Bragging Time

  • In the group picture - that super cute girl in the front row, second from right, in the stripes ...... same kid at 8:30 AM presentation is my oldest - Brianna.

    She works in the Child Life Department at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison.

    Most days she spends with tiny little boys and girls who are unfortunate - unfortunate to have 3rd degree burns or cancer. As hard as the staff tries some of these kids will never go home but some how, some way Brianna continues to go back to work.

    As a valentines day gift for kids and staff she and I made almost 100 jello flavored popcorn balls.

    I'm not sure how she does it - my eyes weep and my heart hurts everytime I hear of the stories that these poor kids and families go though but I am proud of her and the work she does.

    Ok back to your regularly scheduled programming - thanks for letting me brag

    sent from my FAST red slingshot

  • @Ross. Thank God we have people like you daughter who work with these kids. It truly takes a special person to do this type of work. My daughter was a NICU Nurse for years at a Children's Hospital. Glad she could do it. It just really tears me up to see these little kids fighting cancer, recovering from burns, and newborn babies born to drug addicted mothers and the hell these newborns go thru with withdrawals. You should be proud of your daughter, I sure am proud of mine.

  • @Ross, great story brother! OK, long story here, my daughter in law (Erica) is a Child Life Specialist at Yale New Haven Hospital. A few years ago, I was at a Holiday office party with my wife and the people she works with. A few of the Doctors in the office were there as well. I was talking one of them, Janice, who was my Dad's physician. Her daughter Annie, had a liver transplant years earlier at the age of 2. She asked me about my son Kyle, because she knew he just got engaged. I told her about Erica, where she worked and what she does. Tears ran down her face instantly! She said:
    "We couldn't have gotten through Annie's surgeries without them. They were our salvation the whole time we were at Boston Children's with her. They are undoubtedly, the most under rated, and under paid professionals in medicine. It's embarrassing to me, that our profession doesn't acknowledge them as equals, and pay them accordingly"

    Tell your daughter for me that she's awesome, please.

    Never trust a ConnMan!!
    (Man I love that line!)