Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • And guys... Rose colored glasses for me, I know...

    But could it be that this knee jerk reaction of "domestic terrorists" and banning Trump from social media (which if done a long time ago, he would have been easily re-elected 😂) isn't just a way to try and squash this from happening again and sending a message. There's always a scapegoat...

    Because if we think it was okay and need to understand why they stormed the capitol, then no excuses if/when it happens again by a bunch of other people... I'm sure they'll have their reasons too, right?

    This is the circular logic we can't seem to get away from...

  • Everything (almost) Trump has said or tweeted has been worded very carefully. They all have meanings that run deeper than face value. Much of what he said was to set traps for the deep state to expose the traitorous rats. Which you have seen culminate yesterday. They were not crazy ramblings or some psychotic episode. Trump ran for one huge reason. He was on a mission to clean up the government corruption. But it goes way deeper. This will all be revealed within the next two weeks....I hope. He is a true patriot in every sense of the word. On a par with George Washington and the rest of the constitutional framers.

  • Another thing going on here also. Did any of you just happen to notice that most of all this hard line shit happened after the regular protestors had left and also after the curfew. No, I have not heard a single person say anything about this. As to the fighting videos last night it was almost like it was all corgrafted (Yea I know spelling) If you were really fighting my cops you would be going down. FOR THE COUNT!

  • Everything (almost) Trump has said or tweeted has been worded very carefully. They all have meanings that run deeper than face value. Much of what he said was to set traps for the deep state to expose the traitorous rats. Which you have seen culminate yesterday. They were not crazy ramblings or some psychotic episode. Trump ran for one huge reason. He was on a mission to clean up the government corruption. But it goes way deeper. This will all be revealed within the next two weeks....I hope. He is a true patriot in every sense of the word. On a par with George Washington and the rest of the constitutional framers.


    You can't believe this... Well, you can, clearly you do...

    Okay, I can't believe this... Trump is Trump, real estate, celebrity, businessman, that's it.

    If what you say is true, then who is Trump working for? Who are the real leaders using him? archaeologist-squared

  • Democrats = we will let you all have personal freedom to do as you wish and government will take the money from others to pay for it. = government responsibility and control

    Republicans = we will control what personal freedom you can have and limit your rights so that government does not have to take so much money from others to pay for you. = government responsibility and control

    Libertarians = we will let you have your personal freedom to do as you wish but you have to pay for it yourself and you cant interfere with others right to do the same = personal responsibility and control.

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • the democrats and republicans have effectively killed both parties. They are not the party’s of old.

    Republicans need to rebrand as the American Patriot Party. You are or you’re’s still not over yet and the Democratic Party might just implode and dissolve. Nobody will want to admit being a democrat....

  • so you tell me who are the traitors to this country? Fake news, Twitter, Facebook, Bill gates, politicians......The country is full of traitors at every turn...

  • Hey, not to change the subject.....but does anybody think Opee was just a troll??

    Ya know, like the guy that harrassed BONES 4 years ago. (I forgot the guys name)

    Election over, and the dude was gone!

    It's a mystery.............


    Never trust a ConnMan!!
    (Man I love that line!)

  • the democrats and republicans have effectively kill both parties. They are not the party’s of old.

    Republicans need to rebrand as the American Patriot Party. You are or you’re’s still not over yet and the Democratic Party might just implode and dissolve. Nobody will want to admit being a democrat....

    it is over - for now - Biden will be the next President and no matter what happens, even if something happens to Biden it will not be Trump

    Time to move forward and I pray that the good people on both sides (and in the middle) will set aside our differences and try to come together - - being divided is not good for the people of this country and it should not be something we promote

    disagreeing does not have to foster hate, I truly believe that for the most part that even those whos politics I think are completely misguided and wrong are still good people who really want what's best for this country and instead of fighting we should talk and work together.

    I am done with the 2 party system -in the past I have gone back and fourth from Republican to Libertarian mostly because of the closed primaries that limited me as a registered Libertarian - That's done now - The R's and the D's are 100% about division and even if it limits my ability to vote in primaries and will not be associated with either major party ever again

    I choose to listen and to talk and to be open so that I can try to be a part of what brings people together instead of joining some party that only serves to push people apart


    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • so you tell me who are the traitors to this country? Fake news, Twitter, Facebook, Bill gates, politicians......The country is full of traitors at every turn...

    you forgot fox news, Glen Beck, Hannity - - and all of the conservative mouth pieces that push the other side - - - - they are no different

    Just because you might agree with the propaganda and want it to be true does not mean it isn't propaganda or a lie

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I am excided 8o

    I got a thumbs down dislike and minus 3 panda coins - - my first

    and it was from BD

    Now that' validation that I must be doing something right :00008674:

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • I know you will find this hard to believe......Trump is fighting for, your family your country and the preservation of the constitution. Trump is working with military leaders that have not been compromised. That still believe and follow the constitution. All of it not part of it. What you have been witnessing is the biggest most well choreographed military operation in history. Trump was enlisted by them to pull this entire operation off. He put himself in the forefront as the figurehead. As the George Washington of the revolution 2.0

    Think about his sacrifice. What did he give up and why would he? Why take all the BS thrown at Him constantly 24/7 for 5 years. He has been pummeled for the last 5 years. Publicly humiliated for the last 5 years......publicly ridiculed .....would you do it? Could you do it? Why would you want to?

    When the truth is finally revealed and you see the scope of it. When you understand the implications. When you see how hard he has worked for this... When you see what he has actually done for all of humanity....your views of him will be forever changed. You will not look at him as just a business man. Mark my words you will look at him as the hero of the will sing his praises.....I’m not joking. You have only been able to see or only wanted to see the top of the iceberg. You have not seen what’s below it.

    He has been touched and guided by God. The fate of 7 BILLION people is in his hands. If America falls...and right now it’s on the fence.....the entire world will follow.

    Pray for him and his army...that they succeed and pray that bIden doesn’t get sworn in. All of Humanity is in the balance....we are all part of pray for our survival. Pray for his success. Pray for the world to be delivered from this evil. Pray for the next 13 days.

  • you talk a good game but you flopped like fish in a New York minute. It’s not over he hasn’t been sworn the end it will be Trump 46....and if it’s not to quote Metallica “nothing else matters”

    learn how to speak Chinese ..well at least yes sir, no sir and please spare my life.





    My only affiliation for the foreseeable future is SLINGSHOTS !! Politicians leave me the F alone which I know is a pipe dream - but it’s my dream !! :00008172:

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • you talk a good game but you flopped like fish in a New York minute. It’s not over he hasn’t been sworn the end it will be Trump 46....and if it’s not to quote Metallica “nothing else matters”

    learn how to speak Chinese ..well at least yes sir, no sir and please spare my life.

    So tell me - - what do you think could possibly happen that would make Trump 46 happen??

    Name one single legal way this happens???

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Dear Lord...

    I want to meet you bigdog... Seriously... But only if Larry and Bill are by my side, with their 2nd amendment rights as well, because, well, ya never know...
