This post really pissed me off!

  • So I have not been over to that other site for months and decided to see if there was anything information on the new release...... Instead this was about the third post I came across after browsing for less than 2 minutes....
    While some may not like the price increases I was surprised to see a characterization made calling the SS a "mostly-made-n-China plastic toy". I cannot believe this Asshat continues to be connected to the site as a "staff member" posting up shit like this.

    Thread title: "How do feel about the big price increases on the Slingshot"

    Quote: WI_Hedgehog:

    The increased price isn't helpful if you want to buy a second one and
    have two in the family, or if yours is in a collision and you want a
    replacement. Parts for exotic vehicles are more expensive and that $300
    oil change isn't going to go down in price. It's a light vehicle without
    comprehensive anti-theft built in to the older models, which makes them
    more prone to theft as the price goes up; your $23,000 oddity may not
    be worth stealing, but your $40,000 ride is a different story--it may be
    headed for a chop-shop near you.

    It's also not good value for the money when your mostly-made-n-China
    plastic toy is now $35,500 and the final drive is prone to multiple
    failures and no real fixes other than replacement with more Chinese
    junk. Fewer buyers means less aftermarket parts in an already small
    market, and higher prices for those which are available. Higher purchase
    price means less money for upgrades, and more money paid in taxes.

    The new buyers won't be happy their front-end alignment is done with a
    board, resulting in excessive tire wear and that odd steering we've
    gotten used to. They'll demand a better shocks and steering on a $36K
    vehicle, just as many demanded upgrades to the current model, and soon
    it will be a $45K vehicle and your auto insurance is going to go up, and
    you'll be complaining that money would have been better spent on
    replacement bearings.

    Then someone is going to get hurt in their $50K Slingshot Platinum
    Limited Edition and blame Polaris, who they'll say should have designed
    [something] better for $50K. The government will get involved, new laws
    will be enacted, the Slingshot won't be as fun, insurance rates will go
    up, and it'll be a $65K replacement if you bump a tree when sliding off
    the road in the rain. And if you don't think that will happen, look at
    the requirements for airbags, anti-lock brakes, stability control,
    emissions controls--a $15K car is now $30K, and the Slingshot has to
    skirt overbearing laws and be classed as a motorcycle just to exist.

    I like the simpler times where we stood on the front bench seat in Mom's
    car, horsepower was abundant, gas and insurance were cheap, vehicles
    were big and fun, modifications didn't run afoul of layers of
    regulations, drag-racing resulted in a warning (if that), people had
    more money from their paycheck and jobs were plentiful. I wish the
    Slingshot was still cheap and simple so the new guys could more easily
    afford it, build it the way they want it, and if something happens to
    mine I could replace it and build another without raiding the retirement

  • What an embezzle! What an ultramaroon! - Bugs Bunny please slap Hedgehog instead of the Coyote !!!


  • to correct the Hog you can still get the standard for @$21,999.00
    Aftermarket will step up and the prices gradually will come down slightly as the numbers increase. He fails to see that Polaris understand there is a market for an upscale version. Nothing wrong there.

    Proud supporter of S.O.G.

    (Slingshot Owners Group)


    Owner/operator: MeanSling LLC :thumbsup:

  • to correct the Hog you can still get the standard for @$21,999.00
    Aftermarket will step up and the prices gradually will come down slightly as the numbers increase. He fails to see that Polaris understand there is a market for an upscale version. Nothing wrong there.

    There is a lot the Hog fails to see.
    That's what you get when you live in a hole and only come out to scavenge for attention!

    The more people I meet

    The more I love my Dog!

  • Let's see. I own enthusiast websites targeted at things people seem to enjoy. At least they enjoy them enough to slap down some hard earned cash, become a member of my website and frequent that site to learn and exchange ideas with mostly like-minded enthusiasts of said products. This generates the advertising revenues and cash I put in my pocket to feed my kids. What I then do is provide someone with a "staff badge" promoting this person as a representative of my organization. At times this person seemingly detests the products and services I am trying to promote and make a living from but the best course of action for me is to keep them on in hopes they will somehow connect with my membership growing revenues and increasing the value of my site. WTF?

  • That is why we are here and not there!

    Don't let them get under your skin, they are desperate to get some action in the dead zone.

    This is great advice. I should know better but the launch of the 17's got the best of me and somehow in a moment of now obvious loss of cognitive function I inadvertently thought there might be something worth investigating.

    Normally this type of ignorant post would not register but this morning it struck a nerve........ Thankfully all logic and reasoning quickly returned after reading through some more posts over here.

    • WOW. After reading that incredibly long rant by Hog....I've never been to that web site and don't plan to either.
    • I'm with Macaw, I'd bet A speaker from the Hill camp too.

    I guess i'm just used to people coming to this site from the other site after we all decided it sucked over there. But your the first member that has not ever been to the other site. I'm sure that their are many others that haven't as well. But reading your post just made me pause for a minute and reflect on the past.

    I am happy to say that I believe this site has transformed into mainstream Slingshot site. Ohhhhhh and yes,,, i'm grinning from ear to ear while I type this ..... :):):)

  • Every once in a while I will go over there to check it out and see if there is a PM. Not much going on over there. I do not post anything over there / nothing. Someone did PM me over there I sent a PM back telling them where to come to find me and that was it. I just wish that we had all of the DIY stuff that was posted on the dark side over here. But our info base is growing.