Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • As I watch all these protests from these snot nosed liberal college students trying to offer sanctuary to illegal immigrants makes me sick to my stomach. I think I may have found something good about getting older - by the time these little shits are old enough to hold power positions in this country I will be too old to care. I'm sure most of us can remember a time when you did something stupid we got sent to the coaches office for "licks". Sure would be nice to reinstitute this age old tradition giving these idiots an attitude adjustment.

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • I gotta say if all the Dems were more like you they would be much more palatable!! Nancy Pelosi - burn in hell with Hillary - she is next along with Barbara Boxer while Harry Reid takes over as the Devil's Chief of Staff :00000441:

    WOW - Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer. What more proof do people need to justify birth control and abortion?

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE

  • As I watch all these protests from these snot nosed liberal college students trying to offer sanctuary to illegal immigrants makes me sick to my stomach. I think I may have found something good about getting older - by the time these little shits are old enough to hold power positions in this country I will be too old to care. I'm sure most of us can remember a time when you did something stupid we got sent to the coaches office for "licks". Sure would be nice to reinstitute this age old tradition giving these idiots an attitude adjustment.

    I totally agree with you Bill.
    But I've always said should you punish a dog for being bad or the owner?

    All the oil might be in Alberta but the dipsticks are in Ottawa!

  • I totally agree with you Bill.But I've always said should you punish a dog for being bad or the owner?

    Excellent point my brother from the far North!! Parents, school administrators, government in general has moved so far to the left these kids don't know any better cause they haven't been taught. I have always said I thought I knew EVERYTHING in college then got out in the real world and found out how wrong I was in soooo many things. Unfortunately it looks like the upcoming generation is going to have to learn some very hard realities!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • This is what is wrong with the political and journalism today. You quoted what you thought would help from my post but didn't put the entire post directly which contradicted what you have posting.That same method is what is used in statistics to make a point. Just because you posted the numbers from the source you wanted in a way you interpreted it does not make it factual. It is your opinion which is OK, for what you believe.

    I'm trying to maintain and promote fair and reasonable conduct among us, but it is obvious that some folks don't care or are opposed to that goal. If, in trying to achieve that goal, I failed to adhere to my own standards, then I apologize for my misconduct.

    You're right, sharing only the information that supports a particular bias is exactly what is wrong with journalism, because journalism is supposed to be unbiased. Politics is all about persuasion and is fundamentally biased. Therefore, there is more flexibility in that arena and yes, statistics (often biased) plays a large role. Unfortunately, the standards of conduct that we have been taught to expect from journalism and politics have succumbed to abuse of power by pushing the boundaries of those standards.

    Unfortunately, these institutions are free to set their own standards, as long as they do not infringe on the 1st Amendment. Not only are those standards malleable, the public helps to shape those standards by their response and use of the information being disseminated. In debate among the public, especially on the internet, there doesn't seem to be any rules of conduct and we constantly seek out biased information to support our opinions and beliefs. The media is shaped by it's ratings and politics is shaped by votes. In both cases, they are a reflection of the public majority. We have influence to effect change through our behavior (purchasing power, activism, etc.), but in turn, we give them the ability to influence those behaviors. They are a reflection of our choices and demands. That is the fundamental principal of both American democracy and pure capitalism, the two major components of what makes America great.

    Now, let's get back to your complaint...

    Apparently I misread your post as an agreement and completely missed it was an accusation directed at me. I honestly appreciate you pointing out my mistake. Since you've reposted it here, I now see the spirit is which it was intended. I misunderstood because the first and last sentences seemed to agree with my point about the unreliability and inherent bias in data presented to support a particular view. However, I did not mean to imply that disbelief indicated a lack of intelligence. In fact, belief (or disbelief) have little or no relation to intelligence at all. If I implied the two were related then I greatly apologize for it and any disrespect it may have conveyed. As to the claim that "the ones with a little more brain cells" being less offended by a differing point of view, it is a bit too generalized. I agree that they may be less offended in general, but it is somewhat dependant on the amount of independent thought and consideration that has gone into forming the differing opinion. One of my college professors used to remind us of a quote from the writer, Harlan Ellison, “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

    On to making others look dumb. I'm not trying to make anyone look dumb. Just as you have done for me, I am simply trying to point out to others that they are making themselves look dumb. That is all. I'm not calling anyone stupid (at least I didn't mean to - please forgive me if I did) and I'm not trying to suggest their views are dumb. Nor am I trying to push an opposing point of view. My reference to Bush was not to favor Obama, it was to point out the intentional omission committed by many conservatives in their unrestrained bashing of both Obama and anyone who holds a view that differs from the conservatives'. I'm not offended by either conservative or liberal views and leadership, I am offended when one is vilified and the other praised when both are guilty. It is the underhanded, willful or blind, favoritism that is being used to sway or support the opinions of others that bothers me. If you truly cared about your fellow Americans, your brothers in-arms, and the welfare of this country, and you could see the damage being wrought due to the flagrant favoritism that is literally ripping this country in two, then I would expect it would bother you too.

    If one intentionally uses another's fear or ignorance against them, then I feel compelled to question the motives and integrity of that person. Further, if one willfully supports those that use fear or ignorance to gain such support, doesn't that call into question, not just the integrity of the supporter, but their intelligence, wisdom, gullibility, or culpability, as well?

    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    ― Douglas Adams

    Edited once, last by Gadgeteer ().

  • Obviously, this is not the place to strive for reasoned and thoughtful debate. How foolish of me. My mistake. ||

    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    ― Douglas Adams

  • Thank, Wolf. It's nice to know that some folks get it. Anyway, I've pretty much given up hope that it will catch on with anyone other than moderates. The far right and far left both delight in the mayhem they help create. X/

    "Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
    ― Douglas Adams

  • Well said @Gadgeteer !! I of all people know how people can look at the same evidence and draw totally different conclusions. I made a good living twisting words, numbers, etc to sway opinion in favor of my client. That being said the court of public opinion is swayed the same way but instead of an attorney pontificating they have the media and internet. The media no longer is unbiased just reporting the news (Walter Cronkite is flipping in his grave) and many "journalists" do their very best to support or deny a candidate or proposal based on their opinion. Many believe if they hear it or read it on the news it is fact....NOT. The internet, we all know is a cesspool of distortions, ambiguity, and at worst just full on lies. Sooo, many who do not have the time and just pick up snipits from here and there will soon form opinions not based on fact but from unbeknownst erroneous information. I know I have been wrong many times on different things that I did not research the validity therof consequently losing an argument - which I hate to do. There are really good people on both sides of the aisle that argue and bash each other on facts and figures that BOTH sides are wrong on. If anyone doesn't think the government doesn't cook the books one way or the other based on who is in power is certainly being naive in my opinion!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

    Edited once, last by Bill Martin ().

  • Unfortunately it looks like the upcoming generation is going to have to learn some very hard realities!!

    I am SO grateful that the bulk of the nonsense exploded after my son was out of school. I agree with debate, dissent, and the First Amendment. I object to public institutions of higher learning spending tax payer's $$ on crayons & coloring books, Play Doh, and bringing in ponies to pet, for college students who are "too stressed out" to deal with the election results. To make sure that my kid learned how to deal with disappointment and or failure, I had a meeting with his 1st grade teacher. I explained to her that I wanted her to give out a yellow card, at minimum. (Kids got cards- green for good behavior, yellow for thin ice, and red for a trip to the cloak room to stand in the corner, or far worse- imminent parental phone call.) It was a good lesson to him, and served him well. The young people today are in for a really rude awakening when they get to the real world.

  • Obviously, this is not the place to strive for reasoned and thoughtful debate. How foolish of me. My mistake. ||

    This is a great forum that we discus many things. We are very polite in how we share our beliefs on whether a turbo is better than a supercharger, QA1 shocks are better than JRI's, or the Bullet top is better than Twisted. But on this thread "Politics Suck" it is free game. So please continue to post, we need a differing opinion that is willing to use facts and not try to make fun of, or shut others down. At no point did I intend to make a reference to your intellect. Our posts just happened to help me with the point I was trying to make.
    I raised my children so they had to learn the others point of view before they were allowed to debate with them. Two of them lean left and two lean right, it makes for an interesting discussion.
    This is a great place for thoughtful debate, just don't expect us old farts to change our way without a lot of honey.
    Oh ya, Supercharger, QA1's, and Bullet. :D:D:D:D:D

  • I think that everyone that participates in this thread has been civil and respectful save and except a couple of miscreants that don't last. I think that is why this thread is one of the most popular on our beloved forum. Since this is the only place I participate in social media I love to banter different point of views where I can consider other points of view and try to make a well rounded decision on policy. With the Wicked Witch gone, Reid gone, Pelosi possibly on her way out -hopefully both parties will become more reasonable and put the country first. We all will be watching for sure and we will disagree but that is fine if done respectfully like it is here. The politicians might do well to read this thread.......but then again everybody here is honest :thumbup:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it