Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • See? I knew Orangeman , Tripod, and Bill Martin would see the side of BLM... They acted like our founding fathers... Take action into your own hands. Revolt.


    Comparing me to BLM - those are literally fighting words. BLM seeks to tear down our nation. The 3 of us mentioned prefer our nation stay AS FOUNDED.

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • Attacking our Capitol and our members of Congress is terrorism - - plain and simple terrorism.

    Those who would do this and / or those who would support those who do this are criminals and terrorists and should be treated no differently than we would treat any other terrorist who would attack out country.

    as far as I am concerned they can drone them all

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I'm amazed that the media is not recognizing the significance of today's actions at the capitol. When was the last time that the conservative moderates rose up about anything much less came together to occupy the US Capitol? The reports I'm reading are all talking about "baseless claims", "unsubstantiated claims", and "false claims". Do they not yet realize that the people that took flights to DC to participate in this do not feel that they are baseless and the reason they are out there is because the media, the courts, and their state governments are dismissing their beliefs on this issue? I'll be the first in line to say that some of the claims the Trump campaign made were pretty far out there and were quickly countered with explanations that at least made sense to explain the action. However, some of the claims they made do warrant something more than a dismissal by the executive and judicial branches along with the media. The issue presented today in the joint session is that the state executive and judicial branches overstepped the legislative branch by amending election laws as part of their COVID response actions without the authority to do so (which seems to be a truthful statement from my research). Executive and judicial branches have been overstepping the legislative branch for years, but when you lay that on top of what many feel is executive branch overreach on limits to personal freedoms due to COVID response we appear to have found the breaking point of where the conservative moderates will say no more.

    I don't support breaking the law in the process of protesting someone else breaking the law (as stated earlier two wrongs don't make a right). I am however naturally suspect of the motivations of politicians and it seems like it would have been pretty easy for the Governors to convene their legislative branches to amend their election laws properly with transparency and debate. The fact that the changes were generally loved by one party and hated by the other is a pretty good indication that it was probably a bad idea that wouldn't end well. However, back to my original post I do believe that they never thought the moderates would revolt and rise up. My personal belief is that politicians have no problem taking it right to the line or over it as much as they feel they can without getting caught since winning the election is their main goal. Many of the changes that governors put into place seemed to reduce the control measures to limit the opportunity to commit fraud. Did they really think that the people in the campaigns would not take advantage of the reduction in controls for their advantage?

    The media reports and political talking points all use the terms "not widespread" and "not significant" interchangeably as they dismiss any claims of fraud. Anyone that took a high school statistics class knows that you do not need something to be widespread for it to be significant. When the margins of victory are as close as they have been this election it doesn't take much fraud to tip the scale. When small scale fraud can impact the result of the election it deserves more than an out of hand dismissal. When the media and democrats dismissed any claims of fraud they helped cause the problem we have today. The only solution would have been open and transparent actions with input from both parties, but they didn't do that which understandably will lead people to think they have something to hide. I don't think there is a person in the world that would think a politician wouldn't cheat to win so why are people to quick to say nothing happened and it doesn't need to be looked at when the stakes were as high as they were in this election cycle. No doubt in my mind that the campaigns took advantage of the reduction in control measures and were able to do things that they wouldn't normally be able to get away with. Now I do not know if it was enough to tip the scales on the results, but I do think it is worth a look.

    FB - North Alabama Polaris Slingshot Owners - (Huntsville)

  • Attacking our Capitol and our members of Congress is terrorism - - plain and simple terrorism.

    Those who would do this and / or those who would support those who do this are criminals and terrorists and should be treated no differently than we would treat any other terrorist who would attack out country.

    as far as I am concerned they can drone them all

    I take it then, as a self proclaimed Libertarian, you feel the same about those who broke down barricades, assaulted Secret Service officers, attempted to storm the White House, and set fire to a June.

    ..... angel-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • See? I knew Orangeman , Tripod, and Bill Martin would see the side of BLM... They acted like our founding fathers... Take action into your own hands. Revolt.


    I hope you are right in your support of the Democrats - you are still young enough to feel the long term effects of their proposed policies. Myself, Tripod and Orangeman have retired - quite comfortably I might add and only have to try and hold on to what we have. You, my friend, are young enough you will draw your first Social Security check probably at around 75 - your income will pay for all the social programs - sooo when you get to be our age you may be wanting to keep the government out of your life and pocket also. Careful for what you have wished for - go in peace brother :00008172:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I hope you are right in your support of the Democrats - you are still young enough to feel the long term effects of their proposed policies. Myself, Tripod and Orangeman have retired - quite comfortably I might add and only have to try and hold on to what we have. You, my friend, are young enough you will draw your first Social Security check probably at around 75 - your income will pay for all the social programs - sooo when you get to be our age you may be wanting to keep the government out of your life and pocket also. Careful for what you have wished for - go in peace brother :00008172:

    I can about GUARANTEE social security won’t exist when MiM retires...

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • I hope you are right in your support of the Democrats - you are still young enough to feel the long term effects of their proposed policies. Myself, Tripod and Orangeman have retired - quite comfortably I might add and only have to try and hold on to what we have. You, my friend, are young enough you will draw your first Social Security check probably at around 75 - your income will pay for all the social programs - sooo when you get to be our age you may be wanting to keep the government out of your life and pocket also. Careful for what you have wished for - go in peace brother :00008172:

    Now I never said anything about supporting all democratic policies...

    But I don't respect Trump, especially these last months/weeks, in addition to his circus. He's torn the GOP. He's revealed some other scum, in my opinion... So just taking notes.

    With TRS, I hope to retire about 50ish... Take some years off, then get back into working.

    Educators may not make enough to retire comfortably, but it ain't bad if you plan ahead...

    Orangeman , off topic, but wondering what your sister (I think it was) thought of the education nominee? He came out of nowhere IMO, but at least it wasn't the union organizers she was fearing.

  • Am I the only one that believes the political hypocrisy is at an all time peak. What they are saying about Trump supporters being seditionists and ALL last year it was “peaceful protests” and people exercising their 1st Amendment rights as we watched big screen TVs carted off out of looted stores, public property destroyed and defaced. Politics Suck but this is really jaw dropping!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Katie Palvich was the only commentator that I heard say anything about the real reason for what happened today. The rest just wanted to lay blame. The conservatives have had enough. Do you really think that the "SWAMP" will get the message? :cursing:

    Sadly - look at Biden’s cabinet picks - the swamp is on the way back in much deeper. Today’s action in DC will be used to vilify Trump from now on - possibly depleting his political clout. IMO - a hard NO 😩

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • But I don't respect Trump, especially these last months/weeks

    But you're good with Creepy Joe and Huntah??

    And Dirty Knees and all Kamaltoe?

    MiMzee, I love ya brother, but hate Trump all you want.

    But those other 2 are a wicked joke!!

    (If Creepy shows up at your school, Don't allow his hairy legs in the classroom!!)

    CREEPY!!! :00007510:



    Never trust a ConnMan!!
    (Man I love that line!)

  • the proof of whether the protesters are trump supporters or antifa will be...if they release the protesters and do not keep them in jail....they are antifa.... trump suppers would have the keys thrown away....think about it....who got no bail and no jail time in NY and Portland....ANTIFA....

  • Katie Palvich was the only commentator that I heard say anything about the real reason for what happened today. The rest just wanted to lay blame. The conservatives have had enough. Do you really think that the "SWAMP" will get the message? :cursing:

    Agreed, I do not condone anything that happened today. It's scary and wrong. My own thoughts. I am fed up by politicians using my tax dollars against me. Social Security taxes, Medicare, School Taxes, Property Taxes, Tolls, Gas Tax, State Tax, Local Tax, Occupational Privledge Tax, it just goes on and on.

    The Democratic Party runs an election promising open boarders, and free programs I've been putting into the system for over 42 years and I'm not entitled to free! Their using my tax money to buy votes then turning around and distributing my tax dollars to people who never contributed to the system. All in the interest of retaining and controlling power. Then they point the finger and call anyone who objects to giving away worked for money as a racist, homophobe, bigot, xenophobic etc. It totally shuts down the argument. How about we just don't want corrupt politicians redistributing our money for their political gains. People have had enough.