Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Thoss jumps last evening happened while the counting was on. A huge gap in biden ballots being added during the pause of the night and ALL favoring Biden and ALL are mail in votes? Come on now...

    several people on tv this morning said governor Wolf of Pa set up the ballot counting for fraud....

    I said it before and I’ll say it again. Wolf did what he was ordered to do when he willingly ordered Covid patients into nursing homes to kill thousands of innocent elderly people. So rigging an election after thousands of counts of murder, election fraud is like getting a parking ticket....the fix is in and has been in. The entire vote by mail was part of the plot. I told you that months ago....and here we are. Last Presidential election Georgia was ripe with voter fraud. What state are we waiting for today? You don’t seem to understand this whole thing was a communist plot. Deep state swamp rats....are on display. Look at the head rat Nancy smiling, her plan worked.

  • well considering the fact that Trump only beat Clinton by 3 tenths of a percentage point in Michigan in 2016 combined with the fact that Biden is much more likable than Hillary I think the current numbers look to be about what I would expect.

    Also personally the last thing I want is for this thing to end up in the supreme court - if it does and if the court were to decide Trump won - - the next 4 years are going to be hell - - they will never accept it and the obstruction will make the last four years look like walk in the park

    whatever happens - - I want a clear winner, no courts involved even if that means I have to accept Biden ;(

    that he’ll will be heaven compared to the hell the democrats will give us.

  • so now tell me why the stock market is at 27,849..with a big black cloud hanging over the election results....

    probably because they down't see the same big cloud that you see - - - they see an almost assured Biden victory and and almost assured Republican controlled Senate and a conservative SC that will not most likely stay that way to them than means checks and balances and stability

    They also see the House now under pressure to finally pass a virus relief bill

    markets dont like sudden change

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • This is interesting

    Presidents in my life

    Eisenhower R

    Kennedy D

    *Johnson D - assumed office after Kennedy'd death

    Nixon R

    *Ford R - assumed office after Nixon resigned

    Carter D

    Reagan R

    Bush R

    Clinton D

    Bush R

    Obama D

    Trump R

    ? Biden D

    2 D's in a row with Kennedy and Johnson only because Johnson stepped in when Kennedy was killed and 2 R's in a row with Ford & Nixon because Nixon resigned these were both VP's that stepped in and were not originally elected to the office of President - - - the only time the same party had 2 different presidents in a row actually elected was Bush Sr following Reagan and Bush Sr only lasted one term

    Seems as if the American people don't like to keeping one party in control for very long

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I get it that you are a hardcore socia- I mean democrat but lets be real here. 130,000 votes show up all of a sudden when they werent even supposed to be counting anymore and not a single vote is for Trump. The trigger was pulled to postpone counting when they knew they were basically done and Trump was winning, everyone knew this last night up to 2 AM. Even if Mail in ballots favored Biden somehow you going to tell me they were 100% for Biden? They knew from the beginning that their ONLY way to beat Trump and rig this was with the Mail in ballots. Basically evrryone has been aaying this for MONTHS. Thats why for months they have been pushing lockdowns and Covid fears preparing for the elections. They were counting with much much more fraud thru mail than this or even Trump losing FL but it didnt happen. I have to give it to the democrats this has been a master plan all the way from Covid to Floyd, to make it seem like Trump was illegitimate for 4 years and a "Russian agent" until the end. I have never seen so much corruption and deception in this country. This is the beginning of the end for thos great nation.

    I want to have innappropriate sexual relations with your post... I hope you don't mind.

    i chartered a jet to Venezuela, there are still some open seats..

    I don't know if I would go that far, but seriously considering selling the SS if Biden is declared the winner. I'm making $400 a month payments and that money can be used for other things.

  • not quite....add in the re-election (2 terms) R and Ds....that will change things.

  • I want to have innappropriate sexual relations with your post... I hope you don't mind.

    I don't know if I would go that far, but seriously considering selling the SS if Biden is declared the winner. I'm making $400 a month payments and that money can be used for other things.

    new green deal taxes, higher income taxes, giving everyone free college, free healthcare, amnesty for 22 million aliens....

  • new green deal taxes, higher income taxes, giving everyone free college, free healthcare, amnesty for 22 million aliens....

    only if they can get it past the Senate and only then if it passes constitutional muster - - -

    President can't do very much by themselves other than executive orders - - they just sign off on or veto what gets to their desk through both houses - - - remember the only way the Dems ever got the ACA through was by having both houses and the presidency and even that was hard to do because of the 60 votes needed in the Senate which they only held because of a super majority which didn't last very long at all

    heck they even had to play games when they put it back through the house so that the Senate wouldnt have to vote on it a second time because their 60th vote had been lost in a special election

    Wanting to do all of these things that you seem so afraid of and actually getting them done are very different things

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I did a long ride today. Really nice day. I'm OK with the results if it goes to Biden. As mentioned it would be a totally different story if the Republican's lost the senate and the conservative leaning supreme court. It is a bit annoying that President Trump worked so hard along with pharmaceutical companies creating a pathway for a vaccine that is just around the corner. Manufacturing inventories are extremely low and Boeing is close to clearing the 737. It's a manufacturing boom just about to happen and the credit will go else ware.

    It's still good for me. One thing for sure and it's a catch 22. I don't want anything to happen that will put Harris in charge.

    Just one thing, please start showing love and respect for America in our schools!

  • As a side note a quick question

    If this country does go more socialist in its policies and starts handing out "free" things who is actually going to pay for it?

    My wife and I are about to retire so its unlikely to be a big impact on any taxes we pay, in fact if they pander to the elderly we might even be on the receiving end of the "free" stuff - (at least while it lasts)

    From what I have seen most of us on here are probably nearer the end of our working years than most and as such could probably limit the financial impact of new socialist programs.

    The people who are going to pay for it are going to be the young working people - the same people who seem to think its a good idea

    Now personally I think them wanting this type of government is a huge mistake and I think that history shows this, but on the other hand if they are the ones who will be the most impacted trying to pay for it who am I to tell them they can't have it?

    Seriously I got to live my life under a style of government of my generations choosing shouldn't they also? - - even if we think its incredibly stupid? especially when it is our generation that allowed them to be brought up being taught this crap???

    can any generation protect the next generation from bad choices? should we?

    Anyway just something to ponder - heck if my parents could have made all of my generations choices the Beatles would have never made it - - damn long hair hippies! 8o8o

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I get it that you are a hardcore socia- I mean democrat but lets be real here. 130,000 votes show up all of a sudden when they werent even supposed to be counting anymore and not a single vote is for Trump. The trigger was pulled to postpone counting when they knew they were basically done and Trump was winning, everyone knew this last night up to 2 AM. Even if Mail in ballots favored Biden somehow you going to tell me they were 100% for Biden? They knew from the beginning that their ONLY way to beat Trump and rig this was with the Mail in ballots. Basically evrryone has been aaying this for MONTHS. Thats why for months they have been pushing lockdowns and Covid fears preparing for the elections. They were counting with much much more fraud thru mail than this or even Trump losing FL but it didnt happen. I have to give it to the democrats this has been a master plan all the way from Covid to Floyd, to make it seem like Trump was illegitimate for 4 years and a "Russian agent" until the end. I have never seen so much corruption and deception in this country. This is the beginning of the end for thos great nation.

    Wow, you start your argument with a flat out lie. Fill the middle with conspiracy theory type lies, then finish with a hyperbolic, fear inducing cry.

    You should run for President.

    Cry about how unfair the world is and how mean people are to you on a daily basis and you got this.;(;(;(;(||

    There ya go!:)^^

  • If Biden wins he will be an ineffectual President just undoing what Trump did by executive fiat. What really concerns me is is everybody ready for a President Harris and how she may govern. I don’t believe anybody believes Biden will last 4 years - he was just not Trump!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I did a long ride today. Really nice day. I'm OK with the results if it goes to Biden. As mentioned it would be a totally different story if the Republican's lost the senate and the conservative leaning supreme court. It is a bit annoying that President Trump worked so hard along with pharmaceutical companies creating a pathway for a vaccine that is just around the corner. Manufacturing inventories are extremely low and Boeing is close to clearing the 737. It's a manufacturing boom just about to happen and the credit will go else ware.

    It's still good for me. One thing for sure and it's a catch 22. I don't want anything to happen that will put Harris in charge.

    Just one thing, please start showing love and respect for America in our schools!

    Get ready for 2 more states (Dump your old 50 star flags) and a democratic majority for the next 100 years.
    get ready for a bigger Supreme Court.

    Get ready for the border wall to come down and millions of illegal aliens will flood California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas.
    get ready for no oil industry, no (read my lips) fracking.....

    Get ready for $6 gasoline.

    Higher utility bills.
    crashing 401ks...
    get ready to lose your doctors and a government bean counter will make your critical health decisions.....grandmas going back over the cliff....

    Get ready for MS13 to knock on your door for protection money.

    Get ready for massive drugs shipments...and overdoses...

    Get ready for Spanish to be the first language....

    The party is over.....

  • If Biden wins he will be an ineffectual President just undoing what Trump did by executive fiat. What really concerns me is is everybody ready for a President Harris and how she may govern. I don’t believe anybody believes Biden will last 4 years - he was just not Trump!!

    Come on Man!

    Did you see Biden today?

    He may look like he had a 4 year presidential age session happen overnight, but he can make it 4 years. He just needs to keep taking those performance enhancing drugs and pay better attention to his watch.

    He surely isn't Trump. Nobody will confuse the two.

  • If Biden wins he will be an ineffectual President just undoing what Trump did by executive fiat. What really concerns me is is everybody ready for a President Harris and how she may govern. I don’t believe anybody believes Biden will last 4 years - he was just not Trump!!


    My hope is he somehow lasts until the midterm or just before. The infighting in the dem party will tie them in knots until then which all but guarantees gains in the Senate and a Republican House for whatever comes next. For now, MItch has this.

    .... wink-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......