Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Strange how only swing state states with Democrat governors had trouble counting the votes.

    If Trump gets bamboozled out of this one I hope there is a document dump from the Russia Russia Russia and Biden investigations. Let everybody see what no one was allowed to see and let the chips fall where they may. And do it in a way that is undeniable and hopefully we’ll have another Woodward and Bernstein moment and hopefully get to the truth. Our country depends on it. Everyone and I do mean everyone no matter where you find yourself on the political spectrum should want the truth.

    The ruling elite no matter what party in Washington should not enjoy 1 ounce more of immunity than the average Joe in anywhere town America.

    nobody finds it strange that the majority of the mail in votes are for Biden....So why is it that The Democrats trusted mail in ballots and republicans didn’t? And why is it that that the majority of the problems are in democratic states? I know it’s all just a big coincidence....and most of them changed the voting rules on ballot countering and handling? Coincidence again...

  • Strange how only swing state states with Democrat governors had trouble counting the votes.

    If Trump gets bamboozled out of this one I hope there is a document dump from the Russia Russia Russia and Biden investigations. Let everybody see what no one was allowed to see and let the chips fall where they may. And do it in a way that is undeniable and hopefully we’ll have another Woodward and Bernstein moment and hopefully get to the truth. Our country depends on it. Everyone and I do mean everyone no matter where you find yourself on the political spectrum should want the truth.

    The ruling elite no matter what party in Washington should not enjoy 1 ounce more of immunity than the average Joe in anywhere town America.

    it would still be too late.....if biden gets arrested, kamalzoo still takes over ....still have the same result ....she becomes president.....according to the plan....and America makes a hard left turn....

  • Strange how only swing state states with Democrat governors had trouble counting the votes.

    If Trump gets bamboozled out of this one I hope there is a document dump from the Russia Russia Russia and Biden investigations. Let everybody see what no one was allowed to see and let the chips fall where they may. And do it in a way that is undeniable and hopefully we’ll have another Woodward and Bernstein moment and hopefully get to the truth. Our country depends on it. Everyone and I do mean everyone no matter where you find yourself on the political spectrum should want the truth.

    The ruling elite no matter what party in Washington should not enjoy 1 ounce more of immunity than the average Joe in anywhere town America.

    I "liked"your post, just not the first sentence. Your first sentence is a lie on two counts. It isn't only "States with Democrat Governors" that aren't done counting and no state has claimed or shown any "trouble counting".

  • nobody finds it strange that the majority of the mail in votes are for Biden....So why is it that The Democrats trusted mail in ballots and republicans didn’t? And why is it that that the majority of the problems are in democratic states? I know it’s all just a big coincidence....and most of them changed the voting rules on ballot countering and handling? Coincidence again...

    Not coincidence. Pay attention.

    Trump tells his sheep that mail in ballots are bad.

    Trump tells his sheep Covid is made up, no big deal, nothing to worry about.

    Trump tells his sheep to vote in person on election day, because he will take mail in ballots to court and have them thrown out.

    Democrat sheep were told to vote from home.

    Democrat sheep were told that Covid spreads from person to person in public places, like polling places.

    Democrats knew Trump despised the idea of mail in voting, they despise Trump so they mail in voted.

    After all that some "special" people find it hard to understand how anyone can know the make up of mail in ballots and are surprised they are majority Democrat.

    For the record: I voted by mail then in person. Last year and this year. Nobody controls me. I did learned that trick from Trump though.:*

    As far as changing deadlines, times...before votes were cast, who cares? As long as the rules are there and fair to all voters, who cares? I think if any court tries to take away votes now, siting any procedural issue, it would be a slap to the face of those voters who's votes are affected and to democracy. The voters played by the rules.

    Edited 4 times, last by WOLF ().

  • You are better than this.

    Did they make two opposing claims depending on which state they were mad at?

    No, they didn't.

    ONLY TRUMP!!!:*

  • Whoa - back the train up - you don’t start changing the voting rules because you think one party candidate will get more mail in ballots than another. IMO voting for President, Senate, and House should have federal election laws that specify EXACTLY how voting will be handled uniformly in all states. I don’t know if there is any voter fraud going on but the cluster f@&k we are witnessing is sure ripe for it !!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Whoa - back the train up - you don’t start changing the voting rules because you think one party candidate will get more mail in ballots than another. IMO voting for President, Senate, and House should have federal election laws that specify EXACTLY how voting will be handled uniformly in all states. I don’t know if there is any voter fraud going on but the cluster f@&k we are witnessing is sure ripe for it !!

    That isn't why they changed rules this time. They did it for public safety. The uneven divide is really a testament to how each party views Covid.

    Predictable, yes.

    Done to favor a party, plausible

    Done for public health, yes

  • so it was only Covid related for excuse.....they knew they were going to cheat....they spent months planning it out. Millions of republicans voted in many died? How many rioters and looters died from the virus? It was one giant scare tactic....PROPAGANDA pushed by the democrats......

    Rudy stated yesterday that Philadelphia had a long history of voter didn’t just happen First time this year. He was a victim of voter fraud when he ran for office......he knew it was happening to him.....Changing the rules to not have to verify A signature that has always been required is certainly strange. Why wouldn’t you want to know if the ballot is actually a real vote from the real person? Why wouldn’t you want to know where and when the ballot was postmarked? Why were so many incorrect ballots beIng sent out and unrequested ballots With no way to retract them? Why would a lawyer (Conner lamb) say 29,000 incorrectly marked and mailed ballots should be counted? A lawyer and congressman wants 29,000 incorrectly printed ballots the way he just declared victory......imagine that.......Covid is a convenient excuse.

    Trump in the very beginning said he thought the virus was a hoax after years of democratic hoaxes aimed at him. If people were constantly crying “Wolf” and you kept gathering up your sheep day after day, what happens when the real wolf shows up? Same difference. He was hoaxed with very serious phony allegations how many times? Each one was fake. Perpetuated by lying Democratic congresspeople... they should have been removed from office then....the first US virus case was announced on the day Nancy was marching the impeachment papers to the senate....perfected national distraction...nobody knew or understood the implications of that First virus case. One sick person doesn’t exactly sound like it’s going to kill a percentage of the world. People get sick and die everyday.

    I received several ballot request forms from wasn’t only for democrats.....trump wanted republicans to use absentee ballots not the regular mail in ballots.....I requested an absentee ballot and received a regular mail in ballot... requiring you to sign The outside of the envelope, it can easily be determined which party you registered as....and if the person evaluating that request could easily “screw up” That request or change it “accidentally.” Once the ballot is opened it can easily end up in a circular file as a “bad” Or invalid Ballot if you didn’t vote for the right candidate.....

    the democrats sewed total confusion as a distraction and it worked perfectly.....
    this election was something that only happens in 3rd world dictator run socio/commie countries. Nobody in North Korea votes against Kim not one vote it’s always unanimously for him.....Putin always seems to get re-elected...Xi in China does ok......
    this is the only country in the world where we (Think) can pick the crook we want in office....everywhere else they pick themselves.

    the way this entire election was conducted was a total disgrace, With the Ridiculous last minute rule changes, incorrectly printed ballots, ballots that went to the wrong districts, wrong people receiving them, unsolicited ballots returned, people that received multiple ballots, Filled Out ballots found in the garbage, empty ballots found in garbage, relaxed verifications, no way to tell real votes from fake votes......lost ballots, people that never got requested ballots, people that got the wrongly requested many duplicate ballots were cast? I don’t care which party you belong to.....this was a shit show from the very smells.....the country was not prepared to conduct this election at this time.......Republicans and democrats should be outraged. Anybody that has confidence with the integrity Of this or future elections better pay attention.

    The democrats didn’t get over the results of the last election and Constantly tried to remove him even before he was sworn in.....And they hatched a plan to make sure he didn’t get re-elected.....even running a brain damaged candidate...they kept hidden away to deceive the public.

    Commercials on right now By democrats stating every vote will be counted doesn’t say if they are legit or not....but they will all be counted.....I feel much better now....LOL

  • It seems like we are becoming a 3rd world country when it come to voting.

    There are reports of some people being told to vote again because their mail in ballot cannot be found.

    A couple of states found ballots (not trashed per fact check) but "discarded".

    Counting now takes days and is almost always contested or there is a law suit regarding something with the election.

    In my state they can tell me they received my ballot, but not if it was counted. (We have been mail in here for 7 years)

    There needs to be a change in our whole system... People complain and gripe about a person, and then are "forced" to vote for that person because their "party" only gives them that choice. In this election, neither person that were considered the parties choice are worth a damn, yet because of the party system they are guaranteed about 50% of the vote.

    I was told because I didn't vote for either of the clowns in this election that I did not practice "practical" politics, that I had cast my ballot to the wind.... but at least I am not standing behind one side or the other knowing that that person is an awful choice for our country and thinking "but at least he/she isn't the other person"... I heard so many say. Biden sucks, but not as bad as Trump... that is what is wrong with politics. Our elected people need to put the country first and not the party. SFMF..

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • if Biden wins on January 21 this is what will happen....

    Impeachment/removal proceedings of Bill Barr. All his evidence disappears. Mysteriously...

    Hilary’s 33,000 emails will disappear again.
    Evidence of all the congressional lies will disappear.

    Biden’s laptop disappears.
    election tampering evidence disappears...

    Ukrainian Biden allegations disappear with the evidence

    The corrupt FBI, CIA and others will do business as usual...

    All the treasonous acts of the Obama administration disappear.

    The gun grab will start with Biden signing many EOs...
    amnesty for 22 million illegal aliens begins.

    Plans to remove the wall.

    Immigration restrictions will be dropped. I just figured out why we had all these was an excuse to allow foreigners in to flood the country.....fleeing from the war zone to the good old USA....Democratic voters....

    Plans to eliminate ICE, defund the police.

    No cash bail

    End of the prison system.

    MS 13 will increase with drug over doses

    Millions of illegals will freely flood the country.
    all the free stuff gets implemented.

    The new green deal will become law.

    Reenter the Iran deal.

    Return of ISIS and increase in Middle East fighting

    War with North Korea ....

    Reenter the Paris accord.

    The end of fracking, oil coal and natural gas.
    mandatory use of wind and solar.

    Mandatory house upgrades to make your house highly green. $$$$$

    Higher income taxes from 21 to 28%....for now....much higher every year to fund all the free stuff....

    Cash for gas guzzlers....forced electric vehicles ownership

    Eliminate everything Trump did.

    Kill the China tariffs.

    Kill American jobs

    Mandatory Taxes on corporations.

    More taxes on your useless til you drop Dead...

    Medicare for all and 180 million people will lose their current healthcare...And you can’t keep your doctor...government bean counters decide your health future. Prepare to be pushed off the cliff....

    The Supreme Court gets packed

    2 new states added with democratic control of the house and senate...trifecta

    he’s gonna have a very busy week.....I’m sure nancy has all the required paperwork for all of this ready for his signature.....before they get rid of him....he’s the one that will get the blame and kamalazoo will come out smelling like a rose. so she can have a clean slate for was brain dead Joe not me.
    and that boys and girls will be the future of our country for your kids and grandkids And their grandkids ....lifetime....democratic rule

    With 2 new states, a packed court and 22 million New Democratic voters with back up pouring in daily.....prepare for decades of democratic Socio/commie rule with no end in sight.....

    so if you think this election wasn’t a preplanned set up.....look at the reality...right out of the communist might want to get your copy so you can bone up on what’s coming...give a copy to your family for Their last Christmas ...commies don’t need no God..

  • the problem is everyone made it personal....I don’t like him.....not taking into account the good things and the things that are going to hurt this country.... if you think making a hard left is going to be good for you or the country out of “blindness” you screwed yourself and the rest of the country...There will be no turning back....

  • Sooo - you are suggesting rioting, looting, massive protests in the street are OK but going to cast your ballot is too dangerous ....

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Wow, you start your argument with a flat out lie...

    Do you have actual proof he's lying; or is it just what you were told by news outlets that get successfully sued for lying?

    Voter fraud exists. Project Veritas has published videos exposing this (one in Texas responsible for 7k votes) and currently are reviewing videos sent from several hot spots.

    As far as your defense of mail in ballots; in the military there is something known as "chain of custody". The more important a document is the smaller that chain needs to become, when you put that document through the postal service; all of a sudden you have a very long chain.

  • .

    Nah... nobody complained that the other side wouldn't accept the result then themselves didn't .... nobody said they wouldn't back recounts, then did .... nobody complained about the existence of the Electoral College then tried to corrupt it to their advantage ..... yada, yada, yada .....

    But only Wolfie.... um, oh....sorry...Trump ...... angel-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • .

    Just listened to an interview where they outlined the (known) money spent by both parties (more-so the dems) that was thrown at trying to flip seats at all levels in areas that had no real chance of succeeding. The point of the interview was that the total for just these areas, forget the ridiculous amount spent as a whole this cycle, was so high it could have almost completely solved the basic main issues plaguing the US today.

    We as citizens really need to take a good look and force action on how our politicians campaigns are funded.

    ...... bored-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • Okay people - - the election is over, a winner will be declared (sooner or later) and then we will live with it - - - some of us will love the results, some of us won't but in the end the only things that really matter will stay the same

    We are all Americans and we all love our Slingshots!!!

    I say FU@K POLITICS - - - - - LETS RIDE!!!!


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