Did the shocks change for 16.5 year break?

  • stupid question but can someone with a 2015 confirm something for me. If memory serves me I don't recall the 2015 having a removable retainer for the front shocks and springs....
    This is my 2016.5 with a slotted retainer for the spring. I know the shocks are crap... I get that but if i can remove these springs I can play with a cheap suspension upgrade by just changing springs rather than everything. Need to see if the rear is that way as well.

    Proud supporter of S.O.G.

    (Slingshot Owners Group)


    Owner/operator: MeanSling LLC :thumbsup:

  • mine must have been turned perfectly around because i never saw the slot.. freaking stupid if me. Just assumed they were fixed setup.
    Thanks @Dave@DDMWorks .... Did a lot of spring stuff with my old Spitfire several years back. The mod bug is strong but all extra cash goes to another project so easy simple inexpensive solutions are all I want to afford for now. Looking for about 1/2" to 1" drop max with slight stiffer rate.

    Proud supporter of S.O.G.

    (Slingshot Owners Group)


    Owner/operator: MeanSling LLC :thumbsup: