Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • you as a Republican just can’t handle the word democracy in your though process. Its too close to Democrats for you. But you are in fact a representative democracy.

  • To change gears just a tad - is anybody watching the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard shit show?? How is this being televised?? I really can’t possibly think of anything I give a shit about less than this. What do you guys think- maybe I’m all wet ???

    I watched a few minutes if his testimony and had to shut it off. His incoherent rambling and inability to form a complete sentence was unbearable.

  • Why stop there why not just make sure that if your license plate ends in an odd number you get gas on Monday Wednesday Friday and if it ends in an even number you get gas on Tuesday Thursday Saturday.

    And let’s just stop calling him Sir Branson. I suggest Jimmy! What say you?

    ( I say drill baby drill and then drill again and when you’re done with that start fracking!)

    We’ll get there when we get there and not a minute before. 😎

  • you as a Republican just can’t handle the word democracy in your though process. Its too close to Democrats for you. But you are in fact a representative democracy.

    You obviously haven't followed much of what I have posted in this thread over the years if you had you would know I am not a Republican

    If you had followed my posts you would know that think both the Republican & Democrat Parties are the root cause of everything that is wrong in politics. As far as I'm concerned the Republican and Democrat Parties might as well be one and the same - - both want control and power and neither gives a crap about the people and I would be willing to bet good money that behind closed doors they laugh their asses off at how successful they have been at dividing us knowing full well that keeping us divided is the most powerful thing they can do to insure they stay in power.

    Our two party system has been allowed to evolve where our life time politicians have become a special elite class of citizen that pass laws for you and me and then makes sure they are exempt from those same laws

    Fact is our two party system - the Republicans & Democrats has pretty much turned into the exact same thing that this country had a revolution to get away from

    So, now that you know I am not a Republican, which cult do you belong too? who's kool aid do you drink? Seriously which party have you surrendered control too? - - - Democrats want 100% control of you wallet - and Republicans want 100% control of your morality - - - so which one did you sell out too??

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Fortunately, I can’t vote in the USA. ( One federal election is enough for me), Only Canada, essentially we have 2 main parties that will switch power like in the US, Liberals and Conservatives, in our federal election. Provincial elections (like your state elections) there have been 3 parties in power, in the province where I love. One party has been elected once and the other 2 flip flop.

    i don't have a specific party that I am set on. I wait to see who has the best platform that I support, but I am pretty close to centre.

    And you, which party did you sell out to? (Been here a short time, so have not been following your posts on your views)

  • Fortunately, I can’t vote in the USA. ( One federal election is enough for me), Only Canada, essentially we have 2 main parties that will switch power like in the US, Liberals and Conservatives, in our federal election. Provincial elections (like your state elections) there have been 3 parties in power, in the province where I love. One party has been elected once and the other 2 flip flop.

    i don't have a specific party that I am set on. I wait to see who has the best platform that I support, but I am pretty close to centre.

    And you, which party did you sell out to? (Been here a short time, so have not been following your posts on your views)

    I am registered as a Libertarian - - I find their Party platform pretty much fits exactly with my political views - If you have the time please read it - Platform

    In California for the primaries this excludes me from even voting for the Republican options as they prepares are only open to registered Republicans - - - not that it would matter anyway - the Democrats own California and all of our electoral college votes are allocated winner take all so even if 49% of the people voted for the Republican in a presidential election and 52% for the Democrat 100% of the final electoral college vote for the State would be given to the democrat - - - like I told you - - NOT a democracy

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

    Edited once, last by Edward Neal ().

  • I think this is hilarious - - big corporations want to stick their noses into politics - - then they take their chances - Disney to be stripped of special status

    Cage Free - 2016 Pearl Red SL

    DDM Short Shifter, Sway Bar Mounts Coolant tank Master Cylinder Brace & CAI

    Twist Dynamics Sway Bar, JRI GT Coilovers, Assault Hood Vent

    OEM Double Bubble windshields & various other goodies

  • Lets hypothetically say Disney goes broke and closes down. Even if they themselves pay very little in taxes (no idea what they currently pay), the loss of revenue the state of Florida would lose just due to tourism is monstrous. Including lost jobs, etc.

    This would have to be made up somewhere.
    The amount of lost revenue due to tourism is around $5billion from what I have read.

    So my question, how would you be if due to something like this happening, your state taxes where raised taking more money out of your weekly paycheque, or maybe a higher sales tax on everything you buy? This would all be implemented by DeSantis of course as he is running the show. Sorry we need to raise taxes as we have lost $5B in revenue.

    As I said, hypothetical. Each action causes a reaction.