Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • And these black athletes need to Stop! Uneducated Lebron now on the ban wagon talking shit & stirring Hate. Blind and told what to believe.Everyone stop Now! We are equal.. no matter what color!

    Stop & focus on peace and not playing the card/ games. There are bad seeds & we all know that, focus on being a good seed & Better America!! Everyone wants to point the finger when they should look in the mirror!

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • I'm gonna throw this out there for discussion. It is obvious that the confederate statues scattered throughout the US are a serious source of contention. It would appear the liberal/leftists want all of these commeratives obliterated to be erased from history and memory. While I will agree that was a dark time in American history it is still our history to be learned from so that those mistakes are never made again. I think we can all agree that WW2 and the Nazi's attempted extermination of the Jews was one of the most egregious acts in human history. If you can agree to that then explain this:

    Here one of the most heinous crimes in human history is turned into a tour??? I don't see or hear of ANYBODY protesting or wanting to tear it down or have it removed. I just don't really get it where we are headed and what the ultimate goals are anymore. Does it mean because Auschwitz was not torn down that we are honoring the Nazi's??? A Confederate statue - are we honoring slave owners?? I think not on both things but moreover a rememberance of past mistakes not to be repeated again. Love to hear you guys opinions

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • The folks wanting the Confederate items removed are acting this way because someone followed their wish and the rest is a landslide of people trying to make change because they can. These statues did not bother them until someone allowed one to be removed. In Mississippi they are trying to get the Battle flag removed from State flag, even though they lost when it was voted on about 8 years ago. They will keep trying until they get their way.

    YLM. Your Life Matters

  • Hmmm..... can't believe I'm gonna comment here! Lol!!
    I think they're a bit different, in that the tour there is to show the horror of it, not to honor the the animals that did it. There are no statues of Hitler there. It's the statue that commemorates usually a person of some measurable greatness.
    Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I'm just offering a guess brother, as to why people are up in arms.
    Why now though?? They could have done it years ago!! Protesting is the new "in" thing to do!!
    It's just a guess anyway.

    Never trust a ConnMan!!
    (Man I love that line!)

  • .

    If the majority of a communities local people VOTES to remove the statues from common public lands then fine, place them in cemeteries, museums, or battleground memorials, however ....

    What Baltimore did yesterday and last night I find reprehensible .....

    Yesterday the city council not only voted to immediately remove four statues in the middle of the night but they voted to DESTROY them, rather than store and relocate them ......

    ........ angry-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • With growing up out west and now living in Arkansas I see things in a different light than a lot in the South.
    First off, I don't care what others do as long as it does not infringe on someone else's rights.
    The Confederate Flag: It is a symbol of an attempt to create a new country by going to war with its existing country. It is not a symbol of United States, but a failed attempt. The fact it is used by white supremacy groups makes it a target of hatred. In any other country in the world a symbol of a civil war would be banned. He'll, in your own home if a spouse had an affair that almost created a divorce, would pictures or memories be allowed in the house?
    The statues: They have a place if they are honoring an individual who was important to that community. Why you would put a statue of a leader who attempted to divide the US on any government funded property. If you want to create a memorial, then do it through the use of private funds on private property.
    My last rant....Why should the federal government have any input into these matters. We are the UNITED States of America. These types of problems belong to the states and should not be controlled by federal government. If a state is violating a federal law, then the US Government should step in. Make your state government accountable and don't let them kick the can for someone else to make a decision.

  • Lots of misunderstood and misrepresented history in the US ...

    Precisely why the erasing of its symbols opens the door for a false narrative to be put in its place ....

    "Tariffs, not slavery, precipitated the American Civil War

    Arthur Hirsch's recent article about the Battle of Gettysburg reveals a disturbing ignorance of the political dynamics that brought this nation to a war that 150 years later remains the most cataclysmic event in our history ("A defining day relived," July 2).

    It accepts the shallow but unchallenged premise that the Civil War occurred because slavery was practiced in the South, and that righteous resolve to abolish the institution left the U.S. with no option other than a resort to arms. This is a myopic view with which many historical facts simply cannot be reconciled.
    The war resulted from causes unrelated to slavery and abolition. It was entirely a consequence of the Southern states' secession, which occurred despite the undeniable fact that the slave states could not have hoped for better protection of slavery than that afforded by the U. S. Constitution — provided they remained in the Union.

    Both Lincoln and the slaveholders well knew in 1860 that a constitutional amendment ending slavery would never be mathematically feasible. But Lincoln further understood that the South was gravitating toward secession as the remedy for a different grievance altogether: The egregiously inequitable effects of a U. S. protective tariff that provided 90 percent of federal revenue.
    Foreign governments retaliated for it with tariffs of their own, and payment of those overseas levies represented the cost to Americans of their U. S. government. Southerners were generating two-thirds of U. S. exports, and also bearing two-thirds of the retaliatory tariffs abroad.
    The result was that that the 18.5 percent of America's citizens who lived in the South were saddled with three times their proportionate share of the federal government's costs.
    Campaigning At New York's Cooper Union, Lincoln, arguing for unlimited federal control of slavery in America's territories, seduced his audience with research disclosing how 21 of the 39 Signers of the Constitution, by joining elsewhere in various other acts of legislation that awarded this territorial authority to the U. S. government, revealed that delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention included a clear majority whose intent had in fact been that this authority be granted to the federal government.
    But in 1860, the overriding issue of the day was not slavery in the territories: it was secession. And when addressed in this latter context, Lincoln's same research undeniably proves there had been majority intent among delegates to the 1787 Convention that each state was to retain a permanent right of exit. Ten of Lincoln's foregoing 21 Signers represented slave states. Absent a retained secession option, not one of them would have signed a Constitution that empowered the U. S. to prohibit territorial slavery. Alone, the Northwest Territory represented the potential in 1787 for five new non-slave states, which would promptly have reduced the Old South to just one-third of eighteen total states: and the Constitution they were crafting was to permit any amendment that was opposed by only one-quarter of the states — including one that could abolish slavery if six more non-slave states were thereafter admitted. Lincoln could not have failed to recognize that the Signers had been in agreement upon a right to secede, without which no constitution would have gelled at all. Accordingly, secession remained in 1860 a right both legal and honorable.
    In the face of all these considerations, Lincoln could have proposed a Southern slave emancipation reciprocated by sweeping federal fiscal reform that would replace the protective tariff with a nationwide income tax. Instead, Lincoln's remedy was the catastrophic one that denied Southerners their exit by military force: which represented exercise of a federal authority conspicuously absent from the all-inclusive list of powers granted by the Constitution to the U. S. government. Such a transformative quid-pro-quo may or may not have proven achievable. But in as much as it was not even attempted, no Gettysburg visitor should ever be led to believe that the Civil War objective of the U.S. was anything other than preservation of its protective tariff in the Old South.

    Dennis G. Saunders, Columbia
    July 06, 2013"


    "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."

    Abraham Lincoln -
    First Inaugural Address
    Monday, March 4, 1861


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • IMO opening up a sane, intelligent dialogue about this issue is the only way to reach a peaceful resolution. We have to figure out that middle of the road answer in which neither of the opposing views get all they want. This is a country wide problem on just about every issue possible, no matter what side you are on. If you disagree you are a racist, bigot, etc., whatever the label of the day is. I happen to believe that artifacts from the confederacy should be preserved for posterity. On the other hand I can see where these statues would be offensive to many people. Solution??? Do not riot and destroy them nor government remove them like a thief in the night doing the same. They are erected on public land that we all pay taxes to maintain them no matter your feelings. Simple - just remove them from existing locations to a historical museum. That way if you are offended by them you do not have to see them on open public display but history of our great nation is preserved not destroyed. Lot of people found the 10 Commandments offensive and were successful in having any reference to them removed from many courthouses. What happened the folks rights that believe all laws are based on the 10 Commandments. Extremism on all issues has to be stopped before it leads to the destruction of our democracy!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • wearing pants around your freaking knees offends me but I have to look at that stupid shit every day. Why cant I remove them from my view :evil:

    By the time I save up for mods, I have to buy another rear tire :cursing:

  • This is kinda on topic. One of the guys I work with has a brother that has a replica General Lee 69' Charger that's say his brother is afraid to drive it in this current climate. My question is would you drive it. My answer is hell yes that was a great show and a great car.

  • You know, if you think about it, the nation needs marital counseling. The general "talk to each other with respect", "thank each other when they do something nice", "point out the good things they do", "forgive past transgressions, but try not to let them happen again", "don't argue in front of the kids", etc. etc. etc. ... Of course you'd have to add in there "don't shoot anyone that's not threatening your life or the lives of others", but still.

    Jokes aside, we need to stop pointing fingers, and act with respect. I respect you, you respect me (or pretend you do), we agree to disagree, we go on with our lives. Even better would be: I talk to you while you listen, you talk to me while I listen, we both learn to see each other's point of view and agree or agree to disagree but are better informed. Etc.

    And, lastly, if you don't like something, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don't just sit behind your keyboard and spout off at the mouth. Don't like something? Petition for change. Don't want to do that? Run for local office. Don't want to do that? Donate to a charity. Don't want to do that? Volunteer to help. Don't want to do that? Then you're lazy and just want the social media attention. Seriously people. And no, walking around with vaginas on your head, or tiki torches in your hand does not qualify as "doing something" in this day in age. Sorry.

    I really miss the time when we could have an honest discussion about controversial subjects without it devolving into name calling and bigotry! I grew up in the60s and 70s and while I voted for Gerald Ford in my first presidential election, many of my friends supported Carter. There was never any on the hate speech you see today. We have to do something to turn this around or it will destroy our country.

    Sent from my iPad using Polaris Slingshot Forum mobile app

  • Try explaining the country's current sociopolitical self-crisis to a legal immigrant from South Africa who's been through some serious shit. She was like "I don't understand what the fucking problem is...". She actually does get it, but it was an interesting conversation.

  • Try explaining the country's current sociopolitical self-crisis to a legal immigrant from South Africa who's been through some serious shit. She was like "I don't understand what the fucking problem is...". She actually does get it, but it was an interesting conversation.

    Tell me more Grasshopper :D

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • It's about time. Way over due. Every statue or building that is even remotely related to a culture that pays homage or embraces slavery must come down...immediately. In Tennessee, the Parthenon in Nashville should be on the chopping block. The Greeks were brutal racists and don't get me started on the Romans. Shall we talk about the Washington monument? Perhaps we should give him a pass because after all he freed his slaves at the END of his life. Thomas Jefferson, not so muc...h. Where will it end?
    I'm a southerner. I know right from wrong. The south succeeding from the Union is an ugly past in our nation. I believe our founding fathers were honorable despite a culture of racism and slavery and the south was honorable despite their flawed belief to defend slavery in the name of states rights. We fought a war to prove the south wrong. Make no mistake about it...the war was not about anti-slavery. It's was all about preserving the Union at all costs. I'm glad the Union forces won. But if these left wing extremists in our nation can make the argument that our slave defending founding fathers lack any moral authority, then the bold and life changing documents they wrote are null and void. Stop erasing our national history.

    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
    ~Mark Twain~