Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • Chalk up the first debate to Hillary! Donald Trump looked unprepared and unhinged. I am sure he will try and do better next time.

    UMMMM NO SON!! It was down the middle. Hellary was clearly reading notes and standing there with that stupid look on her face of arrogance. Don was just shooting it as the BS & Lies came. He was using the LIVE debate to try to clear the BS the media & Hellary have fed the public. He went light on her.. I love it how she can say " I made a mistake & Im sorry" and all goes away on the files-Crooked America! Love it 30 years later and now she wants to do things Don has brought to light. He had her good on that! And Don should of brought up all her quotes from Hellary about Obama during there debate in '08!

    That's it till next time Son....

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • At least Hillary apologized for some of her mistakes! The Donald was so flustered throughout the night by Hillary getting under his thin skin. Most polls show that Hillary won that first debate. If only he can listen to his team suggestions and try to stay on point he could be a better debater. He constantly lied numerous times when Hillary fact checked him and so did the media after the debate as well. Hillary for President 2016! :thumbsup:

  • Um No, In her 30 years.. he proved nothing has worked and she has done Shit! FACTS?? THE FACTS ARE SHE'S A PIECE OF SHIT LIAR WHO HASN'T DONE SHIT! THATS A FACT!

    Flustered? She had to try to use comedy to regroup quick and think, look through her notes..

    Lies???? Never listened to an adult who lies more than her, Even Obama said it in '08 " She will Lie and say whatever she needs to to get votes" Yup straight from Obamas mouth (worst president ever)

    Poles? Again who fills out these polls, I have NEVER seen a poll and no one I talk to ever see's Poles.. so they can shuv the poles up Hellarys old decrepitated ass!

    I Have No more toys, just memories.... :/

  • At least Hillary apologized for some of her mistakes! The Donald was so flustered throughout the night by Hillary getting under his thin skin. Most polls show that Hillary won that first debate. If only he can listen to his team suggestions and try to stay on point he could be a better debater. He constantly lied numerous times when Hillary fact checked him and so did the media after the debate as well. Hillary for President 2016! :thumbsup:

    How Trump won over a bar full of undecideds and Democrats | New York Post

  • I watched the whole debate, as I'm sure so many others did. I don't agree Hillary to be the winner here. Although with that said, she had the opportunity to be. She just comes off as too scripted, as if she's walking a tightrope. She needs an independent thought to pass through to people. She doesn't seem to have one. Donald Trump speaks from heart and deep feeling for this country. That's what won him over in that bar in Pennsylvania. Regular folks tired of boring politicians, and need an independent thinker. Trump is successful in business, big business. There is no bigger business than our government. We need a business person, and we need it bad. Hillary will carry over the Hollywood people, because they are phony in many cases as well. Mainstream media loves that, so hence the Chuck Todd's of the world are gonna drool with whatever Hillary says. If Trump pulls through and wins, he will have done it against tremendous odds, and with zero help from the media. Media is powerful, people are persuaded more by the crap they say, rather than the words of the candidate. As @Bill Martin said, no clear winner.

    Never trust a ConnMan!!
    (Man I love that line!)

  • .

    This was posted on another forum as a quote from an unnamed source so for that I apologize to the author but for me it does ring true .........

    "By far the biggest problem Hillary has is…she has no talent!!! Unlike Bill, who people actually enjoyed watching lie, Hillary has no natural abilities. She is not good looking…she is not a good public speaker…she doesn’t connect with people (because she doesn’t like people)…she doesn’t connect because she is afraid they will see she has no natural ability to win…she has never earned any position she has held…she is inauthentic and doesn’t even have a rancid appeal…when she fails, she blames others for her shortcomings and does nothing to improve her lot or approach. People around her hope she wins because they fear her, not because they believe or respect her. That is the key for forming a winning team. No one is on her train because she doesn’t represent an ideal or American hope…she is there only for herself and that inspires no one…Hillary is doomed to be a loser and her chilling morals earn her a spot to be left at the train station, in the rain with no ride home."

    She had the opportunity to use her lifetime of political experience to bury Trump last night and couldn't pull it off in my opinion she failed miserably ...... I believe the next will be a bit different .........

    My only real complaint (and this does not surprise me in the least) is the way the media is handling it .... saw an NBC article where they "fact checked" the debate ... well they only "fact checked" Trumps statements and several of their "facts" where actually opinions ... not a single "fact checked" statement from Hillary ....


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • I watched the whole thing. I am sick of Killery lying corrupt hag. Trump had some good facts while Killery just kept spouting off lies. I honestly do believe Trump wants to make America great again.

    By the time I save up for mods, I have to buy another rear tire :cursing:

  • I watched the whole thing. I am sick of Killery lying corrupt hag. Trump had some good facts while Killery just kept spouting off lies. I honestly do believe Trump wants to make America great again.

    I disagree, Trump is all about Trump & has always been about Trump. I mean the man puts his name in big ass gold letters on his buildings.
    With that said Hillary is all about politics and has always been all about politics......
    Who's the worst of the 2 evils? That my friend is the question we voters will decide this election & it is a scary thing for the USA.

  • As a Canadian looking for entertainment I watched parts of the debate last night. There are some drinking games that some others have started playing. I think we should all take a drink every time Clinton says "UH" in the next debate. It is the most annoying thing to listen to someone who is just talking for the sake of it. She would use the "UH" phrase sometimes 5 or 10 times a minute, it is crazy for someone with so much public speaking experience. When I was in grade school taking public speaking this was the #1 no no. We had a Premier in our province, the last time I heard him speak he was also using the "UH" phrase. I thought this was bad form for someone also who was a news correspondent for years. Soon after his speech he did retire and totally developed frontemporal dementia which took his life soon after. So my question is this normal for Clinton to talk like this over the last 5-10 years?
    Also we could drink every time the Donald tells a lie or doesn't answer the question asked. Just saying a few thoughts from up North.

  • I think Trump should offer a $1,000.00 donation (per deleted email revealed) to the Clinton Foundation. Think about it... He would go down in history as one of the most generous philanthropist ever and she could drop out of the race. After all it wouldn't be the first time she sold a donor a political position. :00008172::00008356: