Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Let me see if I understand this correctly;

    Voting for a third party candidate is considered "wasting a vote" If one is blue or red,

    Not voting depending on your particular preference either blue or red is a vote cast for the opposition,

    Neither candidate is a good candidate for an election, but voting for the lesser of two evils is casting a good vote,

    The two party system has many flaws, but we must keep voting to fix it,

    but not voting is as crazy as it gets?

    I think I understand...

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • I get what you are sayin billythekidd however, you have voters that will vote party line no matter how stupid it is. We have devolved to HAVING to choose the best of 2 distasteful candidates to most of the American electorate. Would you rather have diarrhea or a colonoscopy and if not a toothache that just nags you until you have to pull it?? That is US politics as it stands today :00008172:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • personally I think the fix will only come when the people throw away the idea of parties and simply vote for the person they believe is the most qualified - - - - like him or not as a very successful business man Trump is very qualified - - he may be an asshole, but he known the ins and outs of running a successful business - and the tools needed to do that are pretty much the same tools needed to make wise decisions when it comes to running the country - - - unfortunately it seems we have become a country where many people think its more important to have a nice guy who wont hurt anyones feelings than it is to have a qualified technician - the whole anti Trump thing seems to be focused on not liking him because he's not nice - - - and so in getting someone who wont hurt your feelings we got a totally inept person that cant do the job - - - And this is pretty much history repeating itself - - remember Nixon - - pretty much a total asshole who was doing a great job forced to resign and replaced by his vise president, but the bad taste left in peoples mouths from Nixon led the people to elect probably one of the nicest guys you could ever find the next chance they had to vote - Jimmy Carter - seriously, an incredibly nice and good person, but a totally inept President.

    So I say VOTE and when you do dont worry if the person is nice or going to hurt some peoples feelings, ithe only thing that should matter is that you vote for who you believe is the most qualified and experienced person to get the job done - - and it doesnt matter how many people whos feelings get hurt along the way - feeling good about the persons personality doesn'y get the job done and a qualified asshole is better for you and me and our bottom line and future than not getting our feelings hurt

    We need to say Fuck Red or Blue or party loyalty - - always vote and always vote based on actual qualifications for what you think needs to be done - period!

    for me, right now the most important Jobs that need being done are as follows:

    Fix the border problem

    Stop the runaway inflation

    and Stop helping people in other countries before you help our own citizens

    Biden has proven he cant do any of these things - - so of the choices I am offered I will vote for the person I believe most likley can - and I will NEVER let others make this choice without my input by not voting

    and remember if you stay quiet and dont vote you are simply making sure that others voices are heard and yours is not. Seriously would you let other people decide how to run your personal life? even if the only options seem shitty its still better for you to choose the one you think is less shitty than it would be to let someone else pick for you - wouldn't it?

    if people started doing this and said forget parties - - then I think this mess could be fixed - - and it starts with us - - if we wait for others to step up before we will jump in - - then we will stay stuck in this cesspool that we have allowed to exist

    Seriously, if every American voted solely based on qualifications to get the job done and didnt worry about party affiliation or if the person was likable I highly suspect that out of the options we are now being given that Trump would win by a landslide - - -


    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

    Edited once, last by Edward Neal ().

  • Yup, and there are about 300 million other people who have an entirely different idea of what needs to be "done". As to likeable... that has never entered my mind... I look at both of the potential prospects as worthless. The last election I voted for Tulsi Gabbard, knowing she would not win and knowing that the state of Colorado would not even county my write in vote because they have a requirement that a person like Ms. Gabbard must file forms for my write in vote to even be counted. To me that shows how much the "system" cares about my vote.

    Your top three are all the talking points that have been around since I can remember.

    Borders: I lived in Yuma, AZ in the 70's and there was a problem then... not as big as today, but in 50 years no one has been able to stem the tide. Neither of the two candidates running today if this is the outcome will be able to stop this. It is a problem and as I have said many times, it is not a problem for a lot of people until it is in their city or state.

    Inflation: started under Trump due to the pandemic... As we all know it is a problem world wide and just as under the Great Regan years it takes time to control.

    Foreign Aid: Show me a time when we didn't give money to others... Even after we bombed Germany so that it looked like the pictures we now see of Gaza, we helped to rebuild it... Other places as well.

    I agree with your need to be done list, and with many of the other thoughts of what needs to be done; healthcare, jobs, infrastructure,...When I first heard the term MAGA (make america great again) I though it was good, but in my limited understanding I thought of good jobs, healthcare, prosperity, roads, innovation, and so on... what it really was, was a slogan on a hat. As we are all aware, neither guy or lady can do much without the clowns we call congress... Executive orders can only go so far... Making a campaign promise and keeping is have never been a reality due to the congress.

    As to the premise of voting and voices being heard... ask any of the millions who voted and lost if they feel their voice was heard? I truly understand the electoral college and the need for it... but ask anyone who voted for Hillary who had over 3 million more votes if their voice was heard.

    The government exists unfortunately to control our personal lives... They prove that every day... Just think of the little healthcare debacle that is currently going on in our country... I/we have to have healthcare of be fined on my taxes, illegals in several states are provided free healthcare.. We have a constitution with a Second Ammendment but I/we am not allowed to constitutionally carry in most places including government buildings. I could go on, but it is a never ending debacle...

    I propose that no one votes... what happens then? A coin flip... just about as credible as what we currently have.

    Keep voting, if that is what makes one feel better.. to me personally it is an exercise in futility as I posted earlier.

    Here are some interesting numbers... Since 2000 if anyone in California voted for a Republican president... wasted vote as the entire electorate went to Democrats... this information is available for any state one would like to see.

    • California voted for Joe Biden (D) in the 2020 presidential election.
    • Between 1900 and 2020, California voted for the winning presidential candidate 80.6% of the time.
    • Between 2000 and 2020, California voted for the winning presidential candidate 50% of the time.
    • Since 1900, California has voted Democratic 48.4% of the time and Republican 48.4% of the time.
    • Since 2000, California has voted Democratic 100% of the time and Republican 0% of the time.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • If everyone had been voting we probably not be in this position. If everyone would forget about the two party system and would vote for whoever that they though would do the job we would not be in this position either. But instead they left the politicians tell them what to do whether they can do the job or not and even when they cannot or will not they are still put back in office by the party vote. I am 76 years old and have NEVER voted a party vote. If they tell you to jump off of the cliff are you going to do that also?

  • If someone has served more that two terms IMHO nine out ten times they are a crook and have no idea what our lives are really like. Tell me how you can be a politician with nothing and retire with millions of dollars. You see that this is the whole problem to start with.

  • If someone has served more that two terms IMHO nine out ten times they are a crook and have no idea what our lives are really like. Tell me how you can be a politician with nothing and retire with millions of dollars. You see that this is the whole problem to start with.

    and if you think about the fact that our current president has literally never had a job in the public sector nor has he served in the military that should tell you a great deal about his qualifications - - - literally a life long politician with a net worth of over $9 million - - - in other words - bought and paid for

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • So? if as you say you would vote for the most qualified person and likability is something you dont care about then why have you said you wont vote for trump? - - - is there anyone running with better qualifications?

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • So? if as you say you would vote for the most qualified person and likability is something you dont care about then why have you said you wont vote for trump? - - - is there anyone running with better qualifications?

    Running, no there is no one more qualified and also no one less qualified. Trump and Biden are both run of the mill at best. I have seen his qualifications as they were for 4 years and was not impressed. I want a change in leadership, not a do over. His little talk after his Iowa victory pretty much was same old stuff... except he now says we all need to come together... wonder where that came from?

    I also will not vote for Biden, as I think the same about him. Both are party people as in blue and red... neither seem to care much about our country and as the donald said making it great again which to me as I said in the sense of good jobs, updating infrastructure, trying to control crime with something that is not a new worthless gun law, addressing healthcare, why is the cost of insulin in the US the highest in the world...attempting to at least try to control the border, and yes a fence may help, but as was documented numerous times still not a deterrent. I could go on an on about what I think qualifications should be and as I stated to your to do list, 300 million people would have a different idea.

    I want less government in my life and trump or biden do not provide that. I want the US to be respected and trump or biden do not even come close to garnering any world respect

    Vote for who you wish as you will not change my thinking and I am certainly not trying to change anyone's opinion. Just stating what I think.. As a Marine, when I was young I fell for the song and dance... and as the old song goes... "won't get fooled again".

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • So glad the Chinese learned all they needed to know to make sure that viruses never escape a lab after the last in inadvertent, accidental mishap. You know, the one Fauci helped to Fund.🤬

    .::. Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it .::.