Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • How many people realize that Portland and Seattle were testing grounds to see how the citizens of the cities would react? As they watched them riot snd loot and burn their towns night after night for over 100 days. They sat in their flat nuts and watched as the democratic mayors, governor and attorney general allowed Anitifa to run wild. It was a test to see if those democratic officials would follow the deep state orders. Just as the 5 democratic governors followed orders to kill nursing home patients. And to rig the election. Coincidentally most were battle ground states. They will be handsomely rewarded for their loyalty. It was a giant failure of the citizens and a tremendous win for the deep state.

    if the citizens would have raised up the national guard would have been called in. Not to stop antifa but to stop the citizens. It would have been an excuse to say look we need to take away their guns. They are acting crazy.

    as we speak they are still rigging the senate races they need to take control. Once that is done, the America you knew is forever gone.

    everything is a conspiracy.... never forget those words ....Americans have been swindled. George Washington is spinning in his grave. The great American experimental has failed. If you weren’t praying for a Trump victory, you should be on your knees now praying they don’t succeed.

  • First off I do not believe Donald Trump will go quietly. Nor do I believe he should. He should exhaust every legal Avenue.

    After all they’ve done to him the last four years the last thing he’s going to do is sit down. Perhaps Donald Trump should take a cue from Bill Clinton and his completely honest bureaucratic snafu

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • Time will tell.

    70 million pissed off Republicans:

    Many of which are in a state of denial

    Hopeful for miracles

    Believe that when the Media reports that it is mathematically impossible for Trump to win that the Media is deciding how math works.:/

    When all the smoke clears, I hope they do stay peaceful. I suspect there will be a few nuts out there that can't mentally handle reality.

  • Wait, are you saying Trump cheated in '16?

    I just copy and pasted my congrats from '16. Soooooo.:*

    no I’m saying Hilary was supposed to win (100,000 to 1...kind of an odd figure.....suggests to me that maybe that was how many phony votes they would need to win ....and it suggests why Hilary was so much in shock) because they pulled the same stunt, but they vastly underestimated how many votes they would need to beat trump. they went way over this time to make sure. Explain how biden broke a record For amount of votes. Why did the precincts stop counting the votes early. Instead of continent to count until they finished as they used to do.

    My mother never used to get home until 3-4 in the morning and there were only 5000 people in town... they were told to stop so they could figure out how many phony ballots each precinct needed.

  • I dont think americans in this country truly understands the shit we are in the next couple years. Everyone who lived and knows how every socialist system begins KNOWS what road we are in at the moment. No socialist system has been implemented without the proper press propaganda and brainwash on the weakminded. We have been seeing it for 4 straight years nonstop and this fraudulent election (with the media complicit) has put the lid on it. Democracy on this country is officially DEAD and we are well on a road to losing everything this country ever stood for. The question is how much are we willing to put up with and when is it time to start fighting? Ask yourselves that question.

  • You know they didn't board up cities in case Trump lost.. Your suppositions of what could be are distinctly progressive.

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • I dont think americans in this country truly understands the shit we are in the next couple years. Everyone who lived and knows how every socialist system begins KNOWS what road we are in at the moment. No socialist system has been implemented without the proper press propaganda and brainwash on the weakminded. We have been seeing it for 4 straight years nonstop and this fraudulent election (with the media complicit) has put the lid on it. Democracy on this country is officially DEAD and we are well on a road to losing everything this country ever stood for. The question is how much are we willing to put up with and when is it time to start fighting? Ask yourselves that question.

    Ask yourself this question with your doomsday prophecy in mind.

    Who won the last election?

    Did Obama take your guns?

    How much aluminum foil does it take to make a hat?
