Everything on the 2nd Amendment

  • The Constitution to a democrat is what toilet paper is to regular folk...

    Sorry, regular people don't have disdain for toilet paper...

    Wasn't it just last week that the Democrats tried to hold the president accountable for his actions which were a direct violation of his oath and role as spelled out in the constitution? Meanwhile, diehard Republicans ignored the constitution, gave the president a free pass, and now created the January Exemption giving all future presidents a pass to do whatever they want in their last three weeks as a lame duck. Oh, then the stupidest among them flew off to Cancun while the people he represents were literally freezing to death.

    Slingshot beginner (Nov 2020), 2019 S White/Black, Bullet Speed V-Back, with Blue Fire accents

  • Wasn't it just last week that the Democrats tried to hold the president accountable for his actions which were a direct violation of his oath and role as spelled out in the constitution? Meanwhile, diehard Republicans ignored the constitution, gave the president a free pass, and now created the January Exemption giving all future presidents a pass to do whatever they want in their last three weeks as a lame duck. Oh, then the stupidest among them flew off to Cancun while the people he represents were literally freezing to death.

    Sooooooooo democrats are tried to hold Trump accountable for the violence on the 6th when he told them to peacefully demonstrate... Makes sense. I'm guessing that is why they aren't held accountable for LITERALLY calling for violence...


    Nor are they holding Kumallah Harris accountable for encouraging people to donate to the "freedom fund" which bailed out rioters, including a rapist...

  • Sooooooooo democrats are tried to hold Trump accountable for the violence on the 6th when he told them to peacefully demonstrate... Makes sense. I'm guessing that is why they aren't held accountable for LITERALLY calling for violence...


    Nor are they holding Kumallah Harris accountable for encouraging people to donate to the "freedom fund" which bailed out rioters, including a rapist...

    Here is a link to the ACTUAL full transcript of his speech:


    Former President Trump used the word "peace" exactly once 18:16 seconds in, here it is in context:

    "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

    While he used the word "fight" 23 times, the last and most important time was within a minute of his finishing:

    "And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."

    You really should read or listen to the whole thing from an objective point of view.

    Slingshot beginner (Nov 2020), 2019 S White/Black, Bullet Speed V-Back, with Blue Fire accents

  • In the end 99% of all politicians on both sides are self serving elitists' that only care about the people when they think it will get them votes.

    It is wishful thinking to believe one side is really any different than the other.

    the only true difference is which special interest they suck up to - - - and I can pretty much guarantee its never been me or any normal working person I have ever known - including my friends here

    when we argue about one side vs the other it only serves to divide us which is exactly what they want

    Divide and Conquer - - that is the goal of the elite political class and the choice is ours to either play into their game or to step back choose to not take part

    I choose the latter - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians - - - labels that divide - - Instead of worrying about which of these labels may or may not fit my friends here I am going to go with the label "Slingshot Family Member" - - a label that fits everyone here and a label that promotes friendship and love


    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

    Edited once, last by Edward Neal ().

  • this is exactly what Trump ran on to eliminate....draining the swamp means every corrupt democrat, Republican, libertarian, tea party...politician. PEROD....end of story..... like brain dead would say...he’s coming back to finish that campaign promise.... 2.0 shortly...

  • I can’t believe Trump would use that dirty “F” word.
    Are you denying the FBI didn’t know for days in advance Antifa and other groups were going to be at the capitol? They had a picnic permit....Are you denying that the capitol was breached 20 minutes before Trumps speech was finished? Are you denying the videos of the capitol police standing aside and opening doors for the protestors to walk in? Are you denying the videos of people in the capitol crowd yelling “they are acting....they’re actors”......ever see anyone get shot in a movie when the blood pack explodes? Nobody really dies in a movie.....Are you denying they didn’t have camera men staged at different locations in the building to film the “hero” cop....as he ran right towards the camera, with the violent mob chasing him.....so why didn’t he remove the camera man before the peaceful protest.....and how did he get past the “hero” in the first place......it looks to me like....”quiet on the set.....lights, camera, action”...as he runs past the camera to the “violent mob” standing there waiting for him to show up....and the first violent protestor just happened to be dressed in his brand new “Q” conspiracy shirt...just like we watched the Q Shaman strolling into the room like God himself....did you see the violence in his eyes...<Yawn..... > did you see him ranting and raving acting like a lunatic.....it scared the crap out of me.... <yawn> .....

    this is from a trusted news source...



    the January 6 peaceful protest was a movie production created to use as evidence to impeach Trump again...and as usual when you don’t really have any evidence and you invent and change evidence....you lose....I’m sorry if you got sucked into believing it....Hollywood can really make things look real.....CGI and makeup....30 different camera angles...closeups....crowd chaos scenes.... this was a high budget production....I’ll bet that’s why Nancy needed the 3 billion dollars from our social security money....to pay the production company and all the actors....and to replace all the damage they caused.... she used the sham impeachment as the excuse to bypass congress to get the money to pay for it......she’s not stupid......corrupt as hell but not stupid.....until she gets caught...and she did..

    Trump is on his way to fix everything.... don’t worry.....revenge will be sweet.. make some more popcorn the finale is coming....you don’t want to miss the surprise ending. Most epic movie finish of all time....it will be in all the new real history books...

  • bumbling Biden is on tv as we speak.....he got his shot publicly to prove it’s safe....wink wink....so did kamalazoo..... LOL....he said look it didn’t even effect my brain...

    we need more lab rats please sign up... we have lined up thousands of vaccinators...and vaccine centers we spent 3 billion dollars...why is everything 3 billion...Trump failed on the vaccines.. we have mobile clinics now so we can get you in your hood.... just like we picked up your ballots...

    this will be me...

  • So should every democrat that called for violence be prosecuted; impeached or cancelled? Because literally none of them have been called for their absolute and biblical level of hypocrisy.

    In quite a few points in his speech he called for legislators to fight for the integrity of the election; do you think he wants them to literally punch democrats? ...or does the definition of "fight" change to make it convenient for the democrats to prosecute? Think.

  • this is exactly what Trump ran on to eliminate....draining the swamp means every corrupt democrat, Republican, libertarian, tea party...politician. PEROD....end of story..... like brain dead would say...he’s coming back to finish that campaign promise.... 2.0 shortly...

    Correct candidate Trump said he would drain the swamp, how'd that go?

    Turns out President Trump converted the Trump International Hotel in DC to the largest addition ever to the swamp, all while generating vast sums of revenue from foreign visitors.

    Meanwhile, in November he shopped the hotel for sale for $500M, and the ONLY offers he received were under $250M. Note he invested $200M to renovate it in 2012, now advisors are saying selling it for $150M to $175M is more realistic. Heck of a businessman.

    Both sides have major issues.


    Slingshot beginner (Nov 2020), 2019 S White/Black, Bullet Speed V-Back, with Blue Fire accents

  • ^^^

    His property may not have anything to due with his business practices. Cancel Culture. Search and destroy anyone and anything that has a different view. Hollywood, businesses, job seekers. Before I retired I set MSNBC as my homepage and only toggled with CNN for news. I hated it but the work environment was open to free bashing against Trump. It's terrible, I felt I had to be a closet Trump supporter or be shunned.

  • Just a question since I’m reading between the lines assuming you didn’t vote for Trump. Are you happy with Biden so far and if so why?? He hasn’t done a single positive thing that I can see yet except court the liberal far left.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • dewman , please join the politics suck thread... I could use some help and you seem like a smart man...

    Good thing about this forum is that we can hold RESPECTFUL conversations (I'm talking to you openair), while still having differing views, and ultimately come back to enjoying the Slingshot and this awesome band of brothers (and sisters).

    Oh, except for bigdog... That is the brother from another mother who is really a distant cousin stuck in the basement... But we still "love" him...
