My trip to Alpha Powersport EH!

  • No where near there... Complete opposite end in Houston Texas... But I want like your post... Lol :D

    Thanks I want you to like it as well. Was hoping there would have been a flurry of likes but everyone is out partying or sleeping. ;(
    My dealer out in the middle of no where sold 15 slings last year. So I was thinking 30 would be easily achievable. We shall see.

  • For me, this would be very dependent on timing. If the dates align I would be very tempted to come out. However, I wouldn't be able to commit to any purchases (other than those faceplates, lol)

    I have a New York trip planned in August and need my $$$ for that run. lol, NO trailer this time I think, lol

  • For me, this would be very dependent on timing. If the dates align I would be very tempted to come out. However, I wouldn't be able to commit to any purchases (other than those faceplates, lol)

    I have a New York trip planned in August and need my $$$ for that run. lol, NO trailer this time I think, lol

    Don't think Henry could pull it off this year. It would probably be next year. Gives ya a bunch of time to save money and make an alpha wish list. And for me to get some more vendors to come. Maybe slingmods too wouldn't that be awesome.

  • Was awesome meeting you on the interstate!! We went by and I was like " Hey, I know that SS!!!" Wife & I both waved and I was laughing. She was like, what's so funny. I told her that I knew who that SS was, and she was like, How?
    I am really starting to like these forums, lol.

    Yeah, That wind never let up once on our ride through to Fargo then north to Manitoba. Plus it got cold as hell too. It was 13 C (or around 55 F for you USA folks, lol) Anyway, glad the whole trip is over and we are back home, lol

    Enjoy your time at Alpha!

    I can't afford seats yet either but when I do will be heated for sure. I picked up the 12v heated seat cushions at canadian tire made a huge difference. And inexpensive too!
    The turbo slingshot had the prp's seats very comfortable like couch comfortable was nice to try them out. Definitely on my list.

  • So I had a great chat with Henry about us hosting a slingshot event at our rv park. He was totally open to that. Thing is he's a business owner and needs it to be financially feasible in order for him to come. Totally understandable. So what he said is if I could get at least 30 slingshots to come he would do it. There you go guys I got the ball rolling now if we want him to come we have to show interest. Our rv park is in sundre alberta canada. They already have the smokies which is too far away for a lot of us to go so here's our chance to have a similar event. I've already done a bunch of work mapping out rides and planning stuff. It would probably be in July when the weather is best. I need to know who would come. So anyone close to there British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and anyone in the western States Montana, Oregon ya @slingking this means you lol. here's your chance. I'm sure if we show enough interest we can get even more vendors to come. Super excited let's show him a ton of interest several hundred slings would be cool.
    We can call it Sundre Sling fest. Come on guys let's make it happen. :00008674:
    Just like this post if your interested
    I should clarify this would be 2017 prob not enough time for vendors to organize this year.
    Hey @slingmods @SlingMods_Josh interested?

    I think that this would be a awesome idea. :thumbup: For sure would be interested.
    Mr. Slingshot Garage sir, I'm am voting for you as our "Sling ShotCanadian Ambassador" :thumbsup:
    When you get back we can chat and get the ball rolling. :00000028:
    I would be happy to help out :00000441:

  • Ah yes the extras. Candy red valve cover, mechanical boost Guage, Alpha shift adapter, Shift knobs couldn't make up my mind if I wanted round or thin so got both. Lol I'm so fickle. Alpha 1 way adjustable shocks, le black coil cover and a ceramic black exhaust cover. Also got a laser alignment and power bled the brakes.

  • OK now that we got all that out of the way. So we took it out and put about 65 miles on it no issues at all. The new power is awesome the exhaust is really loud. Should have come like that now it's a beast for sure. looking forward to putting some more miles on it. A guy on a Harley came buzzing up beside us at one point smiled and gave me the meh look then took off I let him go. So he waited till I caught up beside him and was revving the throttle to say let's go. So I said ah what the hell gave it a quick downshift floored it and totally left him for dead. When I let off I could see him throw his arms up in the air like what the hell just happened. was really funny. Then he thought it was cool lol
    Took a few pics of the candy out in the sun color is awesome.

  • I kept looking at the video where Troy was backing it out of the garage trying to figure out what was different?
    Watched the damn thing about 4 times until it finally hit me! No center lights, that Canadian thing 'A'!

    Great pics of your son with the monster ride!

  • OK now that we got all that out of the way. So we took it out and put about 65 miles on it no issues at all. The new power is awesome the exhaust is really loud. Should have come like that now it's a beast for sure. looking forward to putting some more miles on it. A guy on a Harley came buzzing up beside us at one point smiled and gave me the meh look then took off I let him go. So he waited till I caught up beside him and was revving the throttle to say let's go. So I said ah what the hell gave it a quick downshift floored it and totally left him for dead. When I let off I could see him throw his arms up in the air like what the hell just happened. was really funny. Then he thought it was cool lol
    Took a few pics of the candy out in the sun color is awesome.

    Real happy for you Mark. Pictures are awesome. Congrats on such a sweet turbo sling.