Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • democratic followers.....

    Biden, nancy, Schumer are down there....

    Or Trump followers, pretty much the same, blind following and parroting of all things their party says to say and do. Be sure to defend your side while bashing the other, pay no attention to the glaring similarities.

    I forgot, most party loyalists can't see their parties hypocrisies. They were not told to see them.:/

  • Or Trump followers, pretty much the same, blind following and parroting of all things their party says to say and do. Be sure to defend your side while bashing the other, pay no attention to the glaring similarities.

    I forgot, most party loyalists can't see their parties hypocrisies. They were not told to see them.:/

    Agreed ... to some extent. However the "right" is I think "organic" where as the left is "told - manufactured". BUT that may be my loyalty. You are correct in that "hypocrisies" are alive and well in every segment of politics. At the end of the day I choose freedom. If you have that - all the rest will take care of itself I believe.

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • Our potential VP - a Twitter post in June...

    Yep, let’s help support looters, arsonists, vandals, etc. Do you want this POS as one of our nation’s leaders?!?!

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • Agreed ... to some extent. However the "right" is I think "organic" where as the left is "told - manufactured". BUT that may be my loyalty. You are correct in that "hypocrisies" are alive and well in every segment of politics. At the end of the day I choose freedom. If you have that - all the rest will take care of itself I believe.

    Many self proclaimed "freedom choosing" Americans are very much fighting against freedom of the press. To them, any press outlet that says anything bad about Trump is a fake, hoax, deep state conspiracy promoter that should be shutdown. They openly call for the end to most free press. Heck, they are now starting to call FOX News fake.


    Trump loyalty. Trump told them to, so they do.

    It makes total sense to them that every single media outlet is fake rather than one person being flawed.:/

    Many of these same people consider the U.S. Constitution to be a very strict guide set up by our nation's creators, that should be left alone. Except when posed with changing it a little to give Trump a third term. Then they are ok with altering it a little, " for the betterment of the country".

    These same "patriots" your we need fair elections, but are ok with voter suppression, gerrymandering of districts as long as it is their party doing it. They are also ok with Trump telling North Carolinians to vote twice, "to test the system"(If you think it will work, volunteer at your local polling station, it won't)

    Makes me wonder what they truly consider "freedom".

    Do they Consider Russia "free"

    Russia has Pro Putin "freedom" of the press.

    Russia has "free elections"

    I will be looking into Putin's first term.

    I wonder if he had a nationalist platform.

    I wonder if he bashed the "fake news".

    I wonder if he created a more stark party divide.

    I wonder if he pulled away from ally countries.

    Trump was praising dictators when running for President. He continues to defend Putin on everything(why?). Trump has created a questioning of every U.S. intelligence agency(why?). Trump has removed us from, is removing us from or wants to remove of from almost every international coalition(why?). He bashes almost all our allies, while praising dictators(why?). He seems to be getting dictator advise and a "how to guide" from his pal Putin. It is very suspect and the reason I will be looking into Putin's first term(s) to look for similarities.

    I love this country, served this country and always vote for the country over my own enrichment.

    Yes, there are socialist on the left. Biden isn't one and is too old and set in his ways to change on that.

    Trump might not be a national dictator in training, though he ran his businesses that way. I just implore all freedom loving American Patriots to honestly look for the "why?" in regards to all Trumps questionable activity. P.S. like most in Washington you won't get the real answer from him or his allies.

    Trump counts on you believing every Republican that backs Biden is , "Deep State, part of the establishment that he shook up or Never Trumpers". I personally don't remember seeing sooo many people from any party going against their own candidate.

    Is it that they simply don't like Trump or that they see and question the same threats to our democracy? :/

  • It really is a basic question. Who do you trust to complete their promises and who’s promises do you want to come true. I like what Trump has completed and trust his desire to follow through. What Biden promises is against what I believe is good for America. I have stated that I don’t care for Trump as a person, but I do like what he accomplished.

    YLM. Your Life Matters

  • Interesting - Fridays Rasmussen daily tracking poll of likely voters shows Trumps approval at 52%

    Back up to where it was before Covid and in past reelections, both Obama and GWB had 51% on the day they won.

    Unemployment numbers are going in the right direction, Stock Market has bounced back and the economy is coming back

    Like it or not indicators are looking very good for Mr. Trump

    Add to this the fact that the current actions of urban socialist/liberals are making the left look completely crazy and pushing moderates and centrists away and I think things are looking much better for Trump than they did against Hillary

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  • It's kind of ironic that so much of your post is supported by the very same fake news you claim Trump supporters decry. The MSM in the US has begun parroting DNC talking points. You can see it every time a new talking point is released. Every talking head repeating the exact same phrases. Remember "nobody is above the law", "Russian Collusion", how about "mostly peaceful protests". I am sure it's just coincidence.

    Also ironic that Obama and Hillary (and Joe for that matter) make a big deal about talking tough to dictators, but in the end appease them. If Trump is "praising dictators" as you say, at least he deals harshly with them. He is responsible most actions taken against Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others. Not empty threats, not tough talk about red lines, but real actions.

    Sorry from my perspective the press has been free but also corrupt. Calling them out on it is the purest form of freedom of speech.

  • So we Trumpers can count on your vote?? 😬😬

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it