THE FORCE To make it easy to meet other@ M.V.

  • I have a snaps idea "and a snaps & beer" how about we exchange cell phone # this way we could all meet and show THE FORCE of
    maybe @rabtech can create something where we just see each other on a separate threat. I just would hate to miss any chance to meet anyone.

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • Well there are a few ways to do this and keep it simple. For the easiest way we could just create a "check in" thread on the forum and maybe just have everyone that wants to participate put in thier info and where they are going to be. Anything that is more sophisticated will require more programming. I just think many would just want to check in each day and say where they are going to be.

  • ???? Will it work with my flip phone?????????

    Unfortunately I don't think most/any current apps work on flip phones

    The Fusar app is a social media platform created for adrenaline-craving enthusiasts.

    It is a social media platform that lets users share pictures, videos, rides of their different action sports activities. The app lets them track their rides, see statistics about them, and display them in the form of interactive maps.

    Based on their activities, users are able to earn patches, that will be displayed on their profile.

    The app also lets users participate in voice chats (walkie talkie style), without any range limits, of up to 12 users.

    RIDESRecord your rides - solo or with a group. Keep track of your favorite routes, log your performance metrics, and talk to your friends no matter how far away they are using RiderChat™, our unlimited-range communication feature.

    As all enthusiasts know, fun is the main part of riding/skiing/cycling, however there is always a risk that something can go wrong, and this is where the Fusar app safety features come into play: when riding as a group, users are able to easily notify the rest of the group that they are in trouble, by the tap of a button. If they are riding solo, or need further help, they can notify their "guardian angels". Guardian angels are people you trust, that will receive an automated message telling them where you are, and giving them the three closest EMS dispatchers phone numbers.

    The Fusar app is the ideal companion for Fusar's hardware products, the Camera and the Remote Control. Paired with the Camera helmet mounted system, the app will enable the user to automatically post short videos (hot shots) of their activities, while pressing a button on the wrist or handle-bar mounted Remote Control will let them push-to-talk with their friends, without having to hold their phone.

    Safety here relies on the Camera internal sensors, which, along with Fusar's crash detection mechanisms, will automatically contact the user's guardian angels in case of a problem.

  • Is it OK it I just keep the Slingshot between the lines and ride like I stoled it????

  • Ok stop laughing but what about this.

    How about we put a big white board in a set location maybe on one of our trailers. We can post daily what we are doing, where we are meeting.
    Maybe old school and lame but works with every kind of phone and skill set?

    Maybe @rabtech can supply us with flags "" and we can attach them somehow so will will never miss each other . :):thumbsup:

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch

  • That is better than my idea

    I was going to suggest we all get tattoos and have a secret handshake!

    If everyone has access to the forum would it be easy enough to just start a thread we can all check daily?
    I am just fishing for an idea.

    we all could go for tattoos which are just visible with black light. But you might see then more of other stuff, :00008040::00008084::00008172::00008172::00008356:

    Do not resent growing old. Many are denied.... The Privilege :REDSS: :SUPERCHARGERSS: : :HEADERSS: : :COILOVERSS: Wycked hitch