Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • How many purchases were done by the same person? Who has sold/gifted/died/lost/had stolen their guns in the same time period? How many guns existed before then and have been handed down? The problem with getting a lot of this data is that it's just not there to be found otherwise it would constitute a gun registry. And no one here wants that.

    So this brings up the question of how anyone can say X number of American citizens own guns.

  • And that is exactly why the numbers vary depending on who you ask.

    But those 10 years of back ground checks are real interesting and the numbers are out there. I was keeping up with the concealed carry permits for the last 10 years in South Carolina but I don' remember where I put them but the first year of obamo the CCW permits doubled in S.C.

  • But those 10 years of back ground checks are real interesting and the numbers are out there. I was keeping up with the concealed carry permits for the last 10 years in South Carolina but I don' remember where I put them but the first year of obamo the CCW permits doubled in S.C.

    All I know on that level is I'll be looking to join the ranks of the CC permits in SC once we move. ^^

  • Tripod, remember that time we were dropping off humanitarian aid in Africa in our jet helicopters and we were under sniper rocket fire from the Antarcticans while interviewing the rebels rising against the oceanic forces?

    God, how could I EVER forget that day?! :D

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • no kiddin - I believe I heard the new First Lady speaks 5 languages (?) That gives just a small idea of how intelligent she is!!!

    Only 5 languages? I've got her beat there. I can speak a few words in every language in the world except Greek. Ask me to say something in any language you want.

    Ok, say something in Swahili.

    Swahili? That's Greek to me

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • Tripod, remember that time we were dropping off humanitarian aid in Africa in our jet helicopters and we were under sniper rocket fire from the Antarcticans while interviewing the rebels rising against the oceanic forces?

    Yeah Cam - I remember that. Hillary was dodging sniper fire on that wasn't she?? ;(

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • OK, I've been biting my lip reading this stuff. I can't hold it anymore. If my house and my neighbors house were on fire, I would save my own first, sorry, but very true. Same thing with this country. I don't care a rats **a about any other country unless they are helping us or supporting our values. Same thing on a local level. We have people move here from other states,- won't say where cause they might have a baby fit,- they become board members or join some club and want to change the area into what they moved from. If you live in this location your house must be this color. I say BULLS**T on that, if you like it here don't change it. If you don't like it, move and get the f**k out. I paid for my land and no one is going to tell me what or how I can live here. Same way with this country. If you don't contribute to the growth of this country. Shut up or get the hell out. If it was so great where you lived before, why did you leave? Stay and fight if it's bad, God know we did!

  • Well here it goes !

    El inglés es considerado actualmente el idioma más importante a nivel mundial, ya sea para aquellos que lo hablan como primera lengua o aquellos que lo hablan como segunda lengua, es decir como lengua secundaria luego de la lengua maternal. Si bien los angloparlantes de tipo nativo (aquellos que lo hablan como lengua oficial del país en el que nacieron) no son tantos como los de otros idiomas tales como el español o el chino, el inglés gana absolutamente toda batalla cuando se habla de personas que hablan o dominan el inglés como segunda lengua.

    En este sentido, se puede decir que el idioma inglés está presente en casi todo el mundo y es considerado el principal elemento de communications entre culturas muy diversas que comparten pocos o ningún rasgo en común. El fenómeno del idioma inglés es interesante porque también puede relacionarse con un debate sobre su presencia en todo el mundo, sus razones y consecuencias.
    Quedo ante ustedes mis amigos del foro para su entendimiento y comprension.

    have I made my case ?