Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion


    @AllIn5450 - I think I just fell in like love with you <3:saint:

    @sideseatdriver I think I am in love - (if my bride will allow that) :00008356:

    I'm starting to think of you like that liberal fucktard democrat from "the view" Behar bitch that thinks rape victims of Democrat President Bill Clinton.
    You TWO TIMING TRAMP! :00008359::00008356::00008172::00008084:

  • I really don't know why anybody would want to run for President other than the power trip?? I pushed a little girl down in 2nd grade (boy did I get my ass whipped for that and still remember) but wouldn't wanna get labeled a domestic abuser by the national media several decades later. Who doesn't have skeletons in the closet they are not proud of?? Guess the media would find fault with Jesus if he came back and tried to run :(

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • Guess the media would find fault with Jesus if he came back and tried to run

    I'm so sick of it- don't think I will even listen to the third round of dumb versus dumber.... X( It's pretty bad when you start to think that Wikileaks is probably the only honest media source anymore. Chris Wallace is going to have a terrible night..... herding cats doesn't even come close!

    Oh, and pray tell...... thinking back to the social climate way back when I was younger & prettier..... Getting hit on (particularly if he was rich &/or famous), was called status.

  • I'm so sick of it- don't think I will even listen to the third round of dumb versus dumber.... X( It's pretty bad when you start to think that Wikileaks is probably the only honest media source anymore. Chris Wallace is going to have a terrible night..... herding cats doesn't even come close!

    Oh, and pray tell...... thinking back to the social climate way back when I was younger & prettier..... Getting hit on (particularly if he was rich &/or famous), was called status.

    Dee, then you still have status - I may not be rich but I'm (in)famous & think you're BEAUTIFUL!!! :thumbsup:

    Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014

  • Dee, then you still have status - I may not be rich but I'm (in)famous & think you're BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Thanks-- BTW- awesome that Crystal is close to home!!!! You are famous- from coast to coast- everybody here knows & loves our Tripod!
    Back then, I went to college & bartended- tips were important back then!.....Apparel of choice was Fredricks of Hollywood....... Damn Skippy, I dressed to impress! :D But.... any claims of personal impropriety-- those claims are all fabricated- vicious fabrications & outright lies!!! :saint::saint:
    I am also feeling better--I just listened to part of the Tom Sullivan radio broadcast, and a lot of today focused on Wikileaks daily dump, 10/13/16. Continues to validate Peter Schweitzer's Clinton Cash. Now, if ANY of the liberal media would report just a fraction of it.........)

    Long & Short- even if he is a womanizer- he is head & shoulders above that corrupt she-devil!

  • just listened to part of the Tom Sullivan radio broadcast, and a lot of today focused on Wikileaks daily dump, 10/13/16

    Did you hear about the e-mail from Hillary Clintons campaign chairman John Podesta ...

    Podesta recommended reaching out to "needy Latinos" in an email to Clinton

    In one exchange, Podesta urged Clinton to reach out to several people in the Latino community, which the campaign is counting on to support her in large numbers. In particular, he suggests she mend fences with former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, who had a falling out with the Clintons after he supported Barack Obama in 2008

    "I had heard that you were upset that I encouraged a call between WJC and Richardson to bury the hatchet," Podesta wrote. "I did that at the request of Jose Villarreal who pushed me and made the point that Richardson is still on TV a lot, especially on Univision and Telemundo and notwithstanding [sic] the fact that he can be a dick, it was worth getting him in a good place."

    In yet another Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri, who serves as Clinton's communications director, and John Halpin of the Center for American Progress briefly discussed religion.

    "Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts)," Halpin noted, before suggesting that the appeal of the Roman Catholic faith might be rooted in its "systematic thought and [severely] backward gender relations."
    Palmieri, who is Catholic herself, replied, "I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals."

    :REDSS: The ghost of SLingshot past ......

  • Did you hear about the e-mail

    “[Qatar] Would like to see WJC ‘for five minutes’ in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC’s birthday in 2011,” Ami Desai, director of foreign policy for the Clinton Foundation, wrote in 2012.
    The email was distributed among several Clinton aides.
    The thread also reveals that Qatari officials put aside $20 million for development in Haiti, following the huge earthquake that killed almost one quarter of a million people.
    Desai wrote that the Qataris “would welcome our suggestions” from the Clintons as to how best to invest in Haiti.
    The revelations underscore the theme of ‘pay to play’ while Hillary was Secretary of State.

    Hmmm- Qatar has a great history on treatment of women- marital beatings & rape are legal..... There was also one about Saudi & Qatar selling arms to ISIS............