Some Funny Comics I recently received in emails

  • What you say has some truth in it. So, what can we do about it. The only thing is hurt them in the pocketbook and quit playing "WHAT IF" and making excuses. Just keep on letting them screw you.

  • What you say has some truth in it. So, what can we do about it. The only thing is hurt them in the pocketbook and quit playing "WHAT IF" and making excuses. Just keep on letting them screw you.

    The way I read his post he seems to be talking more about the cancel culture boycotts rather than the boycotts where we are getting screwed. Don't use this product because they support xyz, this company donated to xyz so don't use their products... That type of thing.

    I actually believe that we the people can hurt companies by boycotting, and by doing so hurt employees... but as the old saying goes... it is a trickle down effect.

    In the case of Amazon, we can do little boycotts here but they are a world wide company. So the little bit we do here because of what we feel needs to be changed has little to no effect on their bottom line. The thing that would hurt them most if no one decided to work there... They can take all the orders they want, but if they cannot deliver..... Anyway. I must plead guilty... as neither of my last two posts has anything to do with funny comics.... Sorry.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • What you say has some truth in it. So, what can we do about it. The only thing is hurt them in the pocketbook and quit playing "WHAT IF" and making excuses. Just keep on letting them screw you.

    I actually believe that we the people can hurt companies by boycotting, and by doing so hurt employees... but as the old saying goes... it is a trickle down effect.

    FunCycle says it here as simply as it can be put and mirrors my belief. It's not about hurting or helping. It's just voting with your wallet which, unless you're some influential person or politician, is the only vote you get. If I don't like something I don't buy, If I like, I do. No thought of consequences - I'm just one guy. It's a little arrogant to think your one decision impacts anyone but you in this highly populated universe. What's important is to feel good about your decision.

    SlingLow Out!

    Edit: I just realized what tread this is. WTF???

    OK, now out.

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

  • What you say has some truth in it. So, what can we do about it. The only thing is hurt them in the pocketbook and quit playing "WHAT IF" and making excuses. Just keep on letting them screw you.

    So, exactly how is Bezos "screwing you?" - - -he is nothing but a capitalist taking advantage of our capitalistic system - - I dont agree with his politics, but I 100% support his right to use our capitalistic system to build wealth - - and anyone who wants to try to do the same thing as he has done has my blessings to go ahead and try

    Its like all of the people who hate Walmart - - why? because it a success? - - where I come from we celebrate success and we don't have limits where success is only good up to a point but gets bad if its too big

    Every small business that ever starts should be free to pursue success and if their business model threatens to put other businesses out business those other business are 100% free to change their business model to compete and if they choose not to that is only their own fault

    If you are against the success of a Walmart or an Amazon in my book you are really no different than AOC or and other socialist that wants to control the wealth and success of others - - If you want a free market where people are truly free to innovate then you shouldn't cry when one business thinks of a better way - - - in a capitalistic system business is a competition with winners and losers and if you think winners should be limited to protect the losers then the system you want is no more a capitalistic system than what AOC wants.

    You either believe in capitalism and allow businesses to compete with some winning and others losing - or you don't there is no 1/2 way

    Walmart, Amazon & others, they didn't put anyone out of business, they didn't destroy small business, heck they also started as small businesses. The business that went out of business did it to themselves by failing to adapt to the game as it evolved - - the only thing that allowed Amazon and Walmart to become the giants they have become was the failure of the competition they had when they started out to follow and keep up - they lost the race.

    Seriously do you really want a system that punishes people who come up with a better idea or a better way to build success? - - - to me that's no different than those who want to hand out participation trophies - - - I believe that success breeds more success, someone some time down the road will come up with a better way and that will replace Walmart and Amazon, and then later it will happen again and again - it is what has built this country - innovation without limits - - - -start imposing limits will only lead to stagnation its a path we have already started down, a path I think is 100% wrong its the path of socialism and big government control and I say Hell no! I will not support that path and I will never condemn any business, that played within the rules and laws in effect, at the time for its success

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

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  • SlingLow you never know where a thread will go.

    FunCycle , some people think EVERY thread is explicitly for them to express their political beliefs. It just clutters up the forum for those like me that just want to have fun. I don't give two shits and a jar of cold piss about your Amazon opinion. And by you I mean everyone, not you. Since this thread is no longer about funny comics, Happy New Year Gerald! I'm looking forward to hearing about your 2022 adventures. Another year on the planet for both of us! There should have been a thread for that.

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

  • This simple little joke got me restricted on FB, they said it was bullying and could lead to suicide??? I was like really...

    The way youth are being treated with kid gloves and shielded from "life" with controlling influences like the crap FB is pulling are the causes. Wait 10 5 years and see the circus.

  • This simple little joke got me restricted on FB, they said it was bullying and could lead to suicide??? I was like really...

    You were already restricted - you just had to say something 'they' don't agree with to find out.

    You can't kill the 2nd amendment unless/until you kill the 1st.

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)