Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Interesting to watch the blame/credit shift as the threat starts to subside. It happens in both sides but the most glaring this morning came from some governors. The one's yelling loudest for Trump to issue a national stay at home order are saying he can't tell them when to reopen the economy in their state. I think it's safe to say nobody in a position of leadership was prepared for a pandemic but they all prepared to blame somebody else.

  • normal presidential constitutional power might not apply since all 50 states have declared disasters....and if The president Initiates anything else his power could increase even more.

    Let’s ask this much lower could our economy go without entering into 1929 territory? Remember then EVERYONE LOST EVERYTHING....You’ll get your new green deal. No houses, no car, no food, no utilities, no money, no jobs to go to...

    so how low are you willing to go? If every business goes belly up....if banks stores can’t be resupplied...and total chaos rules. That also kills many Thousands people...

    TRUMP Has two life and death decisions to make at one time....Open the economy and people will die....kill the economy people will die.


    now consider how many people we have now packed into giant will become survival of the most armed. the death toll could easily be measured in tens of millions..

    the only thing that ended the Great Depression was WWII....the depression lasted 10 long will we last?

    how we open the economy is going to be an historic decision.....we are watching an entire section of future history books being written before our eyes. TRUMPS decision will definitely have an impact on every one of could literally be life or death for many of us.

  • Who has the power to open is an interesting question - if Trump says to open, can the Governors keep their State closed, If the Governor says to open can the county leaders keep their county closed and then we have the individual cities, can they go against their county or State?

    on top of this if a lower level of government says to open their jurisdiction before the higher up does - can they be forced to close back down?

    I suspect the counties and cities would be required to go with what the Governor says, but with State rights I suspect the fed may not have the ultimate say over states

    then on top of all of this cr@p you have the issue of legal liability - If Trump says stay closed and the State opens anyway will people who get sick or have family die be able to go after the State in federal court?

    to me it seems like whichever way you turn there are potential problems and liabilities that I would not want to deal with

    Were I at the top when the time comes I would allow the lower levels of government to open their jurisdictions, but make it clear that the ultimate decision is to be made locally

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  • I heard someone on tv today said Even mayors can do their own thing....

    liability is the biggest can of worms..can leaders be sued?

    This isn’t over and people are still going to die and everyone is always looking for someone to blame. each of us has to make Our own life and death decisions Right now. Do you self quarantine and stay home or do you risk exposing yourself and loved ones?

  • with the home schooling going on by The teachers right now....have they deviated from the schools decided curriculum or are they teaching their own politics? I would be Closely watching what my kid is learning right now. Kids are being poisoned enough from MSM their teachers don’t need to help...

  • Who has the power to open is an interesting question

    I bet you will see a brief from the White House in the next 24 hours .....

    A few things to consider while we wait ....

    We are under a national state of emergency, with all 50 states Governors and several territories requesting and receiving individual declarations from the White House.

    The Commerce and Supremacy Clauses of the Constitution.

    The National Emergency Act of 1976

    ............ nerd-squared

    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • I enjoy this thread, even though I'm not too into politics much. I like the back and forth banter that some bring here. (Wolfee, Bill, Phil,...)

    It's entertaining.

    But I have to change it up a tad.

    (Thanks for the advise brother SlingLow!!)

    Carry On!!


    Never trust a ConnMan!!
    (Man I love that line!)

  • People need to figure it out... If you vote for Donald Dickhead, if you vote for Joe Dickhead... your going to end up with a Dickhead in office... again.

    If you look at it that way - same as 2016 - figure out which one is the worst dickhead - then vote for the other!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • If you look at it that way - same as 2016 - figure out which one is the worst dickhead - then vote for the other!!

    That other dickhead is still walking around without a care in the world while I, on the other hand, remind myself every day that I would be posting this reply from behind the bars of my prison cell if I had done what SHE did!

    "If I were a Jedi, there's a 100% chance I would use the force inappropriately!"