My face when I learned that the Las Vegas shooter had antifa materials in his room and was probably a hardcore leftist:

  • The only thing i will post about this incident is the same thing I've said in the past about other asshats responsible for acts like these - They should kill themselves first. Then, if they can come back from the dead, they can do anything they want!
    That said, the only person I've ever heard reported to come back from the dead certainly never would have done this.

  • The Lt. Col. on Fox just a few minutes ago said there was $100,000 worth of guns that this guy owned. Now what I have heard was 18 in the room and I think it was said about the same amount at his house. O-Boy that is some really hi end guns that he owned. Also trying to make it out that something was seriously with him wrong because he owned so many guns. Even on Fox these people in there opinion do not have clue what they are talking about. Official number of firearms at 9:30 PM is 47 at 3 locations

  • As more information is shared, we see now that this was a well planned, premeditated atrocity. Between the cameras he installed, the number of weapons and rounds, the target, room setup, and sending his GF on a trip, this guy thought about this for quite a while.

    Bat shit crazy is a given. Just hard to reconcile all of his planning and efforts weren't driven by some type of an agenda or "reason".

  • I have learned sumthin thru this horrific event. I guess I was blissfully ignorant that there was a stock available that would turn a semi automatic into a fully automatic weapon very inexpensively and not regulated. While I have been unable to support ANY kind of anti gun legislation up to now my question is - fully automatic weapons have been illegal for decades unless you have a FFA license - why not this?? I gotta say I think it might be a time for a conversation for maybe not outlawing these stocks but at least put them under full auto regulations. I know most of us here are really pro gun - what you think - am I right or turning liberal on y’all ??? :00008359:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I have learned sumthin thru this horrific event. I guess I was blissfully ignorant that there was a stock available that would turn a semi automatic into a fully automatic weapon very inexpensively and not regulated. While I have been unable to support ANY kind of anti gun legislation up to now my question is - fully automatic weapons have been illegal for decades unless you have a FFA license - why not this?? I gotta say I think it might be a time for a conversation for maybe not outlawing these stocks but at least put them under full auto regulations. I know most of us here are really pro gun - what you think - am I right or turning liberal on y’all ??? :00008359:

    I have a friend who has that stock. It's amazing. He offered to get me one for a very good price but I can't see a need for it. I can hit all my targets on semi. No real reason to blow through a lot of ammo so quickly. Don't think you are allowed to shoot a whole herd of deer at once either. The deer tags and ammo would cost a fortune.

  • I have learned sumthin thru this horrific event. I guess I was blissfully ignorant that there was a stock available that would turn a semi automatic into a fully automatic weapon very inexpensively and not regulated. While I have been unable to support ANY kind of anti gun legislation up to now my question is - fully automatic weapons have been illegal for decades unless you have a FFA license - why not this?? I gotta say I think it might be a time for a conversation for maybe not outlawing these stocks but at least put them under full auto regulations. I know most of us here are really pro gun - what you think - am I right or turning liberal on y’all ??? :00008359:

    @Bill Martin that is not the only thing out there to do that. Also I have seen some people that can do the same thing with nothing added and hit what they are shooting at. You cannot outlaw everything that is out there. Are we going to outlaw cars that run over 55 MPH? A lot more people killed by the automobile. Then there is Chicago.

  • Here is a little detail from last night's news conference 9 minutes --- 12 shooting cycles --- 50 round drums? --- === 600 rounds fired: Now this is my opinion, even without the Slide-Fire stock and no Automatic function, just how many rounds could have been fired? I say close to 400 rounds if he had the experience! So now what do you blame it on? Did anyone watch Miclak do the rapid fire with the revolvers? I forget how many revolvers were laying on the table, but let us say that he did not need no automatic. Extreme Yes, but it can be done.

  • I agree @FunCycle with what you say - I guess I am kinda like @dangerdarrell and have never had the want or need for a fully automatic weapon thus my ignorance on this subject. I just can’t figure out the right thing here - in this “Fish in a bowl” shooting - even with a semi automatic weapon I am sure casualties would have been very heavy. I gotta say after this I am leaning toward having anything to do with fully automatic weapons should be heavily regulated. If it saved 1 life IMO it would be worth it. Problem with that is it will embolden the left and they will push gun control even harder than they already do. Once again can’t we just use a little common sense to resolve complex issues like this??

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I had a really long reply to either this one or the one @Bill Martin had on the shootings.... but before I hit the enter key I deleted it. Probably best I did. I have a very strong stance on this, and any gun related issues that people have. Trying to politicize this fits the agenda, and I feel is very much lacking respect of those that were directly affected by this. Fully automatic weapons are not legal to possess unless you have them registered and a federal license for them, and that's not easy to get. I have MANY gun loving friends, and only 1 of them has said license to own such a gun. Therefore, it is very likely the shooter committed a felony just by having the parts to change the gun over, even if not installed. Likely shooting inside the city limits is against the law in Las Vegas. The murder of random people is definitely against the law. Another law, ten more laws, 100 more laws..... would not have stopped this person. It appears to have been planned out for some time. Anyone that would sling lead into a crowd of people not knowing any of them..... has mental issues. Could have used fertilizer just as easily.

    As for what @FunCycle said about they were "trying to make it out that something was seriously with him wrong because he owned so many guns".... well I can tell you this much. Going by what I know about the friends that I have that love to shoot, that's really not all that many.

  • I agree @FunCycle with what you say - I guess I am kinda like @dangerdarrell and have never had the want or need for a fully automatic weapon thus my ignorance on this subject. I just can’t figure out the right thing here - in this “Fish in a bowl” shooting - even with a semi automatic weapon I am sure casualties would have been very heavy. I gotta say after this I am leaning toward having anything to do with fully automatic weapons should be heavily regulated. If it saved 1 life IMO it would be worth it. Problem with that is it will embolden the left and they will push gun control even harder than they already do. Once again can’t we just use a little common sense to resolve complex issues like this??

    My point being if no auto function and he knew what he was doing, he could have aiming still put down almost the same number of people and more deaths. Nothing is going to stop crazy. If he had spent the let us say the last year shooting off 100,000 rounds of ammo (practice) anything would have been possible.

  • @Bill Martin Brave of you to open the discussion on improved gun regulations - I think it is time to do so.

    For the record, I am pro second amendment and own several hand guns and shot guns.

    I have always thought about gun ownership in terms of sporting activities - hunting, clays, target, range shooting.

    I personally have not found a need to own long riffles as there are very few areas where I live that you can safely shoot.

    I know and understand a hunting rifle in the same caliber as an "assault" riffle is just as deadly. I am not so sure a 30 round clip is necessary when out deer hunting.

    I know in the Las Vegas case, the villain bought his weapons legally.

    I know many of the points and counter points from both sides of this discussion.

    But I also know America leads the world in mass killings via high capacity firearms.

    I am not good with that reality and I am willing to discuss the issue and possible changes.

  • High Capacity Mags: It only takes 2.3 seconds to change out a mag whether it is 5 - 10 - 30 - 50 rounds. This is the reason that I have multiple mags for even 5 round mags if that only thing available. There is not a blanket rule/law to cover everything. There is always a way around it and some of it might not be as nice as what we have now.

  • @Live-a-Little!, not sure that is true. According to UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research CenterCrime Prevention Research Center, Europe has more mass shootings. America has more deaths from guns but not more mass shootings. I do realize that this is on the internet so I am not saying it is exactly correct.

  • @Goats_Hogs - well said - I believe it is your right under the Second Amendment if you can afford to buy a thousand guns and want em - buy em. On the other hand it is the intent of the law to not allow the public to have access to fully automatic weapons unless going thru a stringent licensing process. It appears to me that the spirit of the law has been skirted allowing anyone to have access to full auto. I liken that to this - if you come to my front door and I refuse to allow entry - so you go to my back door and come in. In reality I only forbid you front door access - is it ok you came in my back door?? As I said this is a complex issue where I am very conflicted.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I have one insignificant thought on this and that is that if a guy wanted to have maximum impact after the event, leave no clues and have no discussions with anyone. It will have a much greater impact on all of our psyches if we can't compartmentalize his actions with some sort of reason for something so terrible. I still think about the Unabomber how many years later.

    This is the kind of thing that gun-grabbers latch onto for more restrictions. Maybe that was his only goal. His brother described him as not being a gun enthusiast.

    And as far as the media is concerned, they describe most weapons and ammo counts as an 'arsenal'. Most of those, if they started shooting at me and me at them, they're going to run out first. Anyone who's been shot at learns to be prepared.

    SlingLow out!

    Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, this is The Show!8)

  • @Goats_Hogs - well said - I believe it is your right under the Second Amendment if you can afford to buy a thousand guns and want em - buy em. On the other hand it is the intent of the law to not allow the public to have access to fully automatic weapons unless going thru a stringent licensing process. It appears to me that the spirit of the law has been skirted allowing anyone to have access to full auto. I liken that to this - if you come to my front door and I refuse to allow entry - so you go to my back door and come in. In reality I only forbid you front door access - is it ok you came in my back door?? As I said this is a complex issue where I am very conflicted.

    Just a question: Why do you hop up the Horse Power on your vehicles when the speed limit is XXXXX ? Just another way of looking at it.