Abou NSFW going to far.

  • And I can promise that none of y'all can show me ANY picture that would shock me... I have see it all... And that isn't something I am proud to say... As I have gotten older and have a daughter that is 17 it has changed the way I feel a little .

    I still consider myself to be a reallllllllly open minded person... Heck I had my version of "the talk" with my daughter when she was 13 or 14... And I knew she probably had all the info she needed already ... But there is never a bad time to tell them that they can't get UNFUCKED... And that EVERY BOY WILL LIE... AND I told her that I was fine with her taking any precautions that she wanted... I would gladly walk into a drug store and pick up refills of her birth control pills rather than diapers and formula.

    This may not sit well with everyone that reads it. I just believe in being real... and accepting that shit happens. And remember how it was to be a kid their age... I can guarantee I did everything I could in high school to get in every girls pants that I could...

    BTW @rabtech I had already quoted your "unfucked" talk in another post by saying a wise man said. Now the cat is outta the bag I think you should copyright that for EVERY future father/daughter birds & bees "talk" - ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

    Edited once, last by Bill Martin ().

  • Hey you have to live in the real world... I can't understand how some people have trouble talking to their kids... I guess its just my nature to be on their level in some ways.... The worst thing you can do is come off as a hard ass and tell kids NOT to have sex until they are older. You might as well just go rent them a room after you say that...And if you take that approach by telling them NOT to do it ,,,, what you just did was completely alienate yourself from them.... They are never going to talk to you about anything....They will be scared to talk to you.

    And a lot of parents take the (they will learn it from their friends) approach... Yea,,,, that is really a bad idea...The reason it's bad is because you have no open channel of communication with your kid. They just know what they hear from other dumb ass kids....

    You should hear me explain sexual diseases to her. Hell I scared myself a little... :D:D:D

    Kids will be kids... WE ALL WERE KIDS....

    I know some people have a religious issue with all this talk. But Im guessing those people probably won't ever read this post because of the nature of the topic.

  • It's like what was said in an episode of Scrubs...

    Something to the effect of, "if all porn or "art" were taken away from the Internet, there would be only one website remaining, bringbacktheporn.com"

    Obviously a joke, because there would also be slingshotinfo.com... :thumbsup:

  • Boys are easy. A parent only has to worry about one penis... With girls you have to worry about every penis.

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