Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • LOL!!! Demonstrators are stringing up curlers & blow dryers outside Pelosi’s SF apartment...

    Look at the violence. Those are hot air guns! ...and American Flags not on fire. Someone could walk into them and get poked in the eye. This right wing violence is just out of control!

    Thank you ladies, sometimes I'm confounded by women but you have shown how to peacefully protest with respect for all citizens without costing the taxpayers many of millions of dollars using senseless divisive violence!

  • As I sit on Bubblehead s porch this morning having coffee I pondered the state of America right now. Riots and protests in the streets, defunding police, politicians fighting for power at the expense of the people, and a virus rocking our country are all horrible things. While I don’t want to discount any of the above I would like to focus on what is really important. I have friends that I am gradually getting to talk to that were at ground zero for Hurricane Laura. Imagine to wake up one morning and everything that you have worked your ass off is suddenly just gone. Your neighbors houses are gone. The market you shopped for food is gone. Power and water for maybe 2 months is gone. Where you once sat watching your big screen tv and sipped a toddy reduced to a tent with a Coleman lantern and hopefully a bottle of water. All this brings me to my point. America is GOOD at its heart. Literally thousands upon thousands of Americans have flocked to the area to help their fellow man in this time of need. The storm has already been forgotten by the media and all the kindness and compassion will never be on the national news because that shows how good people really are in this country. Doesn’t make any difference if your black, white or polka dot people are there to help. I know how fortunate I am to be able to just leave and not have to go back until some resemblance of civilization returns. If all these protestors, rioters, etc could see law enforcement there workin double, even triple shifts to keep people safe and protect what property they have left. How could they not feel anything but pride that these folks would break their backs to protect us!! Anything you can do to help these folks if it’s not but $10 could help these poor, hardworking, now homeless people and make a positive difference in someone’s life during this trying time. At this point Trump has enough campaign money - my donations will be to my hometown now.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • there are way more good people than bad.....the ones complaining are the ones that aren’t on the up and up.....they get caught or shot and it’s always somebody else’s fault because Johnny was turning his life around......after many years of being a shit head....The scene you describe is horrible.....that’s why I choose to live where those things don’t happen.....would I like to have summer all year long....yes....would I like to live on the beach....yes ...I chose to live where my danger from nature odds are more in my favor and I have to put up with winter because of a way I feel really bad for those people but in another’s what they chose...seeing the same areas getting wiped out year after year to the same people is getting old. Why do people want to torture themselves like that?

  • Nancy blames the salon owner for setting her’s not because she was doing something illegal’s because she’s the victim......just like everyone else looting and rioting....I don’t have any food but my new TV sure gets a great picture....Poor me, I don’t want to change my situation but make things better for me.....VICTIM MENTALITY will to change just a will to complain...