Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

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    January 25, 2021

    Today the US Supreme Court brought an end to lawsuits over whether Donald Trump illegally profited off his presidency.

    The justices threw out lower court rulings that had allowed lawsuits to go forward alleging that he violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause by accepting payments from foreign and domestic officials who stay at the Trump International Hotel.

    The high court also ordered the lower court rulings thrown out as well and directed appeals courts in New York and Richmond, Virginia, to dismiss the suits as moot now that Trump is no longer in office.

    ....... politician-squared


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • We are going to have a Democrat senator presiding over this BS impeachment trial? It's over. He will not be able to run again. The democrats and their crookedness will not be stopped. They wasted four years with witch hunts. They cheated in a presidential election...and now they will have a made up trial so they never have to face someone so popular again. All of this so they can return to the "good old boy" system of filling their pockets.

    2016.5 Pearl White SL LE

  • well, Biden wants to bring the Chinese army in to protect us....we don’t need no stinking army....

    learn these 7 Chinese words....... yes sir, no sir, please don’t kill me......

    he wants to dismantle the army......use China to protect us....WTF...

  • We are going to have a Democrat senator presiding over this BS impeachment trial? It's over. He will not be able to run again. The democrats and their crookedness will not be stopped. They wasted four years with witch hunts. They cheated in a presidential election...and now they will have a made up trial so they never have to face someone so popular again. All of this so they can return to the "good old boy" system of filling their pockets.

    wait, after the last 4 years you actually believe he’s going to get fair treatment? LOL

    He hasn’t been treated fair for 10 seconds.

  • show me where ...the exact words....Trump told anyone to break into the Capitol and arrest politicians or kidnap them or cause any damage....

    I’ll wait....and I’m sure it will be from your most trusted news source main stream media....if it even exists....waiting.....

  • We are going to have a Democrat senator presiding over this BS impeachment trial?


    "The president pro tempore has historically presided over Senate impeachment trials of non-presidents. When presiding over an impeachment trial, the president pro tempore takes an additional special oath to do impartial justice according to the Constitution and the laws, it is an oath that I take extraordinarily seriously."

    -U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

    So here is the million dollar question. If the Senate and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court acknowledge that President Trump is no longer in office so the Senate has no standing to have the Cheif Justice preside, in which Roberts agrees, then from what position are they impeaching President Trump from and what right do they have to put a private citizen on trial.

    The precedent that should be used is from the very first impeachment, that of William Blount in 1798 during the 5th Congress while John Adams was President and many of the founders as well as Constitutional signers where in Federal office. Including Blount, he himself was a signatory.

    He was impeached by the House for being among some named as conspirators against the US Government. Apparently, he had devised the plot to prevent Spain from ceding its territories to France, a transaction that would have depressed the value of his extensive southwestern land holdings. Before he could be put on trial in the Senate he was expelled and returned to Tennessee where he ran for and was elected to the Tennessee state Senate and was serving as the Speaker. After his state election the US Senate attempted to put him on trial for his House impeachment but he refused to attend, sending his lawyers to argue that since he was no longer in Federal office they had no standing.

    He won that argument. On January 11, 1799, the Senate approved the following resolution by a vote of 14–11:

    "The court is of opinion that the matter alleged in the plea of the defendant is sufficient in law to show that this court ought not to hold jurisdiction of the said impeachment, and that the said impeachment is dismissed."

    On January 14, 1799, Vice President Thomas Jefferson formally announced the dismissal of the case and brought the trial to an end.

    You can't get more clear as to whether this current sham is Constitutional than to look at what the actual writers and signers decided.


    ..... politician-squared


    EDIT: I wrote this using publicly available Senate records so please, feel free to check my facts then forward it to your Senator (or to Mittens) if you like.


    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

    Edited 4 times, last by Orangeman ().

  • it’s not going to get that far...

    trump 2.0 coming soon.... China quid pro quo commie joe to gitmo...

    when is everyone going to do some real in-depth research?

  • You know that Hitler did this in 1935 or so, right?

    It was called "The Night of the Long Knives". Unlike the 'Krystalnacht' which was about smashing & looting Jewish businesses across Germany, the Long Knives event occurred shortly after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

    Hitler no longer needed the violence brought to the table by thousands of 'Brownshirts', (the SA or 'Sturm Abeitlung', literally "storm troopers").

    The man running the SA was Ernst Rohm, a long-time friend of Hitler and founding member of the Nazi Party.

    Rohm wasn't needed, and Hitler ESPECIALLY didn't want the ongoing turmoil of Rohm's 'Second Revolution'. Rohm was murdered on Hitler's orders - along with at least 4,000 SA thugs - some say that offucial number is likely VERY low. Many thousands more were sent to prison or concentration camps.

    Short answer, Hitler promised peace & prosperity, eliminating the violent thugs who brought him to power was one of the few promises he kept.

    The smarter you get, the funnier I am.

  • Yep. Have studied WWII history extensively and am very familiar with that.

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • And yes, I’m also aware that Churchill paraphrased an existing quote...

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it! (George Santayana-1905). In a 1948 speech to the House of Commons, Winston Churchill changed the quote slightly when he said (paraphrased), “those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • sell the SS China joe has plans got your job.....and you won’t like them....but he wants people to get more food stamps...but the Chinese government loves the way their economy is going boom.... China quid pro quo commie gitmo joe.....building back Beijing....

    Quid pro quo.....we give the Biden crime syndicate millions and they give us American jobs...

    “I just hate trump”......that’s going to keep you awake at night....and poor.

    No problem. I don't have a job. Worked hard, saved, invested, retired at 61. Now, I just check my checking account and right deposits in my check book and transfer funds. And, of course, troll GOP hot spots. WAY more fun than working.

    One thing I learned very early in life, if you work for a living and vote Republican, you are voting against yourself. If you're not in the top 1 percent, Republican politicians don't care one bit about you except for cannon fodder and votes.

  • it’s not going to get that far...

    trump 2.0 coming soon.... China quid pro quo commie joe to gitmo...

    when is everyone going to do some real in-depth research?

    Don't you mean trump 4.0 when he replaces Maleria?

    The closest you get to in depth research is watching your proctologist in a mirror.

  • No problem. I don't have a job. Worked hard, saved, invested, retired at 61. Now, I just check my checking account and right deposits in my check book and transfer funds. And, of course, troll GOP hot spots. WAY more fun than working.

    One thing I learned very early in life, if you work for a living and vote Republican, you are voting against yourself. If you're not in the top 1 percent, Republican politicians don't care one bit about you except for cannon fodder and votes.

    I am definitely not in the 1% but I made more money in 4 years of Trump than I did in damn near 8 of Obama. I agree Republicans don’t really give a crap about us - no politician does if it threatens their re-election or power. Tell me exactly what the Democrat Party has ever done for you? Please don’t say Obamacare - I’ll puke for sure 🤮

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it