• Jeez, Guardian_Angel----- 4 years is awesome- I'm @ 2, (with 1 minor slip-up- hence- I KNOW if I have access to cigs...........) But, I know I am healthier w/o the real things- like you- had the cough-BAD. Never tried to find out how much damage the habit actually caused my body, and no interest in learning. Not going to check at this late date. Until they make vaping illegal- no plans on stopping this habit, either

  • Wow, didn't know anyone cared. Thanks. I do roll my own, and someday I may quit. Just not there yet

    Yeah...we roll our own too........Oh, wait....just what kind of leafy plant are you referring too......
    Just for the record....we roll our own Oregano so we can enjoy some flavorful spicy goodness........ :thumbup::thumbup:

    Those who will give up essential liberty to secure a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

    2016 Slingshot SL Vin# 8855 (born in September 2015) w/ Alpha Stage 2 Turbo @ 7.5psi

  • If you follow the money....it all comes back to the Tobacco industry dumping money into the politicians they have in their pockets. All the negative articles, and so called "studies", etc. have been funded by them (including these idiotic laws that are being drummed up). There have been some very good articles by well respected medical professionals that go against the "industry" and show that vaping is not in the same universe as tobacco products, and has the best proven record for helping people cut down, and/or quit smoking completely. Smoking and vaping are two different beasts. Vaping has it's goods and bads as well, but informed people can make good decisions about the products they use for vaping. Many e-juice manufacturers use only top food grade ingredients, and the best packaging for their products. They will also have chemical information posted or available to you on their web sites. I do not buy any e-juice products that is produced outside the USA, and those companies must also get their base ingredients from inside the USA as well. Just remember......you might not be smoking, but you are still inhaling something in the vapors.....make sure you know what it is, and are comfortable with it. I'm 100% against tobacco from the tobacco industry!!!! (Natural tobacco does not have all the carcinogens added to it, so I have no issue with homegrown tobacco products) So if vaping can help some people move away from smoking....it's worth trying out. I also agree with @Cape Sling.....quitting completely is THE best answer, but not everyone can do it that way. So healthy vaping is a viable alternative, since you can also start out with a higher Nic level, and lower the level over time, until, hopefully you are at zero Nic!!!

    I wish that I had just gotten my shit together and quit

    Home of the free - because of the brave

  • I never could get into the vaping thing and I really wanted to. I went to the vape stores and spent big money on all the devices and fluids but it never replaced smoking for me. Like I said in an earlier post I quit with Chantix and have done pretty well this last time. I do know if the doctor told me I had only six months to live I would go and buy a carton of cigarettes and one match.

  • I have a confession... I fell off the wagon a little over a week ago, and that wagons been burning ever since. Its the only habit I cant break the desire for. This year has been one family catastrophe and near misses than I care to recount. So at a distressed moment, I picked them back up. August would've been 4 years. Im embarrassed of it, and try not to draw attention to the fact I'm smoking again. Smoke in secret at work so none of my coworkers know....

    I know better. Cancer hits close to home... but what in this day and age does not cause cancer??

    images (17).jpg

    I never want to outlive my usefulness, or my mind anyways.

    All statements, posts, and general discussions made on this forum by me purposely reflect my opinions and personal experiences. 8)

  • Oh, Im still vaping.... in crowds, indoors... its not the same relaxant as a cigarette. Dont know what the difference is... inhale exhale hand to mouth... but its never been the same.

    All statements, posts, and general discussions made on this forum by me purposely reflect my opinions and personal experiences. 8)

  • Oh, Im still vaping.... in crowds, indoors... its not the same relaxant as a cigarette. Dont know what the difference is... inhale exhale hand to mouth... but its never been the same.

    Maybe try kicking up the nicotine level on your ejuice?!

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • A trach does change your life... The beard hides the ear-to-ear scars, just sayin

    Home of the free - because of the brave

  • thanks for the suggsetions... maybe your right. Maybe I should move up a notch ?( Im certain when the uncontrollable cough returns I'll be overdue another lay down... thanks @Tripod :thumbsup:

    Meanwhile... Steve just said he hoped the vapor wasnt seeping outside the hotel door.... lol, I do have blue ridge fog going on in here.... our next door neighbors is probably smelling blueberry muffins.... :00008356:

    All statements, posts, and general discussions made on this forum by me purposely reflect my opinions and personal experiences. 8)

  • thanks for the suggsetions... maybe your right. Maybe I should move up a notch ?( Im certain when the uncontrollable cough returns I'll be overdue another lay down... thanks @Tripod :thumbsup:

    Meanwhile... Steve just said he hoped the vapor wasnt seeping outside the hotel door.... lol, I do have blue ridge fog going on in here.... our next door neighbors is probably smelling blueberry muffins.... :00008356:

    Hummm - you are vaping nicotine?

    Home of the free - because of the brave

  • @Cape Sling, Id just not feel right adding a like to that post...

    Yes, throat cancer hit my grandmother, as a former smoker shes battled throat cancer twice with a trach twice, colon cancer, and now battles stage 4 melanoma. My aunt who never smoked, never drank, always in church, passed away from pancreatic cancer... my mother, uterine cancer, and my grandfather died from chemo/radiation side effects battling lymphoma... by the way, both grandparents and I suspect my 60 year old mother as well... had progressing Alzheimer's. I just dont see getting older working out real well for me regardless..
    Won't I be the pissed off old lady, when I am laying on my deathbed, drawing my last breaths when I played all the cards right, and dying was still imminent....

    Im sorry you had to endure that kind of life change. I seen the kind of care and maintenence it requires and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. With conflicted feelings, I'm sure I'll come to my senses.
    Bless you.

    All statements, posts, and general discussions made on this forum by me purposely reflect my opinions and personal experiences. 8)

  • I will never lecture and I know it hits everyone. Just offering my experience - you will never hear me complain other than I miss my love (s) in Germany. You have every right to live your life as you see fit and I have no intention to persuade. Hell - my own son is very much like his Dad (but does not use nicotine). I will not mention that it is much easier for a scared up guy.

    Home of the free - because of the brave

  • Like @Tripod said....don't beat yourself up @Guardian_Angel!!! I did everything possible to help my wife kick the habit, and she tried very hard. She never really quit 100%. She did stop for a short time, but if since she ended up smoking again, I never considered it to have been successful. She does vape, and for a while she had cut down to about 50% smoking 50% vaping. I'll take any slow down in her smoking as a positive. I know many people will say it only counts if you stop completely, but we're not perfect, and don't live in a perfect world. I've never been a smoker so I don't know how it feels to be addicted to those things. I do have my vises, and know how it feels to try stopping them........and they are no where close to stopping smoking!!!!! The worst thing you can do is keep beating yourself up with guilt!!!! Don't do it!!! Be proud that you know you are addicted, and at least try to cut back, and use alternatives like the vaping. As @Tripod suggested....you could increase your nic level and see if it helps you vape more than you smoke. Bottom line.....don't beat yourself down....life is already too short.....own it....and live life to the fullest!!!! Lets face it....you could go cold turkey, and figure you'll live a long life because you don't smoke, and end up the victim of some other unexpected event out of left field!!! We don't know when our card will be punched, or why!!! I know @Cape Sling has had his trials in life, and respect his input and advice 100%!!!! He definitely brings the other side of smoking to the forefront, and is a solid shoulder to lean on if you need it, because he does not judge. I hope to meet all of you fine folks at some point this summer!!!!

    Those who will give up essential liberty to secure a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety

    2016 Slingshot SL Vin# 8855 (born in September 2015) w/ Alpha Stage 2 Turbo @ 7.5psi

  • Like @Tripod said....don't beat yourself up @Guardian_Angel!!! I did everything possible to help my wife kick the habit, and she tried very hard. She never really quit 100%. She did stop for a short time, but if since she ended up smoking again, I never considered it to have been successful. She does vape, and for a while she had cut down to about 50% smoking 50% vaping. I'll take any slow down in her smoking as a positive. I know many people will say it only counts if you stop completely, but we're not perfect, and don't live in a perfect world. I've never been a smoker so I don't know how it feels to be addicted to those things. I do have my vises, and know how it feels to try stopping them........and they are no where close to stopping smoking!!!!! The worst thing you can do is keep beating yourself up with guilt!!!! Don't do it!!! Be proud that you know you are addicted, and at least try to cut back, and use alternatives like the vaping. As @Tripod suggested....you could increase your nic level and see if it helps you vape more than you smoke. Bottom line.....don't beat yourself down....life is already too short.....own it....and live life to the fullest!!!! Lets face it....you could go cold turkey, and figure you'll live a long life because you don't smoke, and end up the victim of some other unexpected event out of left field!!! We don't know when our card will be punched, or why!!! I know @Cape Sling has had his trials in life, and respect his input and advice 100%!!!! He definitely brings the other side of smoking to the forefront, and is a solid shoulder to lean on if you need it, because he does not judge. I hope to meet all of you fine folks at some point this summer!!!!

    I made lots of excuses, traveled the world speaking, until the big "C" took me down (serious - worked for Schwartzkoff / Hayden / Deptula) - cold turkey is something only you decide on and IMHO the only way to get out of hell.

    Home of the free - because of the brave

  • thanks @roadog1aj

    I had my first cigarette at 11 with some girls who would have been labeled as "bad influences" by most mothers... Smoking is the only "vice" I've never truly been able to give up on... It is within my power to quit for good, but even quitting almost 4 years... Every time I went into a convenient store and seen all the packs behind the counter.. I felt like a recovering alcoholic would feel stopping cause they needed gas at a store and walking in to pay with beer in the store coolers for sale.. I don't hate cigarettes, but I know I don't need them.. I need to hate them... Thanks y'all. Hope to meet you all soon as well.

    All statements, posts, and general discussions made on this forum by me purposely reflect my opinions and personal experiences. 8)

  • If quitting was easy, everyone would do it. I resorted to 'rolling my own now to at least save some serious bucks on this habit and avoid whatever additives the big guys add to it. Doesn't help me quit, but at least it's cheaper, hang in there, you'll do it again when you are ready.