Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • I'm pissed at this moratorium - one property I have is almost 2 full months behind now... Lease states it's $20/day after the 3rd of the month. Even with not charging late fees correctly (I stop charging as soon as some payment is made that month even if not full) they owe over three grand now and I can't do much about it....

    Totally get why some landlords have slum lord tendencies. We saw folks taking $100 application fees for over 200+ applicants and then running a handful they liked to pick their tenant. We never did this, but probably will have to now to recoup some of this loss. Also only doing six month leases with auto-renewal to month to month. Raising rent 30% because I thought make a little and getting good people was better - shorter lease I can raise rent more often. Late fees from day 4 forward until full payment regardless of the tenant story....Time to make this a business and not personal. Maximize profits so I'm more prepared financially for this kinda crap. Demand for rentals is as insane as housing and about the only time you can do this crap.... I really wanted to do the right thing, but getting screwed like this just because of a moratorium is BS....

  • I'm pissed at this moratorium - one property I have is almost 2 full months behind now... Lease states it's $20/day after the 3rd of the month. Even with not charging late fees correctly (I stop charging as soon as some payment is made that month even if not full) they owe over three grand now and I can't do much about it....

    Totally get why some landlords have slum lord tendencies. We saw folks taking $100 application fees for over 200+ applicants and then running a handful they liked to pick their tenant. We never did this, but probably will have to now to recoup some of this loss. Also only doing six month leases with auto-renewal to month to month. Raising rent 30% because I thought make a little and getting good people was better - shorter lease I can raise rent more often. Late fees from day 4 forward until full payment regardless of the tenant story....Time to make this a business and not personal. Maximize profits so I'm more prepared financially for this kinda crap. Demand for rentals is as insane as housing and about the only time you can do this crap.... I really wanted to do the right thing, but getting screwed like this just because of a moratorium is BS....

    Why is it the landlords responsibility to absorb the loss? Wasn't that what the federal Government provided the covid relief money for? ...and for buying votes. Where did that money go?

    Good luck with the situation. My father had a few rentals. Tennent's would trash the inside stop paying rent and skip town in the middle of the night after skipping a few months rent. My dad wasn't big enough to spend the time and money to pursue losses.

  • I'm pissed at this moratorium - one property I have is almost 2 full months behind now... Lease states it's $20/day after the 3rd of the month. Even with not charging late fees correctly (I stop charging as soon as some payment is made that month even if not full) they owe over three grand now and I can't do much about it....

    Totally get why some landlords have slum lord tendencies. We saw folks taking $100 application fees for over 200+ applicants and then running a handful they liked to pick their tenant. We never did this, but probably will have to now to recoup some of this loss. Also only doing six month leases with auto-renewal to month to month. Raising rent 30% because I thought make a little and getting good people was better - shorter lease I can raise rent more often. Late fees from day 4 forward until full payment regardless of the tenant story....Time to make this a business and not personal. Maximize profits so I'm more prepared financially for this kinda crap. Demand for rentals is as insane as housing and about the only time you can do this crap.... I really wanted to do the right thing, but getting screwed like this just because of a moratorium is BS....

    I got ya one better - I want to sell the rental I have a deadbeat in that hasn’t paid in 6 months - filed eviction on Monday - now moratorium reinstated - can’t collect rent, can’t evict, can’t sell (who is gonna buy with a built in deadbeat) !!! Thanks for nuthin Joe

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • So does this:

    It will be interesting to see who and what is exempt from this tax.... School busses, City busses, motorcycles, city maintenance trucks, presidential limo, police cars and bikes, fire trucks, ambulances, UPS/Fedex or Amazon.... the list goes on and on... Or will this basically be just an individual tax on joe public?

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • Lawsuit against Biden for eviction moratorium……iction-moratorium-lawsuit

    Since when does the CDC or any other government agency have the authority to extend or create laws? Their not elected and they don't represent the people. This administration is way out of bounds. Communism/socialism steaming down the tracks!

  • Since when does the CDC or any other government agency have the authority to extend or create laws? Their not elected and they don't represent the people. This administration is way out of bounds. Communism/socialism steaming down the tracks!

    The Supreme Court has already ruled they don't.

    They are following Auntie Maxines advise and doing it anyway, she asked.... "who is going to stop us"

    This isn't going to end well ..............

    .............. bored-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • This is a MUST WATCH. It’s 21 minutes long. PLEASE take the time to watch this and you will see EXACTLY what is happening in this country. This is an outstanding video…

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014