Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • I received some really disturbing news recently. I had a friend that his dad was the principal at the local high school and he, his wife and my parents were friends. Their son and I played together in the crib and were close friends thru college. We ran the bars, hunted and fished, and chased women all the time. Life led us in separate directions and it got to be a phone call every few months then less. A colleague from LA called me a couple months ago to let me know he had been arrested for solicitation of a minor and child porn with a $650k bond. What warped this man to do something like that. Was I too stupid or blind that I never saw any indication of this type behavior when we close ?? I gotta say something like this makes you doubt your judgement of character. Has he been preying on underage girls all along or just went off the deep end at 68 ?? Clearly introducing sexual perversion in grade school is reprehensible IMO. I am just now second guessing that - is it something that is pre installed in peoples psyche that is going to rise to the surface sooner or later no matter your education ?? My friend had a great upbringing with none of the usual dysfunction associated with this type of behavior. I guess I am rambling now / my point is we always say let kids be kids as long as they can and I will always believe that. BUT - when it comes to sexual perversion can a book or teaching about sex actually cause a kid to go down a sick path? That was definitely not the case with my friend who will more than likely spend the rest of his life in prison. The one thing I am thankful for is both his parents have passed and don’t have to endure this. They were the kindest, caring people you could ever meet. All that being said - if he is found guilty - he should spend the rest of his life miserable - rotting in prison !! I guess I’m like the neighbor of a serial killer “He was a great guy”

    I absolutely believe this sexual introduction and "hurray" coming out type stuff is pushing vulnerable youth into paths that they may not normally want to go. When people in position of authority clap smile and praise even in the premise "it's OK" it could easily push young people who are searching for happiness and acceptance down a path that has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Sooner or later when that child finds out it really didn't lead to the happiness they were searching for its going to lead to some really messed up kids.

    I also believe many of these teachers who are LGBT are out to indoctrinate and normalize the perception at the expense of the children.

  • I wonder if it has ever occurred to the people that push the idea that the election was stolen that they are actually discouraging conservatives from voting?

    Seriously - - if you convince people that an election can be stolen by the other political side then why should they bother voting? - you are telling them it's not going count even if they do

    if you convince people the system is rigged you are also convincing them that even if they vote it is likely not to count anyway.

    I really wonder how many conservatives stayed home and didn't vote because of this

    Did the election fraud advocates actually block what could have been a red wave???

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I think there has been fraud in the past and I still voted. It has more to do with 95% of the MSM cheering 24/7 for one side than anything else really. The real issue in this country is the activist media has turned into a leftist propaganda echochamber. Imagine having 24/7 free campaign advertising and propaganda for the left. Even the people that doubt will eventually fall into the brainwash.

  • I think there has been fraud in the past and I still voted. It has more to do with 95% of the MSM cheering 24/7 for one side than anything else really. The real issue in this country is the activist media has turned into a leftist propaganda echochamber. Imagine having 24/7 free campaign advertising and propaganda for the left. Even the people that doubt will eventually fall into the brainwash.

    Thinking there has been some fraud is one thing - - telling potential voters that the last election had fraud so extensive that the the winner of the election did not really get the votes to win is another thing.

    Think about it - - you tell all of the potential conservative voters that the left can always fake enough votes to override reality - - why vote??

    I live in California, as a life long conservative I know better than most what its like to know your vote will not count - - in Presidential elections there's no point in me voting - the electoral college votes will 100% go to the Democrat - - why do you think I fell comfortable voting Libertarian?? - - its because I know the republican won't be helped by my vote.

    Telling potential conservative voters that the democrats have the tools to make their vote not count - - - very bad message to send - it does nothing to reduce potential fraud, but it does have the potential to make voters stay home.

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Telling potential conservative voters that the democrats have the tools to make their vote not count - - - very bad message to send - it does nothing to reduce potential fraud, but it does have the potential to make voters stay home.

    100% agree.
    Imagine how much further we could get if we shut the media down ;)

    .::. Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it .::.

  • Bill Martin

    Sorry to hear about your friend their Bill.

    But even more so for his victims. He may spend the rest of his life in jail, but in another sense, so will all the people that he hurt. That’s not something you get over.

    We all have been given free will to make choices - and evil is out there.

    It’s bad enough what he did however, when it is someone that you thought was a friend… betrayal

    cuts deep.😕

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • You are so right!! You always hear about when someone does something terrible family members and friends are many times completely shocked. I always thought “Hey there had to be signs”. I realize it’s been probably 40 years since me and my friend were close but to hurt people like that I am completely dumbfounded. I learned another lesson at my ripe old age — just when you think you know people - that is when they can be way more disappointing than you ever imagined. I have considered writing him to ask WTF but at this point I can’t imagine any explanation would satisfy me. Some things are just evil and in my book this is one!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • hey SoCal I just heard that Ken Calvert has now taken a lead

    when I saw the numbers yesterday I thought sure he had lost, sure would be nice if he pulled it out. I don’t know much about his record, but I don’t like the snowflake running against him

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • hey SoCal I just heard that Ken Calvert has now taken a lead

    when I saw the numbers yesterday I thought sure he had lost, sure would be nice if he pulled it out. I don’t know much about his record, but I don’t like the snowflake running against him

    Roger that! And I really haven’t paid much attention as my ability to get all in a lather over these things is diminishing quickly. Yes, I hope he pulls this one out as another one in Congress would be good.

    When it comes to this bunch in Washington it’s like being asked do you want to wet switch or dry switch it really doesn’t make much difference.

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • If the market holds it's gains until late January and continues to go up I will be very happy! Wishful thinking I know...

    Being in the thrift savings plan I can't pick individual stocks. When the S&P went down 2% the day after the election, I was confused in that the house (perceived) win should have caused an upswing due to the "power of the purse" check & balance. Yesterday, I transferred 30% of My funds into the S&P. Made some big bucks today. I put them back into cash (treasury securities) today before noon which will take effect after todays close, so I'll keep the gains should it slip back. A hit and run.

    Thats my issue with the Pelosi (and all politicians) trading issue. I can't pick individual stocks and even worse. I can only transfer funds (which are predetermined to mimic the Dow Jones, S & P, Treasury Securities, international funds or a fixed mix of those funds). can only trade twice a month and even then, I have to make the transfer before twelve noon, that change won't take effect till the following day so any gains or losses on the trade day don't count and once the exchange is done it can't be reversed after 12 noon. Very restrictive along with being so many times stocks are up at 11:30 only to take a dive later in the day.

    If it's good enough for me, it should be good enough politicians.