Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • even if I were to block someone it wouldn't last, I always end up removing any blocks eventually - even with BigDog who drove me nuts to the point of blocking him I eventually un-blocked him - - and then he was gone

    no point in staying upset with people even if they say things that I think are crazy - - eventually I try my best to let love prevail

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • even if I were to block someone it wouldn't last, I always end up removing any blocks eventually - even with BigDog who drove me nuts to the point of blocking him I eventually un-blocked him - - and then he was gone

    no point in staying upset with people even if they say things that I think are crazy - - eventually I try my best to let love prevail

    NO NO - you misunderstand - the folks we are talking about were banned from the forum - period by Rabtech. IMO ya gotta be a pretty bad A hole to get yourself banned from this forum. We had one guy Sam I think his name was and he had put a lot of helpful videos for the newbies. He got involved with the politics thread and when nobody agreed with him instead of trying to have a debate just quit the forum and took down all the instruction videos. I thought taking down the videos was kinda a dick move but overall if we have only had 8 people banned in 8 years that’s a pretty good indication that we have adults in the conversation. I’m waiting for some agitators to show up between now and November…. I’ll be waiting 😬

    thanks FunCycle for info

    I might not be right but I can sure sound like it

  • NO NO - you misunderstand - the folks we are talking about were banned from the forum - period by Rabtech. IMO ya gotta be a pretty bad A hole to get yourself banned from this forum. We had one guy Sam I think his name was and he had put a lot of helpful videos for the newbies. He got involved with the politics thread and when nobody agreed with him instead of trying to have a debate just quit the forum and took down all the instruction videos. I thought taking down the videos was kinda a dick move but overall if we have only had 8 people banned in 8 years that’s a pretty good indication that we have adults in the conversation. I’m waiting for some agitators to show up between now and November…. I’ll be waiting 😬

    thanks FunCycle for info

    Sam Owens did leave the forum...(sad) but most of his videos are still up on the web Sam Owens Mod Designs for Polaris Slingshot - YouTube He did do some very good videos.... Just wanted things his way.

  • Did our taxes today - Think its stupid that the federal gov will tax Social Security and very happy that California does not

    I think Social Security should never be subject to income taxation

    although, for the first time we are actually getting money sent to us from the State, only $45, but WTF :)

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Where is America headed? A few years back I watched a show "The food that built America". The economic model was built upon competition providing a customer a desired product, produced in a cost effective manner at a price the customer was willing to pay. It spurred ingenuity which benefited everyone. From Dave Tomas advertising fresh burgers, then struggling to stay in business due to throwing out unused meat at the end of the day. Hence Wendy's chilli. McDonnald brothers using an assembly line for burgers. Pressure cooking KFC chicken.

    Look at this all over the place list of which everyone is going to twist, manipulate, hide, violate, hire under the table (loosing massive tax dollars) increase prices to everyone. Layoffs etc.…ually-gets-it/ar-BB1kT81Y

    This is what innovation in America has become.,

    In a financial analysis conducted by the Roosevelt Institute — a nonprofit organization focused on corporate and public power, labor, wages, and the economics of race and gender inequality — concluded that the fast food industry’s “profit margins provide sufficient room to absorb higher wage costs.”

    They typically serve food and drinks for immediate consumption either on-site or to-go, with limited or no table service. This includes McDonald’s and Pizza Hut, which announced it anticipates laying off over 1,000 delivery drivers as a result of the new wages.

  • May be an image of 2 people, the Oval Office and text that says 'EVER NOTICE THAT BIDEN SUPPORTERS NEVER POST ANYTHING PRO-BIDEN? IT'S ALL JUST ANTI-TRUMP.'

    Funny thing about this....And I have seen it discussed many times here.

    Likely many of the "Biden supporters" are not actually "supporters", but just "anti Trumpers", being directed to what they perceive as the only option besides Trump. I have read many articles on Reps confused because they don't want to vote for Biden, but they don't want to vote for Trump.

    And they are not going to vote Lib (sorry Edward Neal )

    Moderates/independents are going to be the key to this election. When the balance of power swings too far left or right, its the moderates and independents that control the vote.

  • unfortunately in this country the two parties have such a lock on the system that you either vote for one of the two options they give us, or you stay home and dont vote - - or possibly do something that is purly symbolic and vote for someone who has no real chance of actually even getting a meaningful number of votes - - - the two party system and their total lock on our system has made the idea of being independent meaningless - in this election you either vote Trump or Biden or accept that your vote is not going to actually count - - - God knows I wish this were not actually true, as a Libertarian I would love an option that actually stood a chance, but I dont have one and it sucks

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • unfortunately in this country the two parties have such a lock on the system that you either vote for one of the two options they give us, or you stay home and dont vote - - or possibly do something that is purly symbolic and vote for someone who has no real chance of actually even getting a meaningful number of votes - - - the two party system and their total lock on our system has made the idea of being independent meaningless - in this election you either vote Trump or Biden or accept that your vote is not going to actually count - - - God knows I wish this were not actually true, as a Libertarian I would love an option that actually stood a chance, but I dont have one and it sucks

    you are not wrong. I can say though, in Canada, we have many fringe parties, but 3 main ones. Three main are Liberals=Democrats, Conseratives=Republicans, NDP (New Democrat Party) = Far left Democrats (even closer to Socialism that the Liberals).

    Liberals and Conservatives rule the elections, with the NDP typically coming in 3rd, but then aligning and making deals with the Libs to force agenda.

    I can't see the NDP gaining enough to win a Federal election themselves. BUT, back in 1990, when people in Ontario were fed up with Cons and Libs, they voted NDP in as the provincial government. What a mess. Based on that, I can pretty much say with certainty, that will not happen again. Back to flip flopping between Libs and Cons.

    A 3rd party on the far fringes of either of the ruling parties left or right, just wouldn't make it, 3rd party that is moderate/centrist might have a chance, but they have to convince the masses that they are the proper choice.

  • unfortunately as things currently are the democrats and Republicans have so much power that they literally will no allow a moderate centrist party to exist - they wont allow them on the ballots in the States and they wont even let them on the debate stage - seriously, this cycle we had the so called "No Labels" party come along and say they were going to field centrist candidates that would be moderate and "for the people" and now they have been totally shut out and have announced they wont field any candidates - - - the two Parties literally own the process in this country to the point that under the law they can field candidates that dont even win the primaries if they were to choose to do so. - - Actually love him or hate him Trump is possibly the only exception, I honestly think the Republican Party would choose someone else if they thought they could get away with it - - - like it or not Trump is the only candidate that has actually been chosen by the people and it drives the Republican and Democrat establishment nuts!!

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies