Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • My father always said “don’t tell me what you’re going to do, show me what you’ve done”. When you put that up against Joe Biden it couldn’t be more clear. Donald Trump is the “winner” And so is America.

    The only thing the left has now in their kit bag is racial division. They are losing the minority vote and that will decimate them. Only a few percentage points more and they will be relegated to the scrapheap of history where they should be with socialist communist ideologies.

    Perhaps all this peace and prosperity is getting under the skin of too many liberals. Granted there’s a lot of money in war for the elite but the cost is for the average Joe that actually put his boots on the ground.

    If stagflation, malaise, higher taxes, wars, and overbearing government regulation is what you seek - Biden is the empty vessel that will be filled.

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • The left loves to call all conservatives “fascists” but is this really correct? You MUST watch this! Most people don’t know this...

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • It's kind of ironic that so much of your post is supported by the very same fake news you claim Trump supporters decry. The MSM in the US has begun parroting DNC talking points. You can see it every time a new talking point is released. Every talking head repeating the exact same phrases. Remember "nobody is above the law", "Russian Collusion", how about "mostly peaceful protests". I am sure it's just coincidence.

    Also ironic that Obama and Hillary (and Joe for that matter) make a big deal about talking tough to dictators, but in the end appease them. If Trump is "praising dictators" as you say, at least he deals harshly with them. He is responsible most actions taken against Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others. Not empty threats, not tough talk about red lines, but real actions.

    Sorry from my perspective the press has been free but also corrupt. Calling them out on it is the purest form of freedom of speech.

    I didn't regurgitate one single "talking point". If anything I said is supported or mentioned by anyone, they are speaking fact. Indisputable, verifiable, Trump on video fact.

    It is understandable that you can't see it. I already mentioned why.;)

    Please continue to defend, rather than question. As much as it will hurt our country, I will be there to say, "I asked you to think about it". Then I will pop him in his third term skull.;)

  • Would someone, anyone, present an argument why I should be voting for Biden without invoking the name Trump. I am genuinely interested in knowing. What is the plan? Or if anyone just says look at the DNC platform then call me crazy but I’m still not convinced.

    My experience has always been that people want to vote for someone not against them. People usually want a positive message or maybe I’m just reading it all wrong.

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • I didn't regurgitate one single "talking point". If anything I said is supported or mentioned by anyone, they are speaking fact. Indisputable, verifiable, Trump on video fact.

    It is understandable that you can't see it. I already mentioned why.;)

    Please continue to defend, rather than question. As much as it will hurt our country, I will be there to say, "I asked you to think about it". Then I will pop him in his third term skull.;)

    Again, ironic you claim others can't see for their bias.

    In 2015 I began watching the MSM version of stories and found them so fantastic I decided to watch unedited video. What I discovered is that most of the time the MSM edited video to manufacture a story, or paraphrased a comment and told their audience what it meant. It wasn't long before the narratives were easy to see.

    As for what Trump or Biden say in a press conference or speech, I guess I don't really care too much. At this point each has a record of accomplishments that indicates fairly strongly which way they will likely govern. Trump's policies seem to be consistent and reasonable. Biden and crew have been all over the map attempting to pander to every group imaginable.

    As much as it will hurt your country if Biden is elected, I will be there to say, I told you so.

  • I don't watch any of the three Network Nightly News because as you say the other two news the suit their agenda. To get a really good perspective you have to watch conservative news and liberal news and then Form your opinion about who's telling the truth. I go for fox cable. They are way more trustworthy then their liberal counterparts in my opinion.

  • Would someone, anyone, present an argument why I should be voting for Biden without invoking the name Trump. I am genuinely interested in knowing. What is the plan? Or if anyone just says look at the DNC platform then call me crazy but I’m still not convinced.

    My experience has always been that people want to vote for someone not against them. People usually want a positive message or maybe I’m just reading it all wrong.


    Protect Democracy




    U.S. Mail security

    Freedom of Press

    Restore our nation's standing in the world.

    Restore our allies faith in us.

    U.S. rejoin the international community.

    Help the U.S. stop being a laughing stock and once again be respected around the world.

    Protect the environment

    Continue the record setting high stock market started by Obama and continued by the guy after Obama.8o

    Oh, and since you won't like any of those, maybe you were looking for...there might be Free Stuff!!!:love:

  • I have an interesting idea - for anyone who would like to participate please list as many accomplishments as you can of the candidate you support - - lets keep this positive and refrain from any bashing of the other candidate - - - lets see if Trump or Biden has done more for the people of this country in their time as a politician.

    considering its Bidens 43 plus years vs Trumps less than 4 logic would imply that Biden should have a huge advantage.

    Lets see if that holds true

    Please post the name of your choice followed by you list of the good they have done


    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Again, ironic you claim others can't see for their bias.

    In 2015 I began watching the MSM version of stories and found them so fantastic I decided to watch unedited video. What I discovered is that most of the time the MSM edited video to manufacture a story, or paraphrased a comment and told their audience what it meant. It wasn't long before the narratives were easy to see.

    As for what Trump or Biden say in a press conference or speech, I guess I don't really care too much. At this point each has a record of accomplishments that indicates fairly strongly which way they will likely govern. Trump's policies seem to be consistent and reasonable. Biden and crew have been all over the map attempting to pander to every group imaginable.

    As much as it will hurt your country if Biden is elected, I will be there to say, I told you so.

    The irony is you are making the same argument I made and feel you are telling me something new. You only strengthen my argument more when you make it one sided, for that was the main point of my argument.

    As for their record or what they say in news conferences... It is Trumps actions("record"), not his childish words to reporters and Twitter followers, that worry me.

  • Before I start, did they have to sponsor a bill, write a bill...or does simply voting "yes" for something count?

    If he was president already, can I count everything that happened under his watch or just things he signed?

    If he was V.P. before can I count everything that happened while he was V.P. or just things he signed?

  • Before I start, did they have to sponsor a bill, write a bill...or does simply voting "yes" for something count?

    If he was president already, can I count everything that happened under his watch or just things he signed?

    If he was V.P. before can I count everything that happened while he was V.P. or just things he signed?

    I will let the people decide the specifics - just so long as you think that it is legitimate to claim that your person is the primary person responsible and without them it would not have happened - They should be the creator of the accomplishment

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • wow, you are so funny

    1 & 2 both are Patriots and believe in their view of Democracy. ( dead heat)

    3 - 5 Joe Biden started dating Jill while she was still married to her first husband. Joe is over the top in the “touchy - geeky” category. Trump has his issues here as well. ( still quite even)

    6 Biden believes in a system, mail in voting, that is ripe for abuse. Any system that allows for people to vote after the Election Day totals is received is flawed. Trump is against it. Point Trump

    7. Why wouldn’t Biden push this narrative? If he was treated like Trump is he would be saying what Trump says. Point Trump

    8 - 11. All are the same thing. We don’t know where Biden sits here, as all his time was as Obama’s lap dog. Trump has pissed off some but had gotten them to pay their share, for the first time. Point Trump

    12. The environment vs people and jobs. Obama’s environmental plan just pushed jobs overseas. Trump is bringing work back home. Point Trump

    13 Stock market had nowhere to go but up. Obama’s first years were bad. Only in his final years was there growth. Trump’s growth has been better still (except for the COVID years). Anyway Biden had nothing to do with this. Point Trump

    14 All I can say is “ Socialism is great until you run out of everyone else’s money”.

    YLM. Your Life Matters

  • 1 and 2 weren't attributes, but reasons.

    14 was a joke for the audience.;) I very much agree and have said those socialist programs would be great. Everyone would love them. They do need to be paid for and not before our national debt and other bills are settled. Government waste is huge. Trim that and there will be no need to increase anyone's taxes to pay for them.:) Heck, trim that and we could pay for them and lower taxes.