Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Ok so lets get off the end of the world coming for a minute -- did anybody else see that redheaded a hole from england on tv the other night, he started bad mouthing the 1st amendment then said he didn't even understand it -- I think the sob should go back to england where he came from and take his best buddy in the whole wide world ( Opra / Orca ) with him. He's not even fit to be in California -- yes you Harry you asshole!

  • Ok so lets get off the end of the world coming for a minute -- did anybody else see that redheaded a hole from england on tv the other night, he started bad mouthing the 1st amendment then said he didn't even understand it -- I think the sob should go back to england where he came from and take his best buddy in the whole wide world ( Opra / Orca ) with him. He's not even fit to be in California -- yes you Harry you asshole!

    he apparently didn’t like the government of England much either..... he’s a progressive, radical, liberal, lefty, commie....he would really like North Korea.....they don’t have any stupid constitution rules...


    remember the strange noises from about 10 years ago....they are firing them up again....

    my best guess is the lights and noises are coming from satellites..... they want to simulate the coming of Christ or alien invasion......when the noises first started it back then it was like a microphone sound test only they couldn’t say “testing, testing......1...2...3....” so they made weird sounds..and testing their real looking hologram capabilities..which can now be shown in broad daylight and look totally real.

  • ELECTION FRAUD EVIDENCE....Deniers....please avoid this post...

    seems perfectly normal that 400,000 only picked one name to mark on a (phony) ballot....’s only in the critical swing states......hmmmmmm

    I see 2.0 incoming

  • Don’t look now but......we’re getting closer to DEFCON 1.......just saying......did you get your preps ready.... food, water...... stuff like that.... no city or well drinking grocery stores..... no gas stations.... WW3.....incoming....

  • This reminds me of a saying:

    "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times..."

    This video compares the military recruitment approach between China, Russia and now the US.

    ....comments are solid gold though.

  • first of all....our enemies will see this cartoon gender bender, mixed up family, LGTBQ crap and die laughing....we win. That must be the plan.

    Wait til they show the next cartoon with a “transformer” preparing to peel potatoes and learning how to keep your combat flip flops clean while you parade around like a rainbow fruitcake dressed up to scare the enemy into submission.

    second, she operates a Patriot missile battery.... push button remote control combat never sees the enemy face to face. Wouldn’t be able to recognize a real threat. Just like growing up in a not real life video game where nobody really dies and by pushing the reset button up you can come back to life like nothing bad can ever happen...

    third, Barbie boy doll puts on a uniform and turns into super gender. No physical mental toughness training.... no real world training... no combat self defense training.... no live fire training. KP or toilet cleaning ..... “solders” just lay around all day daydreaming about their wonderful family up bringing...

    Fourth, when one of my moms got sick and fat I knew I had to pull up my panties, get a set of fake nuts and grow up to be just like them....and since all the progressive, radical, liberal, lefty, commie brainwashing i got in school prepared to to gladly accept all of my participation awards without question or any real effort on my part.....I just had to step up and go for a bigger participation award to make my moms proud..... and all those LGTBWTF social rallies made me stronger from holding up those equality signs and chanting.... >>>>what do we want<<<<< “EQAULITY”.....>>>>>when do we want it<<<<< “NOW”....I’m soooo proud. All my life I’ve been part of the problem.....and now I can participate with other like minded idiots... to be a bigger part of the problem spreading my message of WTF is wrong with me and my family...around the world... take that all our enemies...

    Fifth, the generals that OKed this type of garbage should be dragged behind a pickup truck.

    I’m totally embarrassed to be an American after seeing how they portray our armed forces.....Every real solder has been totally disrespected. I can guarantee President Trump would never allow this to represent our military... it makes me want to puke....

    it would be a really good idea to portray our military as laughable lovable cartoon characters.... nothing sends a message of strength to our adversaries like a “fagged” up cartoon filled with pastel colors and baby talk. I’ll bet they feel all warm and fuzzy inside shaking with fear......hoping it’s not contagious....

  • Just a few miles away from where I live in Jersey the local library is having a benefit. Drag Queen storytelling. This is no joke. A drag Queen telling stories to little kids. I will say to each his, hers, theirs whatever own. Honestly what the heck is going on in this country. Why does it have to be a Drag Queen? 10 year old kids are going so see a man wearing glitter, tons of makeup, and very colorful clothing. Lots of smiles and laughs. Things that little kids are attracted to. A big difference when placing that kind of a showcase to young children. What better way to in indoctrinate young impressionable kids.

    My mom who is in her 80's said to me "Every generation proclaims that the following generation is ruining the country, but this time it's for real"

  • Going to post this here because it's really about politics'. During the election cycle the possibility that the corona virus was released from a China lab was suggested by the Trump administration. This theory was denounced by the main stream media as a political ploy.

    Turns out this may have been the case. So, once again (if true) who has been playing the political ploy? Even better how would the democratic party and our advisories react if an American research facility released this virus either purposely or accidentally, doesn't matter. I'll guarantee our own democratic party would work towards holding America fiscally responsible to the world. This applies to the international court system. Will they push to hold China responsible? Should they?

    How about doing the right thing and using this as a marker as to the integrity of the current administration? Will they peruse the truth to the worlds most devastating occurrence affecting everyone's life. If true will they work to hold China accountable? Will the world court hold China accountable? Or will they turn their back and prove they don't care?

    I'm betting they don't care or think it's better to walk away.