Corona Virus

  • If the delta variant were a serious threat the Biden administration would close the border. Preserving the sex and drug trafficking industry can't be more important than the health of a nation.

  • In New York you'll need to show proof of vaccination to shop in a store. Only about 30% of African Americans are vaccinated in NYC.

    Two questions:

    Will proof require a photo ID to prove the card belongs to the person presenting it?

    If it negatively effects people of color more than whites is it racist?

  • In New York you'll need to show proof of vaccination to shop in a store. Only about 30% of African Americans are vaccinated in NYC.

    Two questions:

    Will proof require a photo ID to prove the card belongs to the person presenting it?

    If it negatively effects people of color more than whites is it racist?

    Isn’t EVERYTHING racist these days?????

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I agree, in fact I was totally frustrated as a 58 year old healthy person I was continuously overlooked for the vaccine. I registered at multiple vaccine sites, even logged in daily at multiple sights as a walk in if someone missed an appointment. Eventually I went out and bought a tobacco pipe and smoked a bowl so I could claim I smoked. Nowhere on the form did it say how much or how often do you smoke. It must have worked. After I resubmitted the form as a smoker I was accepted. I'm glad I got the vaccine.

    But it's something you put in your body and in no way do I agree with the government telling people you must put something foreign in your body. I also don't agree with punishing vaccinated people requiring them to wear a mask for other unvaccinated people or paying someone to get the vaccine when I get nothing for doing the right thing fighting so long to get the same vaccine.

  • I also don't agree with punishing vaccinated people requiring them to wear a mask for other unvaccinated people or paying someone to get the vaccine when I get nothing for doing the right thing fighting so long to get the same vaccine.

    I'm with you! Especially that last part... I'm sure it barely moves the needle though... People have their minds set and oh well... The way of the dodo bird it is!

  • GOP... Only pro-life when the child is in the womb... Once out, eh... "let's see what happens"...

    "We don't want masks... It imposes on our freedoms... Our body, our choice..."

    Hmmm... Where has that last part been said before???

  • GOP... Only pro-life when the child is in the womb... Once out, eh... "let's see what happens"...

    Interesting... Since you are basically stating that people should be killed when society is inconvenienced...

    When are the death camps for those on welfare?

    When are the death camps for the disabled?
    When are the death camps for illegals who do not work?

    ...or are you saying that I'm responsible for other people's mistakes? if so at what point are others responsible for mine?

  • Covidiots...

    Hey MiMsey, right off the top........I'm not vaccinated.

    I'm not an Antivaxer, or whatever the latest hipster term is you want to use.

    I am totally not an idiot also.

    More than likely, I will get the Vaccine in the future.

    So, and I mean this from the depths of my heart, that yer a brother and I'll tell you........

    The reason I can't get the Vaccine right now.............






    Never trust a ConnMan!!
    (Man I love that line!)

  • And besides that your government has no idea if it works or not or what it is/will do to your body.

  • Hey brotha James, if my calculations are correct, you're making the right decision. They told me the chances of getting Covid once you're more than 2 weeks out from getting the second does of the Moderna vaccine was less than winning the lottery. So when your numbers get called Saturday, please remember your OG buddy who used to share having a LPNSS with you even if we only got the chance to ride for less than 1 mile up hill BOTH ways.

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • So you're saying there's a chance! 👏

    Well, just keep on being safe, because I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, or any of us, so please know I'm speaking to most of y'all as family, and yes, the comments can get heated at times, but all love!