Conservative Politics & Daily Events Discussion

  • FAUCI NFG....father of Covid and killer of mankind.....

    no way he’s totally honest and above reproach ....he would never kill millions for money..... I’m calling the above video BS.... I’m in denial..... give me the shot now, please .....I’m sorry I ever doubted you dr faucinstein...... forgive me.

    PS....he’s going to die in gitmo....with a neck tie party..... along with many of his associates.....thank God. Justice will be served.... not soon enough ....hanging will never be a good enough torture for him.....

    and I’m the one that’s blocked and ignored..... LOL....

    An apology is in order ....... I won’t hold my breath.....your welcome.

    The lady in the video is an absolute national hero. She should be honored and compensated for her bravery and the torment she has been put through.....let her put the rope around faucinsteins neck....

  • Banned inmediately fron Youtube and censored in almost every social media platform. Enjoy.

    I saw this over a year ago and some parts are certainly true and some are false.

    I am not saying this to anyone directly but as with anything we see, read, hear now days one believes what they want based on their beliefs and not necessarily the truth.

    If one is anti vax, most anything related to vax is bad and just the oposite for those who are not anti vax. If one is right most anything derogatory about he left is believed and again visa versa for those on the left.

    Can someone please tell me for certain who killed JFK and which government agency was responsible for bringing down the Twin Towers. Just a couple of cents from someone who is almost out of cents...

    When the going gets tough.... Downshift.

  • so MiM...... to continue this from the funny email thread.... what exactly to you not believe?

    They just proved dr faucinstein has been lying about much of the Covid stuff including the shot, where it came from and who started it and why.....You denying those claims? If so why? Based on what? More and more written evidence and whistleblowers are surfacing to back all of it up..... this is the biggest scandal of the 21 century.... he almost killed the world and you’re in denial...

    What makes you blinded to the truth..

    and from the newest evidence that’s in the above older mentioned vaccine and dr fauci video...... if you got the shot (my girlfriend included) you should be on your knees praying every night that it is just a conspiracy.....but the evidence from multiple sources isn’t supporting the story they spew about it.

  • The full movie is even more interesting. Its the 2nd link.

    interesting is the wrong word..... if anyone can read between the lines of this and other recent videos and evidence..... people that got the shot are dead men walking... time will tell....if it’s even slightly’s horrible, despicable and’s the devils work presented by the deep state to I mentioned many times before....they want at least 5 billion people dead. The depopulation through vaccines that Gates and fauci and the deep state want. It’s the very rich controlling the world because they can...... you mean nothing to them. You’re just a useless oxygen user. Using vaccines is an innocent not blatant means of death....the virus will always be blamed....not the shot..... you were just an unlucky one that got their man made manipulated virus.... sorry but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

    The vaccine they gave you was supposed to be in your arm which has been their rally cry.... “shots in the arm” the arm it was just supposed to stay in that area and slowly be ingested into the rest of your body.... the spike proteins which was supposed to be the saving grace in all not what it should have’s a mistake and it’s out of control..... keep watching the videos until you can understand exactly what is happening. Once the spike proteins get into the bloodstream,.... it was never meant to be put directly injected into the blood vessels.... it goes everywhere and attaches to your major organs which causes much bad stuff to happen . It also slightly coagulates the blood from the build up of the spike proteins causing clots.... it wasn’t supposed to act this way...... so now you can debate whether that’s the truth or a big lie also.....

    There is no way to stop the spike proteins at this point....unless they can develop an antidote and what makes you think they want to? They put actual substances in the shot that are proved to be poison to us. They put in nano particles that are supposed to be somehow electronic devices...... and instead of denying that ....look up nano particles and nanobots.... sub miniature circuit boards and robotics that can be preprogrammed or externally stimulated to do stuff inside you.

    Virus came from China, 5G came from China..... that’s the external stimulation ...why do you think they pushed it all over the world.... what else are they pushing all around the world.... shots in the arm....

    I’ve read there could be holistic means to remove the nano stuff from the body.... I can’t say if it works or not.... trying to convince people to try it is another matter...... my girlfriend flips out maniac if I turn on Fox do you think the deniers are going to try it... LOL. You can’t even get em to do a few mouse clicks of independent research....

    Deniers are doomed.... which path are you going to stay on?

  • But isnt it great how everyone should be able to make their own assumptions on what is real or fake? Who gave google the right to completely censor and hide the video from the American people with the excuse of " misinformation". I feel very strongly about our first amendment.

  • But isnt it great how everyone should be able to make their own assumptions on what is real or fake? Who gave google the right to completely censor and hide the video from the American people with the excuse of " misinformation". I feel very strongly about our first amendment.

    all the MSM and social platforms are controlled by the deep state as propaganda tools....they are following orders. ... they hate America, they want you dead.

  • But isnt it great how everyone should be able to make their own assumptions on what is real or fake? Who gave google the right to completely censor and hide the video from the American people with the excuse of " misinformation". I feel very strongly about our first amendment.


    Though, their business, their rights/terms of service and usage, etc...

    So the problem could be looked at from another way, "What gave anyone the right to think everyone works for them and should do what they think is best?"

    You don't like it? Stop using it... Problem solved. As for the rest of the sheep... Well, ignorance is bliss, right? Maybe if enough did that, it would hurt what matters, their money. Until then... Baa...