Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • I just received another dem email survey....

    they listed a bunch of anti trump gun violence and other dem talking points.....then they asked if there was anything I’d like to add.....

    I said “ Conduct more peaceful riots in other major cities”...

  • I usually steer clear of political talk. I find that someone usually gets their feelings hurt or someone usually says something that reignites the fires of Rome. But this election has got me a little bewildered. Take a look at our possible choices!!! Has any of them really said what they are going to do or how they are going to do it??? I'm one of those "bottom line" type people. The bottom line is, who, of all the perspective candidates, will make (or keep) the United States of America the land that I was proud to defend for 24 years? I hate that my choice has been reduced to "pick the lesser of two evils".
    At any rate, I respect the choices we all made or will make in response to the impending election. Once that choice is made, we all have to own up for that choice. Good, bad, or indifference...we will still be the greatest Nation to live in. This is because of the people...not because of the individual who was elected to be "In-Charge" to speak.
    I will get of my soapbox now. :|

    RESPECTFULLY, your assumption that the country will still be the same after the election could be very wrong....

    Think about this......if biden wins you already know everything he has promised to do......understand he said he’ll raise taxes.....give citizenship to 11 million illegal aliens, kill all fossil fuels and the power plants and related jobs, they want all your guns....assault rifles is the foot in the door.....even if trump wins but the republicans lose the senate....he will be impeached again....the free healthcare and college and new green deal will cost trillions of dollars.....those are tax dollars and they will be coming out of your wallet....And that’s just for starters......protecting socialism is Not what you fought for.....the democrats are heavily pushing it disguised as a “progressive” is a cute code word for socialism....Bernie Sanders openly admits he’s a socialist.....The rest are wearing sheep’s clothing until the time is right....this isn’t just another election....the future of the country and constitution you fought for is on the line .....the choice is Trump or socialism Which will surely lead to communism.....

    that said......the democrats have to unseat only 4 republicans to flip the senate ....they have targeted these 5 races to unseat.

    I just got this email naming the targets...they want....

    McSally was a fighter pilot...

    if you and everyone reading this care at all about the future of this country and you can afford to.......send any amount of money to these 5 candidates to help them stay in their senate office . It’s that critical to the country....think about the country you want your kids and grandkids to live in......if the dems win....we will be much closer to living like the North Koreans or the Venezuelans .... the soldiers that fought and died didn’t die to see the country socialist.
    For the record I have contributed to these people and many total contributions so far is over $’s that important to should be to you also.....there will not be a second chance....And I’m not rich or Considered well off....

    And you know Mentally Biden won’t be President for long before he steps down and we get Kamala as president....Think about that and look up the plans she has for the country....

  • something else to consider....

    look at the Democratic governors that allowed corona virus patients to be put in nursing homes killing several thousand elderly people.

    Look at the Democratic governors that are ignoring the riots and looting.

    Look at the Democratic governors that allow sanctuary illegal aliens welfare, food stamps, social security, drivers licenses....

    Look at the Democratic governors that Have not said one word of condemnation about the 90 days of rioting. Allowing businesses to be destroyed and thousands of jobs lost.

    Now look at the Democratic State Attorney generals that have refused to prosecute the rioters and looters putting them back on the street. putting you families at risk.

    Look at the Democratic State Attorney generals that have been filing nonstop lawsuits to block every move Trump makes. Tying up the courts and wasting your tax dollars.

    same for the Democratic judges that are ruling against anything involving Trump.

    look at the Democratic mayors that have allows their own towns to be destroyed by rioters and looters.
    look at the Democratic mayors that want to defund the police putting your families at risk.
    look at the Democratic mayors who refuse to condemn the rioters and looters.

    Look at the Democratic mayors that allow sanctuary cities offering protection for illegal aliens. Using cities financial resources that your tax dollars paid for.
    look at the Democratic mayors that refuse to help ICE protect you. And want ICE disbanded.

    look at you local town officials and school board members that promote liberal left agendas teaching you kids all about high schools and colleges.

    Trump is a messenger.....don’t shoot the messenger....

    He has said somethings I’m not happy about.

    But Look at his message.

    protecting the second amendment....he wants you to have guns.

    Lowering unemployment

    Record high stock market.....did it help your 401k

    Look at the lower taxes putting more money in you pocket.

    Building the wall to protect Americans from illegal drugs and illegal aliens that drain our tax dollars.
    bringing back billions of dollars with new trade deals...getting NATO to pay their fair share.
    removing corrupt politicians. Draining the swamp.

    Removed the Obamacare individual mandate....saving you money.

    if none of the above things matter to you or benefitted you and your family....or Didn’t put your family in danger then vote for democrats right down the line. if you think they have helped the country move in the right direction vote for democrats. Again look at their lack of a message. the only message I see is they want socialism, gloom and doom...

    another point....

    Trump has been tweeting in code.....he’s not an idiot.....his misspellings are on signify part of the code. He’s been setting traps for the Deep state swamp rats this entire time....They are falling for it.....Everyone thought he misspelled coffee......not so...this is what he was talking about.....

    shortly those traps will be sprung.

  • Does Trump know where he is going or just stumbling?

    He told the story about that at the rally. Apparently he had leather soled shoes (if I remember correctly) which tend to be slippery, so he was REALLY SLOW AND CAUTIOUS.

    ...not to worry though our astute media had diagnosed him with at least ½ dozen fatal conditions.

  • He told the story about that at the rally. Apparently he had leather soled shoes (if I remember correctly) which tend to be slippery, so he was REALLY SLOW AND CAUTIOUS.

    ...not to worry though our astute media had diagnosed him with at least ½ dozen fatal conditions.

    Yea - just imagine what the media would have done if he slipped and fell - all the libtards would have been having on screen orgasms 😂😂

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • under Obama they said if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor

    Now they are saying this is freedom of speech and peaceful protest:

    protestors burn car dealership

    officer injured - democrats cheer

    14 days 19 dead - Biden approves

    4.8 million to rebuild police station democrats burn in peaceful protest

    4 days on a democrat convention and not one condemnation of these "protests"

    Back in the day I probably would have considered Joe Biden to be a rather harmless presidential option, but Joe is not the Joe of old, Joe has allowed himself to become a tool of the far left - I guess its his last desperate gasp to try to finally be President, either that or he has just lost it so completely that he doesnt even understand that he is being used - - frankly I don't care what the cause is all I know is that if the Democrats take the Presidency or even worse the Presidency and the House this type of "peaceful protest" will become the new norm

    if you have Trump, I git it, the man is an ass, but would you really vote to have your guns taken away, to have rioting in the streets, to have the police defunded - - - just because you don't like Trump?

    if you cant vote for Trump - - great stay home, but please dont throw our country down the toilet by voting for Biden - - its not the bumbling uncle Joe you remember, its AOC and the squad and they want to tear down this country so that they can remake it into their own little Caliphate they they can rule over

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

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  • He told the story about that at the rally. Apparently he had leather soled shoes (if I remember correctly) which tend to be slippery, so he was REALLY SLOW AND CAUTIOUS.

    ...not to worry though our astute media had diagnosed him with at least ½ dozen fatal conditions.

    That applies to both sides IMO.

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • seems as if they don't have the unity they would like us to think they have.

    over 1,000 delegates voted against party platform an Democrat Convention

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • seems as if they don't have the unity they would like us to think they have.

    over 1,000 delegates voted against party platform an Democrat Convention

    At least they had a platform to vote on this year. Nobody can vote for or against a GOP platform this year.:prohibited:

    Weak people revenge.:evil:

    Strong people forgive.:saint:

    Intelligent people ignore.:P

    Albert Einstein

  • seems as if they don't have the unity they would like us to think they have.

    over 1,000 delegates voted against party platform an Democrat Convention

    that must be why I keep getting emergency email surveys asking if I would vote for Biden and Harris and if I approve of them and do I think they can beat Trump. Panic is a wonderful thing to watch. They put all their marbles on Braindead Biden building back Aaaaaaa you know the thing.