect example not only of talent but of selflessness .... @Painter. This man who has more talent with paint than I could ever hope to have - this man who I am sure I have not provided an ounce of technical knowledge to - this man who we have never met - this man for no other reason than he wanted to reached out to us and simply asked what we were up to with our Slingshot. Over the interwebs we explained our Badger Slingshot dream and I swear you could hear him scurry off with the gears in his mind turning like the back wheel on your Slingshot when it deserves to be punished.

    Next thing you know, the postman leaves a box on your doorstep, an 8lb 7.2oz box, a box from Jim with the most perfect surprise that you just can't express enough how thankful and honored you are.

    Jim, thank you so much - your work is as talented and incredible as your heart and soul are down right admirable.

    Not familiar with the Wisconsin Badgers ... check out

  • Stories like @Ross are what makes this forum what it is. I think the Darkside made egregious mistakes but I am thankful they finally made @rabtech upset enough to create this forum. A lot of us were friendly on the Darkside but here we have created lifelong bonds that will extend way past any Slingshot ownership. It humbles me to be a part of the family that we have created here. The "pay it forward" ideology never stops. Well done my forum brothers & sisters!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • JJ Watt from Pewaukee Wi was a Badger!
    Welcome to the gallery!