Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • I think it was dump, who lost by 3 million the first time and 7 million the second time, who said, "It is what it is."

    He is directly responsible for over HALF A MILLION DEATHS.

    Has molested at least 19 women.

    Y'all are waiting for his second coming. Malria says she is waiting for his FIRST.

    To paraphrase you: Do you have proof that he molested 19 women? No you don't. You know it, I know it and everyone here knows it.

    We know Trump banged his wife; a super model. We know Trump banged Stormy Daniels a very attractive porn star. I've seen a good portion of these accusers and let's just say compared to Mrs. Trump and Stormy they are somewhat "bow wow".

    Remember one of Kavanaugh's accusers? The one who admitted SHE LITERALLY MADE EVERYTHING UP FOR ATTENTION? Main accuser didn't remember squat, the other made it up AND YOU THINK THE DEMOCRATS ARE CREDIBLE WHEN THEY PARADE VICTIMS?

    You blame Trump for EVERY SINGLE COVID DEATH despite the fact that it came from CHINA and Nancy Pelosi was urging people to go out to Chinatown WHILE TRUMP WAS INITIATING TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS TO KEEP AS MANY INFECTED OUT OF THE COUNTRY AS POSSIBLE. ...and I almost forgot... THEY CALLED HIM RACIST FOR THOSE TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS.

    CHINA who has officials ON VIDEO admitting that the demcorat party will work IN THEIR FAVOR and you think they are on YOUR side? You sir are gullible and to them you are a useful idiot.

    ...on the election:

    Do you really think Hillary HONESTLY won the primary in 2016? She couldn't fill up a public library while Sanders filled up stadiums.

    Do you HONESTLY think JoePedo won the primary in 2020? That your fellow democrats picked an aging pedophile as opposed to the gorgeous and intelligent Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang or AGAIN Bernie Sanders? Like Hillary in 2016 JoePedo was getting his ass handed to him RIGHT UNTIL THE END when he was winning everything he had to.

    Democrats rigged the primaries in 2016 and 2020 (I think there was a lawsuit in 2016 where the DNC said your vote doesn't matter). Tried to rig 2016 general election and successfully rigged 2020.

    The Democrat party loves people like you; zero ability to think critically and you will swallow any bullshit they throw at you, you will then thank them and ask for more.

  • So bigdog doesn't believe any fact checking or sources to be true, unless they are completely bias and supporting his viewpoint only???

    At times their bias is sickening.

    I was trying to find the political affiliation for the top 10 cities with the highest murders. I stumbled upon a "fact check" article looking to see if those cities were democrat run. Politifact rated it as mostly false with about 20 pp explaining why it is "unfair" to tie political affiliation to gun crime... Near the end of the article they stated that 22 out of the top 25 cities for gun crimes were democrat run.

    This was my original post on the subject.

  • Proud boys, MAGA maggots, and other Dumpers, "You sir are gullible and to them you are a useful idiot."

  • At times their bias is sickening.

    I was trying to find the political affiliation for the top 10 cities with the highest murders. I stumbled upon a "fact check" article looking to see if those cities were democrat run. Politifact rated it as mostly false with about 20 pp explaining why it is "unfair" to tie political affiliation to gun crime... Near the end of the article they stated that 22 out of the top 25 cities for gun crimes were democrat run.

    This was my original post on the subject.

    fact checker is BS term designed to push a narrative opposite of the one stated.... to make the writer of that narrative look like a liar or they used made up facts....just as made up as their “fact checker” facts.. when I see the term fact checked at the beginning of a story I ignore it. I’m not a sleeping sheep. I do tons of research...

  • Dump would know about bankruptcy. He has filed it almost as many time as he has played grab ass with unsuspecting women. BUT, the Evangelicals still love him. Which takes away any credibility they might have had.

  • those real total voter numbers gives me Great hope for the future of the republic...

    first there are at least 103 million voters with functioning brains...

    second, I thought at least half of the country voted for Biden...but doing the math....only around 1/4 of the voters did....that means there are a lot less idiots than I first thought. That gives me comfort....rejoice Trumpers....all is not lost...

    Third, if you deduct the phony voters, the unregistered voters, the illegal voters and the duplicate voters...that number drops down to about 1 million....which wouldn’t make a pimple on Trumps ass..... so today we should all celebrate the future .....because the fraud will not stand.... 2.0 is incoming....

  • If I was the ruler of Russia, Iran or North Korea, I would really be afraid of the strength and ability of the new president of the United States. I hope those of voted for SLEEPY JOE, really understood what they were going to get if he was elected. Too bad it's too late to change your vote now.

    And to think, the LIBERAL MEDIA NEWS OUTLETS all made fun of trump when he held onto the railing when he walked down WET stairs last year. No comparison

    Nobody gets outta here ALIVE