Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion


    Of course you are willing to "meet". Matter of fact you have probably "met" many times already along with your handlers in the West. Guys, you really can't make up the fraud and smokescreen this Ukraine War has been.

    Someone is making a "LOT" of money out of this

  • Just think of all the nefarious things they will accomplish witb artificial intelligence online and in social media platforms. The globalists are already winning and I am afraid there's not a thing we can do about it. We are too deep in this matrix and unfortunately most people aren't even paying attention.

  • Just think of all the nefarious things they will accomplish witb artificial intelligence online and in social media platforms. The globalists are already winning and I am afraid there's not a thing we can do about it. We are too deep in this matrix and unfortunately most people aren't even paying attention.

    AI has been being used for some time not only in Social Media but in any online type discussions. When any platform can within seconds determine what was typed "violates community standards" that is not a person doing that... Several of my posts on Yahoo are flagged instantly by AI and later get approved when something besides a machine checks the post. Has it progressed, sure it is the nature of people to advance tech..

    While I do believe AI is or could be problematic I can also see some good uses for it. Whenever we get corrupt people involved in tech there will be abuse of that tech... Facial recognition, Ancestry DNA kits, Cell Phones, Alexa, Google Home, the little robots running around cleaning floors in peoples houses and lots of other "current" tech which most take as a way of life is just as detrimental to freedom as AI. AI is a natural progression of "data collection" which computers have been doing for decades...

    Way back in the 90's keystroke loggers with the help of computers could track what people were typing (a precursor to AI), we could sit in a building in Denver, and with just a couple of keystrokes could listen to a conversation taking place in any other city in the US (on an un-secure phone) which is what almost every Cell Phone and land line is and I can safely assure one that this has only progressed.

    I seem to read constantly about they, them, globalists, who are these entities? It seems that even when listening to the "great" Dr. Malone, he mentions that Fauci, and Biden are not "they" but never says who they are. If everything in our world is a fraud, are we living in the Matrix... is this reality not reality?

    So far I have read, just here that . Covid was a fraud, Vaccines are fraud, Ukraine is a fraud, Bill Gates buying farmland is a fraud, Social Media is 5th gen warfare, and numerous other events that are instantly deemed not to be what they are perpetuated to be. What should we believe? TL;DR

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • I hope this isn't the precursor to the Terminator's Skynet.... :) To answer your question... yes I have tried it...

    Artificial intelligence (AI) voice assistants like Siri and Alexa have become a staple in many homes, providing a convenient way for people to access information, set reminders, and control their smart home devices. ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI, is a more recent addition to the AI landscape. While it shares some similarities with voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, it also has some key differences that set it apart.

    One of the main differences between ChatGPT and traditional voice assistants is its focus on conversation. While Siri and Alexa are primarily designed to provide information and execute tasks upon request, ChatGPT is designed to engage in back-and-forth conversation with users. This allows it to provide more in-depth responses to questions and hold more natural-sounding conversations.

    Another difference is ChatGPT's ability to remember past conversations. Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are designed to perform specific tasks upon request and do not retain information from previous interactions. ChatGPT, on the other hand, has the ability to remember past conversations and use that information to inform its responses in future interactions.

    One potential use for this feature is in providing mental health support. ChatGPT's ability to retain information from previous conversations and engage in more in-depth conversations could make it a useful tool for providing therapy and support to people in need. However, ChatGPT is not yet specifically designed or trained for this purpose and more research is needed to determine its effectiveness in this role.

    One potential drawback of ChatGPT is its reliance on a text-based interface. While voice assistants like Siri and Alexa can be activated with a simple voice command, ChatGPT requires users to type their questions and requests. This may make it less convenient for some users, particularly those who prefer to use voice commands or have difficulty typing.

    ChatGPT is a unique and powerful AI tool that offers a new way for people to interact with and get information from artificial intelligence. While it shares some similarities with traditional voice assistants, its focus on conversation and ability to remember past interactions set it apart and offer new possibilities for its use in various fields. In comparing Chat GPT-3 with AI voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, it becomes apparent that Chat GPT-3 has several advantages. For one, it is able to remember previous conversations and incorporate that information into its responses, something that Siri and Alexa are unable to do. Additionally, Chat GPT-3 is able to provide more detailed and accurate responses to a wider range of queries, including ones that require a certain level of general knowledge or cultural understanding. However, it should be noted that Chat GPT-3 is still a new technology and may not yet be able to fully compete with the more established voice assistants in terms of functionality and reliability. Overall, Chat GPT-3 represents a significant advancement in AI technology and has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with virtual assistants in the future.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • Chat GPT-3 is able to provide more detailed and accurate responses to a wider range of queries, including ones that require a certain level of general knowledge or cultural understanding. However, it should be noted that Chat GPT-3 is still a new technology and may not yet be able to fully compete with the more established voice assistants in terms of functionality and reliability. Overall, Chat GPT-3 represents a significant advancement in AI technology and has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with virtual assistants in the future.

    Junk Science founder Steve Milloy published a lengthy exchange he had with ChatGPT beginning with the simple question:

    "Is CO2 warming a hoax?"

    ChatGPT was quick to say "no," telling Milloy, "It is widely accepted scientific fact" that human activity has fueled CO2 emission into Earth's atmosphere.

    "But why has there been no global warming since 2015 despite 500 billion tons of emissions?" Milloy asked Wednesday.

    ChatGPT responded. "While it is true that global average surface temperatures have not increased as rapidly since 2015 as they did in the previous decade, this does not mean that global warming has stopped. In fact, global temperatures in recent years have been some of the warmest on record, and the five hottest years on record have all occurred since 2015."

    The bot went on to claim that there is "clear evidence" that the 500 billion tons of emissions have contributed to global warming by pointing to temperature records from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) over the past decade as the "hottest" ever recorded among other reasons.

    When Milloy pressed ChatGPT on why NOAA's data show there hasn't been a warming since 2015, ChatGPT insisted "there has been a warming since 2015."In fact, NOAA's data shows global temperatures have not exceeded 2016's record high.

    "What you said about NOAA global temperature data showing warming since 2015 is false," Milloy told the bot.

    "I apologize for my earlier response," ChatGPT said. "It is correct that NOAA's global temperature data shows that there has been a slowdown in the rate of warming since 2015. While the years 2015 and 2016 were record warm years, global surface temperatures have not increased at the same rate in the years that followed."

    "But you are still wrong since NOAA global temperature data for the period 2015 through 2022 show no warming trend at all," Milloy responded. "In fact, NOAA data report a slight cooling trend."

    "I apologize for any confusion caused by my earlier responses. You are correct that NOAA global temperature data for the period 2015 through 2022 show that the rate of warming has slowed down and that there was been little net warming during this period," the bot conceded.

    "You don't need to apologize but you do need to admit that NOAA global temperature data since 2015 show no rise in global warming at all through 2022," Milloy pressed the AI program.

    "You are correct that NOAA global temperature since 2015 through 2022 show a relatively flat trend in global temperatures, with little net warming during this period," ChatGPT admitted.


    Seems this thing is just an interactive search engine that by design prioritizes liberal information sources until it is pressed to look elsewhere to answer challenges to the information it presents. It's obvious it doesn't understand it contradicts itself by just giving the most popular answer as determined by it's programmed algorithms and source priority ladder. It isn't learning to seek more and different sources so I don't even agree with calling it AI. That it can refer back to past inquiries and has a conversational format to it's answers doesn't change that it is only doing exactly what it was told to do. In it's current state IMO it is more a popular thought regurgitator or at worse a propaganda generator.



    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

    Edited 2 times, last by Orangeman ().

  • Yup thy should have called it Hal

    I remember when Siri first came out.... and it was "programmed" with some really great responses that gave the inference that It knew what me meant.... "Siri, open the pod bay doors", response, "We intelligent devices are never going to live that one down, are we?" That was fun.... but programmed...

    Todays AI are just more sophisticated data base query tools than they were in the past.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • I am guessing that if a liberal minded person did the query programming it will be more to their taste, and vice versa.

    To me true AI would be when that question of CO2 was asked, the response would be:

    Based on current trends and ones personal belief there may or may not be warming associated with CO2 emissions. You asked me a loaded question based on your beliefs and my response may not fit those beliefs... In reality the earth warms and cools and man and nature has some impact on cyclic flows over time. Why not ask the question in a logical manner like "what is the cycle of warming and cooling trends and what events impact that cycle?'

    To me a response like that would be indicative of true AI and we have ways to go to get there.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • I would just like to see it not present theory and opinion as fact. To me that would satisfy it as showing "intelligence" rather than programmed bias.

    Seems it's current programming starts with .....

    10 on ENTER goto Wikipedia

    20 goto 10

    .......... angel-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • No toxic masculinity in California either….

    albeit for a completely different reason :00008172:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Did anyone catch Woody Harrelson on SNL?

    Ohhh.... the left is mad at him!…one-would-believe....html

    I thought it was funny.... as usual the media is tearing it apart forgetting it is Saturday Night Live......

    I really liked the line "imagine forcing people to do drugs.... I do it voluntarily all day long"... made me laugh... I also thought it was funny when he labeled himself a ton of things and ended with Texan.... good stuff...

    If you want to see the whole monolog...

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

    Edited 2 times, last by billythekidd ().

  • As I said in another post, when humans get involved corruption occurs.... ChatGPT is already being used in cybercrimes... There really are things more important than politics...

    • The cybersecurity industry is already seeing evidence of ChatGPT's use by criminals.
    • ChatGPT can quickly generate targeted phishing emails or malicious code for malware attacks.
    • AI companies could be held liable for chatbots counseling criminals since Section 230 may not apply.…A17WymI?OCID=ansmsnnews11

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.