BigDog’s Delusional Rants

  • .


    Not sure you know the meaning .....




    • 1.refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally:"he ignored her outraged question"synonymsdisregard, take no notice of, pay no attention to, pay no heed to, pass over, ... more


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • of course - - - you are correct - - - I am still feeding the troll

    I will try to do better :/

    as a side note, considering how incredibly slow in the comprehension department this particular troll has proven to be I just wanted to make it as clear as possible for him that I actually can not see the replies he seems intent on posting, but you are correct, even in this attempt it just incourages

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Another three I will never see - - you just don't get it do you? you are blocked, like many others here I have chosen to ignore everything

    Why don't you get it?

    He is NOT posting his comments and tagging you in them, so he isn't directing them to you personally.

    I am sure he doesn't care if you read them. He may feel like me and decided your TDS is so advanced there is no hope.

    He is posting to everyone here that wants to read them.

    If you choose not to read them, that is your freedom of choice.

    I will support your choice to choose what you read or learn 100%.

    That is what I served for, to preserve our freedoms.

    What you do with that freedom is your choice.

    What I do with mine is my choice.

    It does not matter to me if you approve of my choice or not.

    Ignorance is Bliss.

  • That is what I served for, to preserve our freedoms.

    What you do with that freedom is your choice.

    What I do with mine is my choice.

    Well put. Any other way would be fascism. Something this country is on the brink of if not over the edge.

  • perhaps considering the fact I started this thread with a very specific set of questions directed at those who have gotten the vaccine I just get a little bothered by someone who decided this was a good place to troll their anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.

    kind of like if you started a post asking about aftermarket seats for your slingshot and some total troll decided it was a good place to tell everyone why Slingshots suck and they should only get Miatas - - - - - its fu@kin rude not to mention annoying - especially when it never stops

    if he and you want to promote your conspiracy theories go start you own damn thread - - a little off topic is the norm around here and its not a big deal, but this has gone way way beyond that.

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • First and foremost - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE

    I just wish that more people would realize that this covid crap has been hijacked and used very successfully as a distraction and a tool to help steal our liberties.

    The entire thing could have been handled by protecting the most vulnerable and not destroying the economy

    Before anyone gets on the me

    Yes I believe Covid is real

    Yes a understand we have lost many souls - however I believe the numbers are manipulated and inflated .

    No I do not think masks help - that is just science - but they do make people comfortable and that is OK with me

    No I will not get the shot - my choice and I am happy to respect anyone who does not want me around because I did not get it.

    Just pay attention to how much has been taken from us with this as an excuse.

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • too bad they don’t have a shot for TDS yet....

    FYI.....I’m not anti vaccine.....I’m anti unsafe vaccine....I’m anti death from experimental poison injections..... sorry to interrupt your denial..... carry on.

    in other news

    go ahead....take the shot.....what can it hurt.....I’m a doctor after can trust me with your life...... dr Faucinstein sent me.

  • I’m denying this..... all of those platforms would never deliberately hide critical information like this.... total BS....they must think I’m stupid to believe they would do that... hurray for MSM and progressive, radical, liberal, lefty, commie propaganda...... keep it coming the sheeple just ignore and deny it anyway...

    deniers don’t need fact checkers either...

  • When you refer to liberties and all that happened, are you including all countries or just the USA?

    This is what makes me pause, when someone cites information and repercussions that only involve the USA, when clearly this happened in other countries. Not sure why we think we're the center of the universe? Is it because of our power as a country? Is this power a result of partnerships with other countries? If so, it's a whole lot of crap going down that we really can't do much about. So yeah, ignorance is bliss and we should stop buying mods, pool our money, and just get our own island somewhere. That or just keep living our lives because our days are numbered anyway?



    as far back as ask yourself how many magnetic flu shots have you got since then.... before you start your denial speech you know exactly what they put inside you? The answer is just blindly believed them..... I know he’s your trusted doctor..... ever been there to watch when the drug reps come into his office? The “incentives” handed out or implied... they don’t call it little’s called big pharm.....they have big money....they make huge money....and they pay doctors..... I know here comes your full blown denial in....3....2.....1..... it’s all BS....because you did your research...... right? You did do your research.....right? Nobody would just blindly obediently take big Pharos word for their big bucks vaccine.... right?

    this has long been a deep state plan to eliminate billions of people from this earth..... implanted by very wealthy people.... rich have privilege .....poor have nothing.

    Instead of denying you should have been researching....conspiracy theories for the truth... everything is a research finger is getting worn out.... your denial speech is getting uneducatingly, uniformedly old.

  • When you refer to liberties and all that happened, are you including all countries or just the USA?

    This is what makes me pause, when someone cites information and repercussions that only involve the USA, when clearly this happened in other countries. Not sure why we think we're the center of the universe? Is it because of our power as a country? Is this power a result of partnerships with other countries? If so, it's a whole lot of crap going down that we really can't do much about. So yeah, ignorance is bliss and we should stop buying mods, pool our money, and just get our own island somewhere. That or just keep living our lives because our days are numbered anyway?


    do I detect someone that’s starting to become awake to the real world...... stop listening to MSM. Forget the kardashion whores, forget the brainwashing sit comes and talk shows spewing the progressive, radical, liberal, lefty, commies propaganda... spend your time on the net doing constructive research and investigation ....