Slingfest - Colorado Springs! (Thu, Jun 9th 2022 - Sun, Jun 12th 2022)


Slingfest - Colorado Springs!

Thu, Jun 9th 2022 - Sun, Jun 12th 2022

3971 Palmer Park Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80909, USA

  • 3GunSteve started a new event:

  • I can do this. 2 day trip for me and I have a buddy in Rigby, ID about halfway and a nephew in Denver. It's before my wife is off for the summer but maybe she could fly out for the weekend. It looks like she could fly to Denver or Colorado Springs...

    Road Trip!

    It looks like the address listed is an empty big box store. 3GunSteve is there a host bordello or anything?

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

  • I can do this. 2 day trip for me and I have a buddy in Rigby, ID about halfway and a nephew in Denver. It's before my wife is off for the summer but maybe she could fly out for the weekend. It looks like she could fly to Denver or Colorado Springs...

    Road Trip!

    It looks like the address listed is an empty big box store. 3GunSteve is there a host bordello or anything?

    Awesome! We aren't going to have a "host hotel" per say, however we are pulling some numbers on 3-4 hotels that will be on a recommended list. Literally looking at crime data and places that have overnight security, etc... I got nervous about putting a bunch of slings at one hotel and being responsible for that in some way so going this other route. We also know a lot of folks who VRBO or AIR BNB it etc.. I'll share those hotels once I get everything back so folks can book early!

    The address I did list is the event location so folks can plan accordingly. Pretty excited about it, fairly new business and it's a really fun place to mingle and hang out with good food and they will actually be doing some all you can eat buffets Fri/Sat night. Some typical rally stuff too, like a show n shine competition and some fun awards for folks who traveled the farthest, and some not so typical slingshot categories, etc... team I'm working with is coming up with some fun stuff I think! We are meeting this weekend and as more of the schedule is finalized I'll post it up here too.

  • We would really like to do this but the dates just don’t work. Maybe next year. I am not sure what options exist for dates but end June or early July work much better as June is the rainy month here

  • Hey all, hope you all staying warm. Haven't been on as much, been working two jobs. Long story, but it's actually easier than you think when both are from home lol. Just hasn't meant anytime for social sites... That said, the group and I got the event registration going and facebook/social advertising going for our event. This is a FREE event, however there are some add on things if it tickles your fancy. Looking forward to seeing some of you out this way!

    Event Link -…2022-tickets-244451429807

  • Getting closer! Got a few more vendors confirmed - House of Sound out of Houston, TX will be here for the event and doing Sound / LED installs and upgrades. Slingshot Hitch being local will for sure be on site! Also Slingshot Sistas also out of TX I believe will have a booth with their apparel as well. Mr. Zarate is still a maybe, same with a group out of ATL. We have a local wheel vendor though and hydro dip specialist that should confirm this week as well. Just some of the fun stuff we're pulling together for the event!

  • Less than a month away - some new vendor info: F1Mats will be on site with their mats and new dash options! Colorado Motion LED's will be on site to talk about their new LED company, right here in Denver, CO. The wife locked down some of what I call "swag" vendors, bandanas, shirts, etc... House of Sound is doing pre-sales for LED and Sound installations on site! Zarate is still a maybe and we totally understand coming off the heels of Maggie Valley (next year we'll have better date options, we were new guys to calendar fight this year :) ) - however Crystal at Zarate has donated some online certificates to our charity raffle. That makes some kick ass luggage racks, polaris mugs/tubmlers, and certificates in the raffle all donated by super generous Slingshot loving folks! One of our local slingshot owners lost her special needs daughter this year :( (Misty - aka Supergirl Sling) Will be organizing the raffle to help parents in similar situations when going through this. Super excited about being able to do this with the donations.

    Trophies came out of design this week for the show n shine, LED/Sound competition, and the RMCP group ride parking lot event where the dealer will be picking out their favorite ride. I think you all will like the event swag, tshirts look great, event stickers, and key chains for the first 100 that show up. I never knew how much work all this would be until we volunteered to do this... told the wife next year someone else has to take lead as I'm not sure our marriage can handle but that said, super excited and looking forward to seeing all this come together!

  • I like unique trophies and strongly dislike the gold traditional "pillar" trophies as I call them. So when it came time to figure out trophies for Slingfest events (show n shine, led comp, sound comp, ride award, etc...) wanted something different. Some of my favorite trophies are the metal ones I got from the shooting competitions, little swinging metal targets, 3d plaques/creations, etc.... That said, were doing similar for Slingfest! Have a buddy with plasma cutter so we came up with these, there was one extra sent to laser engraver and he sent me this small sample on that extra one last night. Will get text and rest figured out today, excited about how these are coming along! I'm going to come up with a small wooden stand for them next. All said and done will be half the cost of the pillar trophies we got a quote for!