Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • You know they didn't board up cities in case Trump lost.. Your suppositions of what could be are distinctly progressive.

    I have always contested that there are nuts on both sides that have done and will do stupid shit.

    When I suggest that a tweet that claims 0(zero) burning, looting...may be premature, based on the fact that there are nuts on both sides.

    Facts, by your opinion are "distinctly progressive".

    Unless you do not think there are "a few nuts" that voted for Trump. Which very much is more an uncertain belief than to believe there are "a few nuts" that voted for Trump.

  • This is not your typical " oh its 4 more years of another president". The democratic party has leaned very far left. I think we can all agree that with the rise of the AOCs and the Omars they have turned more anti-american than ever. You cannot be so partisan as to not be able to see this. Whether it was Trumps presidency that made them this way or it was a matter of time I do not know. What I DO know is that they will not get better. There's an insane indoctrination in schools and colleges teaching our kids that socialism and Marxism is the way and the best system. Teaching them to hate America and our history. I would love to make sure this country never goes thru anything NEAR of what I lived in socialism. This is why I am so passionate about this and I dont expect you to understand. Trump was never perfect but at least he stood for this country, for the american way. At least he is selfish about us. When was the last time the democrat party was about this?

  • This is not your typical " oh its 4 more years of another president". The democratic party has leaned very far left. I think we can all agree that with the rise of the AOCs and the Omars they have turned more anti-american than ever. You cannot be so partisan as to not be able to see this. Whether it was Trumps presidency that made them this way or it was a matter of time I do not know. What I DO know is that they will not get better. There's an insane indoctrination in schools and colleges teaching our kids that socialism and Marxism is the way and the best system. Teaching them to hate America and our history. I would love to make sure this country never goes thru anything NEAR of what I lived in socialism. This is why I am so passionate about this and I dont expect you to understand. Trump was never perfect but at least he stood for this country, for the american way. At least he is selfish about us. When was the last time the democrat party was about this?

    Is it not exactly the same, "oh its 4 more years of another president"?

    The same scare tactics being used to make people on both sides super duper scared of what the other side will do to the country, to you, to your paycheck, your religion, your guns, your marriage, your health.....

    BE AFRAID!!!

    It is very much the same!!

    The only difference I see is that more people each election year, on both sides, seem to be believing the fearful lines of BS.

    If you don't see the sheep in your party, you are one.

    If you think that applies to only one party, you are one.:*

  • When you start seeing Republicans protesting, looting, and burning in Republican ran states I will be the first one to say you are correct. I and curious to see how BLM reacts the next time an officer involved/black suspect shooting to see how Biden calms and brings unity. If you have been watching the lawlessness in the streets for the past few months you HAVE to be aware the left has far more than “a few nuts” who hate the US and want to fundamentally change the entire country from the top down!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • When you start seeing Republicans protesting, looting, and burning in Republican ran states I will be the first one to say you are correct. I and curious to see how BLM reacts the next time an officer involved/black suspect shooting to see how Biden calms and brings unity. If you have been watching the lawlessness in the streets for the past few months you HAVE to be aware the left has far more than “a few nuts” who hate the US and want to fundamentally change the entire country from the top down!!

    What I'm fearing... Especially in the education system, is that WOLF is right, and you are too...

    By that I mean, mass shootings. Sorry, but I rather have damage and destruction of private or public, probably insured, property by a "group" of people, than people killed due to gun violence from a poor, "mentally ill" (aka "nuts") individual...

    And yeah, we can cite Chicago gun murders... But that's violence typically involved with those immediate to it... Versus random, mass killings of hate. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • What I'm fearing... Especially in the education system, is that WOLF is right, and you are too...

    By that I mean, mass shootings. Sorry, but I rather have damage and destruction of private or public, probably insured, property by a "group" of people, than people killed due to gun violence from a poor, "mentally ill" (aka "nuts") individual...

    And yeah, we can cite Chicago gun murders... But that's violence typically involved with those immediate to it... Versus random, mass killings of hate. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I agree with you to a point BUT lawlessness is lawlessness - anarchy is anarchy - when you step over that line from peaceful protest to felonious behavior - IMO you have forfeited that right and should be punished to the maximum in accordance with the prevailing law - does not matter in the least whether it is homicide or burning and looting another man’s livelihood - after all are you not economically murdering somebody when you take their means to survive. I especially take issue with “probably insured” phrase. The crime then is not just limited to the victim - it makes victims of ALL of us in the way of higher insurance premiums and higher prices of goods sold.

    PS - since the 1000’s of murders in Chicago are “typically involved with those immediate to it” — do they not deserve the first basic principle of government - protect its citizens??

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Read this carefully......Obama’s job was to finish the first part....Hilary was supposed to finish the last part....two terms for him and two terms for wasn’t his job to take the guns.

    First they have to finish the plan......after Trump got in he stopped the plan dead...I’m sure they won’t waste this opportunity and the final plan will be expedited....Biden told everyone he’s putting Beat Off Beto in charge of taking the guns.....They might start one type at a time of they might go something else....kamalazoo told everyone in the first hundred days she wanted gun reform.....code word for what? They never say what they really mean .....

    What I'm fearing... Especially in the education system, is that WOLF is right, and you are too...

    By that I mean, mass shootings. Sorry, but I rather have damage and destruction of private or public, probably insured, property by a "group" of people, than people killed due to gun violence from a poor, "mentally ill" (aka "nuts") individual...

    And yeah, we can cite Chicago gun murders... But that's violence typically involved with those immediate to it... Versus random, mass killings of hate. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    guns didn’t kill the victims....people did.

    Hitler took away the see how that worked out....who killed the innocent unarmed population.....Hitler‘s people....Guns don’t have legs and trigger fingers...

    Biden’s getting ready to bring in hordes of peace loving Muslims’s ok though they only want to kill all the non Muslims.... you better convert now. It’s in the Koran which everyone of them is brought up to obey. There is no soft core version Of the Koran that doesn’t mention killing all non think about that....You will always be an infidel and that puts a target on your forehead. How’s that working out in France and England and Germany? Soon to be here....The democrats consider them democratic voters.....if they kill some people on the way to the polls it’s just the casualties of their war...

  • I’m having a hard time reconciling this - perhaps you guys can help. When Stacy Abrams contested the results of the Georgia gubernatorial election for months and that was “preserving democracy”. Now Trump is contesting the results of the election and he is now somehow “destroying democracy”. The inmates continuing to run the asylum is my best guess...

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I’m having a hard time reconciling this - perhaps you guys can help. When Stacy Abrams contested the results of the Georgia gubernatorial election for months and that was “preserving democracy”. Now Trump is contesting the results of the election and he is now somehow “destroying democracy”. The inmates continuing to run the asylum is my best guess...

    Quick answer, perception.

    When one cries foul after the election, that seems reasonable.

    When the other cries foul before the election then cries that same foul after the election, that seems like crying for crying sake.

    Kinda like the "crying wolf" story.

    One cried "wolf" for months.

    The other cried "wolf" once.

  • there might be light at the end of the tunnel.....

    Could be why trump is playing golf for the last two days.

    The dems might have fallen into the biggest trap yet.

    Read this and see what conclusions you draw....

    if this is true they caught them all.....

  • I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • You kidding right? The left has been NONSTOP crying foul since 2016 ffs

  • You kidding right? The left has been NONSTOP crying foul since 2016 ffs

    You are kidding right!?

    The topic is voter fraud. You are saying the left have been claiming voter fraud since 2016?

    I recall a certain President NONSTOP crying "voter fraud" since 2016. That guy has major mental issues in regards to winning and losing so it makes sense.

  • You are kidding right!?

    The topic is voter fraud. You are saying the left have been claiming voter fraud since 2016?

    I recall a certain President NONSTOP crying "voter fraud" since 2016. That guy has major mental issues in regards to winning and losing so it makes sense.

    why do you think Hilary was suppose to win, because she’s so loved....LOL

    The fix was in......

    The democrats never gave up on trying everything they could to get Trump out of office....By any means possible.....there have been assassination attempts....the fake missile alert in Hawaii was really a real missile launched at air force one. Remember when nancy and other democrats and her family were supposed to leave the country by jet and Trump shut them down....was another attempt.
    they did not take it peacefully....anything but ....with lie after lie and fake whistleblowers, fake witnesses....Fake accusations.... lying congress people...

  • You are kidding right!?

    The topic is voter fraud. You are saying the left have been claiming voter fraud since 2016?

    I recall a certain President NONSTOP crying "voter fraud" since 2016. That guy has major mental issues in regards to winning and losing so it makes sense.

    Is there anything you don't "know"?…-stacey-abrams-brian-kemp

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.